August 29, 2016
Gray hair
These kids are determined to give me gray hair. Riding bikes on our street wasn't enough they had to add skateboarding to the list. I sit out there and watch them all the while holding my breath that we won't be making a trip to the E.R.
Welcome to the world
Sweet Jailynn made her appearance on Friday and she is as sweet as can be. She looks to us a lot like her big sister Hailey. Caden couldn't wait to meet her and took a special trip to the hospital without his brother and sister to visit her. We all can't wait to get some baby snuggle time with the newest little love.
August 19, 2016
Hardt's Honey

We survived!
The mama, the kindergartener, and two second graders all survived day 1. There were a few bumps and one heart breaking accident but we did it! Jack still wasn't thrilled to go in the morning. He door pictures were enough to break my heart.
The older two totally rocked theirs. 

Off we went with a happy rock in our pocket. Thanks Auntie Cari for the
idea! It was setting in for Jack and he still wasn't having it. I think I have to remember this pic for his senior page.
We got him line with tears in my eyes and I reminded him of his special rock in his pocket. He stayed in line and walked in - not without giving us an "I can't believe you are doing this to me look."
I so wanted to be that parent that stayed around and peeked in the window. Thankfully I had two others to get to class. They were so excited to see their teacher and classroom. It's going to be a great year for them.
At pick up I can report that Jackson got a train ticket for best behavior and was quick to call out the kid on day 1 that didn't. Best part... He is excited to go back tomorrow to see where the gingerbread boy is. I hope this lasts.
August 18, 2016
'Twas the day before the first day of kindergarten
Jackson was less then thrilled to go to kindergarten orientation. He was then really less thrilled when his sister nicely told him that now he will be going to school everyday like them. He quickly realized no more just mommy and Jackson excursions and activities while the twins are at school. He ripped at all my heartstrings when he wouldn't willingly line up with his class to practice. I had to put him in line and rip him off my side. To see my comedian kid with his head down crying broke me. In his room he told me was nervous....ugh was officially now a wreck. He thought his preschool buddies would be in his class and was sad he didn't know anyone. He wouldn't talk to his teacher and wouldn't let me take any pictures of him. It was a very bad orientation compared to his brother and sister. I don't remember it being this hard did them perhaps because they always had each other. Breaks my heart for Jack.
The one picture I managed to get which Jack quickly said, "delete that Mom!" And leaving orientation we headed to see Papa at the high school and we even got to park in the new parking lot.
When we got home Jack was playing nicely and then I saw him come out and keep touching his nose. I finally asked if his nose itched and he told me that he las something in there. Silly me I was thinking a booger but he informed me it was Lego! I'm not sure if this was an attempt to get out of schooling to school but it scared this Mama. Looking up there I couldn't see it which made me even more nervous. Since his breathing seemed fine I turned to Google for help and it turns out I'm not the first parent to deal with this issue. After a few different strategies we managed to get it out without a trip to the doctor.
August 13, 2016
Week one down
We all survived week 1 of mommy going back to work more than part time. Only 175 more days to go! 😠We were all exhausted and I'm not going to lie the dinner menu changed a few times. We may or may not have had breakfast for dinner twice this week. The kids rocked sports camps. They came home totally exhausted and ready for showers and bed by 5 o'clock. We learned Jackson does not like tennis - not at all, not one tiny bit. His poor coaches! I'm proud that he kept going. Thankfully they had swimming and snowcones every afternoon so that made dropping him off a little tolerable.
Em rocked tennis and loved her coaches.
Caden had a great time at golf camp with Grandpa and Uncle Danny and loved spending the afternoons playing Pokemon Go with Grandma. Thursday he came home from camp so excited that he took second in a putting contest and rocked chipping. Friday night Grandpa sported some special glasses after having cataract surgery and went out on the course with him. Caden did so great and drove the ball straight up the middle. I think this boy is ready to hit the course!
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