September 30, 2014
Poplar and Selk Road
Today we did our final walk to the road sign that has the family name. I also got my final look at the farm. Walking the farm all I could think was how much my kids would love it. Okay, so Caden might panic when he hears there is no wifi, internet, and my Uncle has never owned a computer, but even he would love it. Emmeline would love all the treasures she could find in the basement and attic. Jackson, would just be in heaven. I can see him as a farmer. I can just picture the kids running in the grass and along the fields like we did. And I can only imagine their awe at spotting and catching their first lightening bug. I'm heartbroken to think it may be gone. I am leaving with a renewed mission and quest to see if there is some way we can hold on to the farm that my Great Grandfather ran and that his mother started.
September 29, 2014
Barn Diving
We found lots of junk, lots of mice, chipmunks, I touched some pretty gross stuff, but it was worth it. We found some really cool things. Some of the things my Uncle shook his head. He could not get over the fact that people collect old windows and canning jars. They were in a pile of junk that he was going to have someone cart away. I can't believe it!!!! We found some really cool old tools that got my Uncle telling us some great stories. My Dad and Uncle had fun putting together the old milk separator and explaining the pickling jugs. What a way of life back! As much as my Uncle thought we were crazy I think he had fun picking through things and telling us how things worked. I kind of begged for him not get rid of the chicken house windows when that comes down and I really want the old door knobs in the farm house. Again, he gave me a weird look.
After picking we spent some time on the farm and had professional pictures taken. It breaks my heart that my Grandma will never go back to the farm. I love going back there and hearing all the stories and seeing the house that she was raised in. It will always be so special. I am so sad that my kids may never get a chance to see it. There is nothing like it. The gravel road, corn and beans all around, the sound of the crickets, the old water pump out back, and the small main street with the famous broasted chicken. Life is different and beautiful there.
September 28, 2014
Iowa Here I come
Today I am traveled by myself to Iowa. I am excited and heartbroken at the same time. I am going to miss my babies so much! I know they are in AMAZING hands, but I haven't left them for a few days in a long time and never during the school year. Little Miss Em was slightly nervous that Daddy wouldn't have the outfits ready or the schedule down, but I assured her all was good.
Well it turns out all my reassurance was for nothing because by the time I landed in Iowa the madness was in full force. Chris was stuck at home with two kids that were in need of having a bathroom nearby. Thankfully they didn't feel bad they just needed to not travel far. Talk about Mommy guilt.
This Mommy felt guilty but couldn't really do anything so I decided to make the most of it. I enjoyed a great afternoon in one of my favorite spots on the farm.
I love the old tree that by the farm house. I have fond memories of the old water pump that is right there and all the old chairs that the adults would sit in and shoot the breeze. It was weird being the adult in the chair and not the kid running around in the field. It was a great afternoon to sit under the tree and reflect on God's beauty on the farm and to do a little reading.
Well it turns out all my reassurance was for nothing because by the time I landed in Iowa the madness was in full force. Chris was stuck at home with two kids that were in need of having a bathroom nearby. Thankfully they didn't feel bad they just needed to not travel far. Talk about Mommy guilt.
I love the old tree that by the farm house. I have fond memories of the old water pump that is right there and all the old chairs that the adults would sit in and shoot the breeze. It was weird being the adult in the chair and not the kid running around in the field. It was a great afternoon to sit under the tree and reflect on God's beauty on the farm and to do a little reading.
September 25, 2014
The tooth fairy lately has been very busy at 148. Today at pick up Emmeline showed me all the tricks she could do with her extremely wiggly tooth. It was enough to make my stomach churn. Luckily at lunch the tooth came out. She is very excited that the score card with her brother is now even.
September 22, 2014
Craft Faire Crazy
I am not sure what Tiffani and I were thinking when we decided to host a BIG Holiday Craft Faire Open House??? I wish I could say wine was involved, but I am guessing it was really lack of sleep. It is going to be a blast, but it's the prep that is going to kill me. Between work, kids, and helping with a first birthday I am busy painting, sanding, staining, and gluing - but truth be told I love every minute. It is such great therapy for me!!!
If you aren't busy on November 2nd stop by Tiffani's house and visit and shop! We have some other local, super talented moms lined up to showcase their things. I love the idea of supporting some local moms this holiday season!
Here are a few of the things I am working on.
If you aren't busy on November 2nd stop by Tiffani's house and visit and shop! We have some other local, super talented moms lined up to showcase their things. I love the idea of supporting some local moms this holiday season!
Here are a few of the things I am working on.
September 19, 2014
Meal Ticket
Jackson's love of all thing dress up paid off today! He was our meal ticket at Krispy Kreme. Today happens to be Talk Like a Pirate Day. Who knew??? At Krispy Kreme if you dressed up like a pirate you were given a free dozen donuts. I didn't have to twist Jack's arm to show up in costume and talk like a pirate. Thanks Jackson for your love of dress up! The donut was delicious and added another inch to my hips!
September 17, 2014
Happy Gas
After a few months of having a wiggly front tooth that just wouldn't come out and the adult tooth already in, it was time to go see Dr. Nutter. Caden was a rock star. Mom not so much. I got the evil eye twice and got pulled into the hallway once. I was trying to be honest with the questions Caden was asking and they want me to avoid and not draw attention to what they were going to do. I was a nervous wreck and watching was awful. I was soooo nervous that this was going to be all bad and an awful experience for Caden and then he got the happy gas. Wow!!! Can I buy some of that to have at home? I should have recorded him it was hysterical. He already doesn't have a filter well with the gas he has NO FILTER AT ALL. He would also just start to laugh at random times and was so relaxed. Even Jackson would look up at him and wonder what was going on? The dentist and his assistant were pros they tapped him on his head and wiggled his toes during the final pull to distract him. Mommy thought she might lose her lunch but I held it together and Caden was clueless of what they did. It turned out to be his best visit to the dentist. Again, can we buy that gas somewhere to keep at home?
September 16, 2014
Brown Bear, Brown Bear
Somebody was a big boy at school and talked like a big boy the whole day without being a kitty that he was rewarded with the class bear. You all know how I feel about shared stuffed animals so Brown Bear took a nice tumble in our dryer. Jack was so excited that he got to take home the bear and that he was a boy. Let's hope the excitement continues and that I don't get talked to again for meowing and purring instead of answering the teacher with words. Oh Mr. Jackson you are sure keeping me on my toes.
September 13, 2014
Daddy Daughter Date
Football season is rough for the kids. They miss their Dad. We thought it might help if they each get a special date with daddy. Last year Emmeline was sad she didn't get to go to any of the Stanford football games so today was here day. She was so sad about going. She couldn't imagine being away from me all day long. I have to admit I was slightly worried about her going to the bathroom in a gross outhouse or men' room - but Dad it fantastic and I'm sure Emmeline remembered to wash with a lot of soap. I reassured her that this is her special day and Daddy has all sorts of stuff planned and made for you.
She came home with a huge smile. She had a great time. She was spoiled. They reported that she watched the game and enjoyed coloring at her seat. She liked the band but told me Vaca High 's sparkly girls (drill team) is better than the Stanford cheerleaders. She also told me all about someone singing God Bless America which is her new favorite song to sing around the house.
I love all the great memories she made today!
September 10, 2014
Belts and Ballet
Wednesdays are normally insane and busy for us as we run all over the place getting to jiu jitsu and ballet and of course they overlap a little. Not sure why we thought it was a good idea to throw a play date in the mix but we did. It was a big play date. It was the first play date that Caden had where I wasn't there. He has been begging and we did a lot if prep so we agreed to try it. I was a nervous wreck and was not far away if I was needed quickly. He did great at the beginning and middle and had a little bit if a rough time at the end - but it's progress!
Em shined at ballet. She is very frustrated with herself that she can't do the splits like the teacher but she has made good progress. I think we need a few visits with the drill team girls.
We wrapped up the night with Caden earning another stripe on his belt. He did so good during his match. If he was a little bit stronger and larger he would be tough to beat. He was able to hang for a long time using lots of technique and tried so hard to pin his opponent. He is getting there. Fabio took note and gave him his stripe at the end. He had a huge smile and it was the sweetest thing to see him shake hands with the boys. So proud of him!
September 5, 2014
The Bar
Today Emmeline started back to ballet. She graduated from the "pre ballet" to the real thing. She is in her element on the dance floor instead of a ball field. She loved her class and LOVED that they were going to use the bar weekly like the big girls.
September 2, 2014
First Day of Preschool
After many years of Jackson having to tag along at preschool drop off and pick up for Caden and Emmeline today was his day! He was so excited to go to school this morning. I was slightly nervous that we weren't going to make it out the door without a crazy costume or hat, but we managed to get out the door with Buzz. Before we headed to his class we snapped a few pictures and dropped off his brother and sister.
my heart but I am proud of the confident little boy he is becoming. He was so excite to leave and tell me all about his day and his new friend. The friend happens to be a girl and they bonded instantly over her kitty cat dress. The tricky part will be explaining he doesn't get to go tomorrow when I take his brother and sister. So proud of the big boy he is becoming!
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