June 4, 2014

Two steps forward

And two steps back... I can not get over how great Caden did with the beach. I am so proud of him. He was really doing such a great job with the beach house and all the people and then we had the meltdown of all meltdowns over toothpaste. We have come so far with brushing teeth. We finally got him to brush his teeth without panic and then we hit a bump in the road. For the past couple of years we have used the same toothpaste for him. There was only one kind we could get him to use a little of and guess what happened right before our trip. We ran out! After searching numerous stores with no luck and finding only 4 bottles left on Amazon for $10 a piece we learn they are no longer making it. So what do we do? Do we buy the 4 bottles and cross the same bridge in a few months or buy every other kind we thing he might like including the one that is the same color and flavor just different cover. Of course we decided to come home with a million different kinds only to cause him sure panic. It breaks my heart that we have come so far and now we are back where we started. My poor boy has so much anxiety and I'm pretty sure the neighbors think we are torturing him nightly.

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