The older two totally rocked theirs. 

Off we went with a happy rock in our pocket. Thanks Auntie Cari for the
idea! It was setting in for Jack and he still wasn't having it. I think I have to remember this pic for his senior page.
We got him line with tears in my eyes and I reminded him of his special rock in his pocket. He stayed in line and walked in - not without giving us an "I can't believe you are doing this to me look."
I so wanted to be that parent that stayed around and peeked in the window. Thankfully I had two others to get to class. They were so excited to see their teacher and classroom. It's going to be a great year for them.
At pick up I can report that Jackson got a train ticket for best behavior and was quick to call out the kid on day 1 that didn't. Best part... He is excited to go back tomorrow to see where the gingerbread boy is. I hope this lasts.
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