September 10, 2014

Belts and Ballet

Wednesdays are normally insane and busy for us as we run all over the place getting to jiu jitsu and  ballet and of course they overlap a little. Not sure why we thought it was a good idea to throw a play date in the mix but we did. It was a big play date. It was the first play date that Caden had where I wasn't there. He has been begging and we did a lot if prep so we agreed to try it. I was a nervous wreck and was not far away if I was needed quickly. He did great at the beginning and middle and had a little bit if a rough time at the end - but it's progress! 
Em shined at ballet. She is very frustrated with herself that she can't do the splits like the teacher but she has made good progress. I think we need a few visits with the drill team girls. 
We wrapped up the night with Caden earning another stripe on his belt. He did so good during his match. If he was a little bit stronger and larger he would be tough to beat. He was able to hang for a long time using lots of technique and tried so hard to pin his opponent. He is getting there. Fabio took note and gave him his stripe at the end. He had a huge smile and it was the sweetest thing to see him shake hands with the boys. So proud of him!

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