April 7, 2014

Run for our money

This sweet face is giving us a run for our money. I'd be lying if I didn't say I am already counting down to his 4th birthday. I remember 3 being way harder for the twins, but this is UNBELIEVABLE! I'm sure it has nothing to do with having two older siblings who he shared a love/hate relationship with. He loves to be into anything they are into especially those really cool Lego projects that Caden has spent hours working on avid now suddenly it is broken or pieces have disappeared. He loves to now play with Playdoh with Em and mix all the colors which frustrates her to no end. On the flip side he is just as frustrated having a second mother in his big sister. Workd War 3 is constantly on the verge of beginning thanks to Jackson's new found voice. He is constantly talking and REPEATING everything you say. It drives his brother MAD. Caden blows up and a back bad firth shouting match ensues. Imagine being stuck with them in a mini van. I now know why people let their kids watch movies in their vans even just around town. 
And last of course he wants what the other person has. Teaching this turn taking thing is hard work. 
Oh my Mr. Jackson you certainly are a handful. Thankfully you are a very cute handful. 

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