April 1, 2014


We have been talking to the kids about the difference of tattling and when it is appropriate to go tell an adult when something is going on. Well today Daddy felt Mommy was tattling on someone.
We took the kids to Costco  to grab just a few items which resulted in a shopping cart full of things. While shopping I kept seeing this group of people with a guy that had smoke coming out of his mouth with some device. I'll admit I was staring A LOT. I could not figure out what it was and what was going??? At first I gave him the benefit of the doubt and I thought maybe it was oxygen he needed for some illness he had and then I realized he was SMOKING. Daddy filled me in about the new rage of pen cigarettes. To say I was shocked when he explained this was an understatement.
While waiting in the world's longest Costco line who is next to us... of course smoking guy. After having a very uncomfortable conversation with my very curious 5 year old son about what the guy was doing  I went and TATTLED. Okay, so I didn't really tattle I first asked the manager what the policy was and informed him that there was a man using the pen while in line. I do have to say after tattling I was a little nervous because the guy was SKETCHY and being next to him in line I'm pretty sure he caught my disgust for him doing it while in the store and knew it was me. So I probably wouldn't "tattle" on someone unless Chris was there to protect me, but I dearly hope that stores find a way to enforce and regulate this. Regardless that it didn't smell it was awful to walk by and see that smoke floating around and it was even more awful to try and explain it to my son. Yes, it was a "teachable" moment but one I hope I don't have to have every time we go out now.

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