June 12, 2015


Today we honored an incredible person. Pop was simply amazing. He lived a life that was made for the movies. He loved his family so much and it was so nice to hear so many fun stories about Pop. Many I have heard, but some new. I don't think I will ever look at a brick or a car with cruise control with out a chuckle thinking of Pop.  And the pictures.... they were priceless. Pop had this great smile and hands. Even with the shakes, I will remember his great handshake and squeezes.  I am honored that I knew him and I am so thankful that our kids knew their Great Pop. Just a few weeks ago on Memorial Day we took the kids to visit Great Pop and told them all about Pop's story. I am so glad we were able to get a picture of him with the kids. Tonight at bedtime Emmeline broke my heart with some very tricky questions. As a parent you want to answer them all truthfully and tonight I had to tell her I don't know how some things work and why. How do you answer a child that asks how her Great Pop will find her when she gets in heaven or will Pop forget me or forget what I look like? Or I won't look the same when I see him, how will he know me? Ughhh... It was a very hard night for both of us. After crying for awhile she told me she was so afraid she would forget him. That I could finally help with. She now has a few pictures of Great Pop next to her bed and I promised I would remind her of stories and times with him, like when they use to go and play cards at Pop's bed table and the lunches and snacks on the patio. With tears in my eyes I am going to wrap up the post and say thank you Pop for being amazing. I know Chris is who he is because of great influences like you and his Dad. Pop, you are a great example of service, patriotism, and loyalty all things we hope to teach our children.

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