Today we took the kids to see The Lion King Musical. It was AMAZING!!!! I don't think I can write enough to do it justice. From the opening act we were all on the edge of our seats in awe. The costumes were incredible like true Disney fashion. Jackson lucked out and had an amazing seat. At the opening he had an amazing antelope character next to him singing and at the beginning of the 2nd act a super talented singer was flying birds and signing. He managed to get a high five and I managed to get a death glare look from Caden because I had my camera out. In my defense the lights were not all out and she was right next to him!!!!
I hope the kids never forget this show and continue to love to go to the theater. I have so many fond memories of my parents taking me when I was young.

December 24, 2016
My Heart is Full
Yesterday and today are those days you don't want to forget. We spent most of yesterday unboxing, sorting, and organizing toys for the big Mission Solano event on Christmas Eve. Today the kids were able to see who they were helping. They saw where all the toys they donate go and saw the families they were blessing. The best part was seeing the kids in the back finding just the perfect present for the boy or girl out front. They had good eagle eyes and were on it looking for the Shopkins and Pokemon requests. It made my heart want to burst when they would up and run and tell me they found the perfect gift for them. When we left the kids saw the crowds in line to go and get a coat. It was hard for them to wrap them minds around. I hope they grow up realizing how blessed they are and continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus and serve others. I couldn't have been more proud of my tribe and all my friends helping.
December 19, 2016
I am kind of obsessed with my birthday present! I am having so much fun changing it up for the holidays and Instagram is a wealth of ideas. Here are two of my Christmas favorites so far. I think I may not change it until after Christmas and start working on a New Year's one.
December 8, 2016
Old Saint Nick
Much to the confusion of my kiddos we rushed out of school and changed into some Christmas jammies in the van eager for a surprise. They thought I was crazy until they spotted their cousins Hailey and Jailynn in pj's too. We lucked out and got to Santa's workshop before the rush. In fact since no one was behind us in line they let us spend A LOT of time with Santa - maybe too much! Caden started asking questions. That boy I think is putting things together. This year he wouldn't let me read his letter to Santa because why would I need to read it and today when Santa asked what he wanted he said,"Santa, I sent you a letter. You should know." YIKES!!!
The kids finally got settled and we snapped some cute pictures. I am betting by next year Hailey and Jailynn are totally going to know what is going on.
After pictures I took Caden to go buy some toys for the Toy Drive. We have been working on things to do to fill our Giving Manger and hearing what the kids have done and what they want to do just makes my heart explode. We had already donated toys to the fire station, but Caden knew they were collecting toys at his school for a family. He was so sweet and really thought about what certain things kids those ages would want. He has the sweetest heart. He also politely pointed out things that perhaps he might like too.
The kids finally got settled and we snapped some cute pictures. I am betting by next year Hailey and Jailynn are totally going to know what is going on.
After pictures I took Caden to go buy some toys for the Toy Drive. We have been working on things to do to fill our Giving Manger and hearing what the kids have done and what they want to do just makes my heart explode. We had already donated toys to the fire station, but Caden knew they were collecting toys at his school for a family. He was so sweet and really thought about what certain things kids those ages would want. He has the sweetest heart. He also politely pointed out things that perhaps he might like too.
December 2, 2016
Sharks and Dory
We loaded the kids up in the van and headed to San Jose for a fun night with Uncle Jon, Aunt Rachel, Esther, and Ruth. We arrived and were all so excited that Pizza My Heart was for dinner. We have carb overloaded to prepare for week ahead of giving them up. The boys took off after dinner and walked to the Shark Tank. How cool is it that they live close enough to walk there?!?! No fighting traffic or parking- Amazing!!! The girls hung out for some girl talk, popcorn, and Finding Dory. After the movie and game we got all the kids situated in beds and enjoyed some more wine and adult conversation. We Yelped the best donut shop around and Daddy/Uncle Chris was on a mission in the morning to find them. It was such a fun night. I love the memories these kids are making. It makes me want to start counting down for another cousin trip to Sunriver!
November 26, 2016
Trim the Tree
Break did not really go as planned. We had two very sick boys and one mama who was fighting hard not to get what they had. Despite being sick all break they got out of bed and trimmed the tree. I love watching them decorate the tree. It's amazing the tree doesn't tip over with how they all pick the same spot to put ALL of their ornaments. They get so excited over every ornament and remembering where it came from or who gave it to them. With two eight year olds and an almost 6 year old who each get a new ornament every year and all their homemade school ornaments we hardly dipped into Mommy and Daddy's ornaments. I decided to hang our first baby ornaments, our White House collection, and two other special ones, other then that it's all the kids. It's crazy to see their collection grow over the years.
November 20, 2016
My World
I have learned over the years that the only way I can really get everyone to not complain about taking family pictures is to schedule it on MY DAY. So a few weeks back my super talented cousin agreed to meet me to take pictures of what is most precious to me. We thought we would try someplace new and oh my, we were in for a treat. I chatted with the sweet owner of Soul Food Farms and we were able to have run of her farm for an hour. The kids were in heaven. Between the trees, the super friendly cat, the ranch dog, the hay maze, and the hidden tire swing they didn't want to leave. It made taking pictures not a chore, but it also meant Darci had to be fast. The kids had a blast. It also made me want to add a small farm or some land in the country to my Christmas list. I can dream... Here are a few of my favorites.
November 10, 2016
The Day After Decision Day
I tucked in two kids who were rooting for two different people. It was very funny to me how that came to be? It's funny what they pick up on at school from teachers and on the playground. Their Dad and I have always kept to ourselves who we are voting for and make it a point not to show them too much news. I had one go to bed not wanting a female because she did illegal stuff and another who doesn't want Trump because he is worried his friend will have to go back to Mexico. What a crazy, crazy time that my 8 year olds are coming home and telling me this. So as I stayed up in the wee hours of the morning to see who our president would be and I thought to myself, "what will I tell the kids in the morning?" I knew one would take it harder then the other. So in the morning they came in my room eager to hear the news. We had to have a heart to heart way earlier then I was wanting and on way little sleep. I don't know if it is right but here is what I told them. If the person who you wanted won, please don't gloat about it at school and be gracious and if the person you didn't want won well... that's the thing about democracy. The cool thing is we live in a democratic country. And we are lucky for that. (I really need to break out the School House Rocks Songs this weekend to help explain democracy better and the whole checks and balances.) I reminded them just like at home with our choices sometimes you like them and sometimes you don't. I also reminded them that they may not like who won and they may hear a lot of stuff at school but he is going to be our new President and we are going to respect him and the system. I tried my best to explain that is what makes America so great. Let's hope President Trump doesn't prove us wrong and makes wise choices. At this point I guess all we can do is pray for him to humble and surround himself with wise counsel.
Craft Fair Season
Craft fair season is done!!!! I don't think I get to call it a season when I only do 1 show ??? Well my season or my show is DONE! I have no inventory left and I am finishing up a few orders tomorrow. It was a fun and crazy couple months prepping for it but, I am excited to have my nights back to reading. I am so looking forward to catching up on some new books.
Craft fair season is done!!!! I don't think I get to call it a season when I only do 1 show ??? Well my season or my show is DONE! I have no inventory left and I am finishing up a few orders tomorrow. It was a fun and crazy couple months prepping for it but, I am excited to have my nights back to reading. I am so looking forward to catching up on some new books.
November 8, 2016
Braces no Bras is
This sweet girl go braces today. If you were one of the lucky ones who got a text from her, she did not get a bra too. She is so cute with her sounding out words to spell. She sent many people a message that read, "I got bras is today." I think her dad had a little freak out moment when he received that text. She was so excited at the dentist office to pick out her colors. She was all smiles and I am not going to lie I was all tears. Not only does she look so much older with them but, there is a lot more work involved for mom in the morning and night to clean them. I am really hoping the thrill and excitement doesn't wear off soon because Mom and Dad have MANY more years of payments for that beautiful smile.
September 21, 2016
Breaker, breaker
Come by our house around 7:30 on a weeknight and you will get a good giggle. Emmeline and her little friend down the street do little walkie talkie chats at night before bed. It is so funny to hear what they are chatting about. Tonight their code names were Luna and Starshine. It's the cutest thing to hear their conversations and giggles. I fear the day when the door gets closed and mom is no longer cool enough to listen in.
September 19, 2016
Happy birthday Walker Roo
Can you believe this cutie is 1?!?! What a day it was one year ago. I will never forget showing up in all our pirate gear to see your mama working so hard to get you out. What a love bug you are. We love you so much. Caden and I are sad we missed your big party, but we hope you like the sign and the visitors you had in your yard.
September 12, 2016
Do you have a minute to talk
Here is what I have learned the past few weeks and days. When someone calls you and asks "do you have a minute to talk?" The answer should always be no. There is nothing good that can come from the conversation. From now on you will have to leave a message. I don't want to chat with anymore doctors or veterinarians for a very loooong time. I can't even begin to wrap my brain around the roller coaster that has become my life. Here's hoping for some good results and a smoother week.
August 29, 2016
Gray hair
These kids are determined to give me gray hair. Riding bikes on our street wasn't enough they had to add skateboarding to the list. I sit out there and watch them all the while holding my breath that we won't be making a trip to the E.R.
Welcome to the world
Sweet Jailynn made her appearance on Friday and she is as sweet as can be. She looks to us a lot like her big sister Hailey. Caden couldn't wait to meet her and took a special trip to the hospital without his brother and sister to visit her. We all can't wait to get some baby snuggle time with the newest little love.
August 19, 2016
Hardt's Honey

We survived!
The mama, the kindergartener, and two second graders all survived day 1. There were a few bumps and one heart breaking accident but we did it! Jack still wasn't thrilled to go in the morning. He door pictures were enough to break my heart.
The older two totally rocked theirs. 

Off we went with a happy rock in our pocket. Thanks Auntie Cari for the
idea! It was setting in for Jack and he still wasn't having it. I think I have to remember this pic for his senior page.
We got him line with tears in my eyes and I reminded him of his special rock in his pocket. He stayed in line and walked in - not without giving us an "I can't believe you are doing this to me look."
I so wanted to be that parent that stayed around and peeked in the window. Thankfully I had two others to get to class. They were so excited to see their teacher and classroom. It's going to be a great year for them.
At pick up I can report that Jackson got a train ticket for best behavior and was quick to call out the kid on day 1 that didn't. Best part... He is excited to go back tomorrow to see where the gingerbread boy is. I hope this lasts.
August 18, 2016
'Twas the day before the first day of kindergarten
Jackson was less then thrilled to go to kindergarten orientation. He was then really less thrilled when his sister nicely told him that now he will be going to school everyday like them. He quickly realized no more just mommy and Jackson excursions and activities while the twins are at school. He ripped at all my heartstrings when he wouldn't willingly line up with his class to practice. I had to put him in line and rip him off my side. To see my comedian kid with his head down crying broke me. In his room he told me was nervous....ugh was officially now a wreck. He thought his preschool buddies would be in his class and was sad he didn't know anyone. He wouldn't talk to his teacher and wouldn't let me take any pictures of him. It was a very bad orientation compared to his brother and sister. I don't remember it being this hard did them perhaps because they always had each other. Breaks my heart for Jack.
The one picture I managed to get which Jack quickly said, "delete that Mom!" And leaving orientation we headed to see Papa at the high school and we even got to park in the new parking lot.
When we got home Jack was playing nicely and then I saw him come out and keep touching his nose. I finally asked if his nose itched and he told me that he las something in there. Silly me I was thinking a booger but he informed me it was Lego! I'm not sure if this was an attempt to get out of schooling to school but it scared this Mama. Looking up there I couldn't see it which made me even more nervous. Since his breathing seemed fine I turned to Google for help and it turns out I'm not the first parent to deal with this issue. After a few different strategies we managed to get it out without a trip to the doctor.
August 13, 2016
Week one down
We all survived week 1 of mommy going back to work more than part time. Only 175 more days to go! 😠We were all exhausted and I'm not going to lie the dinner menu changed a few times. We may or may not have had breakfast for dinner twice this week. The kids rocked sports camps. They came home totally exhausted and ready for showers and bed by 5 o'clock. We learned Jackson does not like tennis - not at all, not one tiny bit. His poor coaches! I'm proud that he kept going. Thankfully they had swimming and snowcones every afternoon so that made dropping him off a little tolerable.
Em rocked tennis and loved her coaches.
Caden had a great time at golf camp with Grandpa and Uncle Danny and loved spending the afternoons playing Pokemon Go with Grandma. Thursday he came home from camp so excited that he took second in a putting contest and rocked chipping. Friday night Grandpa sported some special glasses after having cataract surgery and went out on the course with him. Caden did so great and drove the ball straight up the middle. I think this boy is ready to hit the course!
July 27, 2016
A little taste
I think last night I had a small taste of what teenage sleepovers will be like. The boys were so different from the girls. They very happily went to bed and were frustrated they could hear the girls still. By the time lights were out they were asleep. The girls were another story. At 11:30 when I was about to watch Jimmy I could still hear giggling. I went in to the room and was the uncool mom. I thought I did good and they all fell asleep and then at 12:45 I heard tip toes! Seriously I couldn't believe it! I then became "that mom" and threatened to separate them. I was exhausted and just wanted to go to sleep. I know feel so sorry for my mom and my many late night giggle fest sleepovers. Thankfully by 1 they were asleep and everyone was wide awake at 6.30 ready for pancakes. Whose kids are these?!?!
Eight is Great
I still can not wrap my mind around the fact that they are 8. How can that be?!?! I remember everything from that day 8 years ago. From the sights, to the smell of the hospital, the floruscent lights above me, to waiting and waiting to hear them cry when they were finally out. I'll never forget the machines or the beeps. It is all so engraved in my memory. Not s day goes by that I am so thankful that I have two healthy babies who had big odds against them. I love them so much. They have such a special bond. As much as they can push each other's buttons they have each other's back. They are night and day and completely different in so many ways, but together they are complete and have a bond that many of us don't. Today I took their picture at the time they were born and I thought to myself in a few years they will probably be too busy to be with me to do that. They are growing up too fast! Happy birthday sweet bug and buddy! I love you so much!
July 21, 2016
DeSanto Family Vacation
Another Santopadre DeTar Sunriver trip is in the books. We coined this trip DeSanto vacation. It was jammed packed with lots of new things we haven't done before. On the last day we headed for a walk to the river since our bikes were packed. I think we discovered our new favorite spot for our family photos. It was a beautiful day and almost doesn't look real.
Sunriver with friends
The DeSanto family vacation was a success! This year we introduced Sunriver to some of our friends. Because you have to book Sunriver way in advance we had already booked a house before we bought Juniper. So our friends stayed in Juniper and we were at Tan Oak. Staying at Tan Oak made me really appreciate our homes location and ease of getting places.
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