April 22, 2014


It has only taken me over 240 days to convince Emmeline to take out her starter earrings. She has been so terrified every time I barely touch the back that she decides she doesn't want to do it. She would go into sheer panic. Last week Emmeline decided she wanted to try jiu jitsu and one of the rules is no jewelery - with one minute until class starts I quickly pulled those earring out of her ears. Thankfully she had kids around her so she didn't want to cause a scene. Later that night I told her that we needed to put earrings in so her holes didn't close up. Boy did I wish some of her peers were around then. I managed to get her new beautiful diamond earrings in. Once I got them in and she realized it didn't hurt she pranced around showing everyone her FANCY earrings. It was pretty cute to see her walk up to someone, tilt her head, tuck her hair behind her ears, and show of her diamonds.
The other night at bedtime I went to check on them and take them out and some angel was watching out for her and her earrings. The first one I checked was missing a back. How it was still in her ear and we did not lose it anywhere in the house is beyond me. Looks like we will be heading down to see Louie about getting a new back for her earring and a good excuse for me to go drool over all the jewelry displays.

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