May 19, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Today I was spoiled by my 3 little loves and my amazing husband. I woke up to a wonderful breakfast from Black Bear and 3 adorable kids. The kids did a great job getting ready for church without much help and we all made it to church early- that rarely happens. We followed up church with a delicious brunch with one of my favorites potato pancakes. My Dad did a great job perfecting the recipe. After our bellies were nice and full the girls headed out for some pampering. Emmeline has really been doing such a great job at events that I thought she was getting old enough to come along for a pedicure. She loved the pampering and giggled with excitement. I am pretty sure I started a bad habit. It was so much fun having 4 generations of girls hanging out. I was so glad i was able to take my mom for some pampering. she is the strongest person i know. she has been thrown a lot of curve balls lately and has done a great job with each. She not only helps me so much with my kids but has been caring for my Dad and my grandma. So blessed my kids get to see and know what a strong lady their Nama is.
After our pampering we went up to Nonie and Papa's for a delicious dinner. I was one spoiled girl with not having to cook or clean all day and getting to spend the day with my loves and some pretty incredible moms!

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