May 5, 2013

Party in the park

Today I was lucky enough to celebrate one of my favorite people's birthday. I am so lucky to have such a great friend. she is my partner in crime with the craft blog, my late night crafting buddy, my biggest cheerleader ( she's great at encouraging lots of house projects), personal shopper (love when she cleans out her closet), therapist when i need advice. She is such a great friend and auntie, but she is an even more amazing mom. I love watching her as a mom and soon she will be a mommy of 2.
To celebrate my beastie we loaded the kids up minus Caden and headed to Davis to have a a little picnic in the park and enjoy the farmers market. The weather was perfect and the company was delightful. The kids spotted the jumpy houses and begged to go. I find it funny that we have our own nice clean jump house that we own and they want to go in a crowded one at the park. Later on Emmeline sweet talked Uncle Gabe into taking her to the slides and comes back with a fancy balloon bracelet. After a night full of fun and snacks it was time to head home and get ready for a fun Thursday.

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