After a super busy couple of months we decided to try and schedule a date night. I wasn't sure that date night would happen after coming home to find a truck load of sand and soil in our drive way, a ditch with a pipe and a larger than life planter box in the the garage. Thanks to my now very talkative little boy the cat was let out of the bag. Jackson informed me that daddy was building fire, hot dogs, and marshmallows. This is has just become a huge project and the weather is not cooperating. Thankfully Uncle J and Grandpa came over to help. After moving the planter box out, I managed to convince him that we should take a break a go out.
Uncle J and Aunt Cory met up with us for a kid free dinner out. It was so nice to be able to sit down and visit with them without having to get up and down with the kids. After dinner we headed to Gabe and Tiffani's for adult game night with her college roommate Lisa and Lisa's husband. It was sooo much fun and great practice for Sunriver. I think our next game night we need to start working on teaching them the card game Nerts.

April 26, 2014
April 25, 2014
Go Big or Go Home
Well even after switching jobs it seems we still couldn't manage to have spring break off together. The kids and Chris were off this week while I worked. The kids and I had started some seeds and I mentioned that I would love a planter box in the corner to put the plants in. My planter box request turned into a top secret backyard mission. I came home to find rocks, paving stones, and a huge chunk of grass taken out. Well it looks like I am getting the world's largest planter box.
April 24, 2014
Happy Birthday to my Partner in Crime
Happy Birthday to my amazing friend. I don't know what I would do without her. I probably would have less gray hair from all the adventures and challenges she puts me up to. I'm not going to mention all the gray hair I got from decorating her sister's wedding and the hydrangea nightmare. In all serious I love that she thought enough of me and Cory to suggest us to her sister. It was a pretty great day.
She is up for any crafting challenge. She is the one who caused my chalk paint obsession. I love our late night or middle of play date crafting sessions. She is always up for a late night hot chocolate and dessert date after we get the kids down for girl talk or a pedicure.
While we have all sorts of fun and she is always up for an adventure and a vacation - she is the most caring and thoughtful people I know. I don't know a time when she hasn't offered to help me with something even when her plate is super full with two little ones. She loves my kids unconditionally and my kids adore her and her family.
I have said it before but I am so thankful that God has blessed me with such a great friendship. I look forward to all our new adventures this year.
She is up for any crafting challenge. She is the one who caused my chalk paint obsession. I love our late night or middle of play date crafting sessions. She is always up for a late night hot chocolate and dessert date after we get the kids down for girl talk or a pedicure.
While we have all sorts of fun and she is always up for an adventure and a vacation - she is the most caring and thoughtful people I know. I don't know a time when she hasn't offered to help me with something even when her plate is super full with two little ones. She loves my kids unconditionally and my kids adore her and her family.
I have said it before but I am so thankful that God has blessed me with such a great friendship. I look forward to all our new adventures this year.
April 23, 2014
Bottle of Red, Bottle of White
Sounds like a start to a great Billy Joel song, it happens to be what we had along with half a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts for girls night to celebrate Tiffani's birthday. We had plans to go out, but when Cari was stuck at home we showed up with donuts and homemade marshmallow creme (thanks Katie). It was great evening with some of my favorite ladies. After finishing off a couple bottles of wine and several hours of great girl talk we headed home just shy of Tiffani's birthday.
I love that I have such great friends in my life that I can vent to, pick their brains, and get such great advice from. I can't wait for our next adventure. I am counting down until our week in Sunriver.
I love that I have such great friends in my life that I can vent to, pick their brains, and get such great advice from. I can't wait for our next adventure. I am counting down until our week in Sunriver.
April 22, 2014
It has only taken me over 240 days to convince Emmeline to take out her starter earrings. She has been so terrified every time I barely touch the back that she decides she doesn't want to do it. She would go into sheer panic. Last week Emmeline decided she wanted to try jiu jitsu and one of the rules is no jewelery - with one minute until class starts I quickly pulled those earring out of her ears. Thankfully she had kids around her so she didn't want to cause a scene. Later that night I told her that we needed to put earrings in so her holes didn't close up. Boy did I wish some of her peers were around then. I managed to get her new beautiful diamond earrings in. Once I got them in and she realized it didn't hurt she pranced around showing everyone her FANCY earrings. It was pretty cute to see her walk up to someone, tilt her head, tuck her hair behind her ears, and show of her diamonds.
The other night at bedtime I went to check on them and take them out and some angel was watching out for her and her earrings. The first one I checked was missing a back. How it was still in her ear and we did not lose it anywhere in the house is beyond me. Looks like we will be heading down to see Louie about getting a new back for her earring and a good excuse for me to go drool over all the jewelry displays.
The other night at bedtime I went to check on them and take them out and some angel was watching out for her and her earrings. The first one I checked was missing a back. How it was still in her ear and we did not lose it anywhere in the house is beyond me. Looks like we will be heading down to see Louie about getting a new back for her earring and a good excuse for me to go drool over all the jewelry displays.
April 20, 2014
Happy Easter
After church we headed to Grandma and Grandpa's for an egg hunt and yummy lunch. The kids had so much fun looking for eggs in Grandma and Grandpa's new backyard.
After much bribing (okay maybe a little threatening) we managed to get them all lay down for a nap. I'm not sure if they napped but at least they were quiet. We went up to Nonie and Papa' for a delicious and fun Easter dinner. The kids and adults were spoiled by Nonie, Papa, Grammy, and Uncle J and Aunt Cory. The kids had such a great time flying their kites and playing with bubbles all while the adults sat outside and enjoyed the beautiful weather and view.
April 19, 2014
We were up and out of the house early to get to the Eggstravaganza. It seems to never fail that the Eggstravaganza morning is always windy and cold. You would think after doing this for 5 years I would plan outfits with pants. We managed to get our photos, pet some cute bunnies, and then find some eggs.
After the Eggstravaganza we headed home to color eggs. No kit for us - just old fashioned water, vinegar, and food coloring.
After quiet time the DeTars came over for dinner and a little practice egg hunting. Emmeline and Caden were so excited to hide them for the little boys.
I think they are ready for tomorrow and yes, Jackson is channeling his inner Tom Cruise Risky Business and sporting a button up shirt with underwear.
April 18, 2014
Good Friday
Good Friday was a great Friday! We started our day off with a trip to the zoo. It's been a while since we have gone and it was fun to see Jackson's reactions to the animals.
After our quick trip to the zoo we met up with cousin Meredith and Baby Jacob. They happen to live right down the street from this adorable old fashioned ice cream parlor. We all enjoyed a scoop of some yummy ice cream and some sweet cuddles with Jacob.
After the zoo and ice cream we headed home for Good Friday service. It was beautiful service with 5 local churches. It was touching and so powerful.
April 17, 2014
Jiu jitsu
After checking it out a few times Caden went for a free trial jiu jitsu class. On Thursday nights the students don't have to wear their uniforms and it just happened Em didn't have ballet so she decided to try it out as well.
Boy did we pick a great class to go to. Before we walked in one of the the instructors gave them each a box and told them they have to help clean before they can wrestle. I was sold after that statement thinking yes!!! They walked in and found candy all over the mats. Apparently the Easter bunny ran thorough earlier and left treats. They did have to learn some patience as they had to sit and stare at it for 13 long minutes.
The program was great and I was so impressed with the older kids who take the younger kids under their wings. Several times the older kids gave looks or went and tapped the younger squirmy kids when they needed to pay attention. Our kids loved the warm ups and running. Watching them do push ups was COMICAL! We will be working on them at home. Then it went to the practice moves. I'm a little scared for them to both take the class. I'm forseeing several matches and lots of mommy refereeing. The move they learned tonight makes it look like they are choking the other one and flipping them over. I scared!!!
They left loving it! We told Em she needed to wait for Sleeping Beauty and soccer to end before she starts. She also has on her list tennis, swim lessons, horseback riding, and ice skating that she would like to do. She is going to keep us busy!
April 16, 2014
Easter Parade
Today Caden and Emmeline got all dressed up and headed to school with their Easter hats.
The kids marched in a sweet little parade, had a short sermon from Paster Vern, and followed up with some sweet songs. I'm not going to lie I was a little emotional. I realized this is the last year of all this fluffy fun stuff. Next year they hit the grind.
After they were done singing the Easter bunny came and there were hundreds of eggs for them to find. The kids loved it. The Easter bunny was a real trooper hanging out in the sun.
April 15, 2014
Practice Run
Today we headed to San Jose for a morning of fun at the park with Uncle Jon, Aunt Rachel, and Esther. It was a beautiful day with some beautiful weather. We had a little egg hunt at the park. It was the first of many. It was so sweet to see Esther walk around with a basket and find an egg. Unfortunately I think my crew only let her find one. I was very proud of Caden. After seeing she only had one he gave up one of his. After lots of playing we sat down to have a yummy lunch and some bubbles. After eating Em was so excited to get back to racing on the monkey bars. She loved that Aunt Rachel was timing her. Poor girl has blisters on her hands as a result. Jackson was a rock star not having one bathroom accident even with sitting in traffic. Esther, Uncle Jon, and Aunt Rachel were super rock stars after having very little sleep from the night before.
April 14, 2014
The mop
Today I had a very productive first day of break. I managed to tackle the one thing we have been putting off - getting Jackson's hair cut. We thought Caden was bad about getting his hair cut and then we had Jack. The poor lady even commented today that I should film it and show him later. It truly is an unbelievable experience. He wouldn't sit down in the chair and was clutching the front of the airplane seat for dear life. He is screaming for me to help him. Talk about tugging at my heart. One very patient lady and a few million snacks - none of which he are during because he was hysterical, we have a handsome little boy. Of course the boy has the most hair of any kid I know and in a few months we will do this all over again.
Easter Bonnet
Today Emmeline and I created her annual Easter bonnet for the school parade. She designs it and puts it where she wants it and then I add hot glue. It is a one of a kind creation. I'm a little worried that the straw hat will not hold up with all the flowers, plastic eggs, ribbon, and butterflies are on it.
Child of the Week
This handsome boy is the student of the week - scratch that child of the week. I am so use to saying student and he has literally corrected me probably 50 times. I explained to him it's the same thing and he made the argument that it isn't. Perhaps we have another in the making. I love mad filling out his poster and hearing all his favorites along with what he wants to be when he grows up. For the past couple years he has wanted to be an astronaut. This year he added that he also wants to be Olaf the snowman from Frozen. He thought it was so funny to write that. Maybe he will be a comedian.
No big surprise his favorite food is pizza and waffles. I love when I asked who his friends are he said Jack Metcho ( so adorable that he always his last name and claims he is his best friend), Wesley, Sean, and his whole class.
April 8, 2014
Well good-bye STAR testing and hello SBAC. Don't ask me exactly what it stands for, but let me just say I am so thankful I was not taking it today. I am all on board for the new set of common core standards but that test for 3rd graders is out of control. I took the 3rd-5th grade practice tests and I'm not going to lie on several questions I felt dumb and had to really think about how to answer it. Watching 3rd graders have to type their responses was brutal. Thankful for the ability to pause a test because otherwise I am pretty sure I would still be there. They were such troopers and I was so proud of them.
April 7, 2014
Run for our money
This sweet face is giving us a run for our money. I'd be lying if I didn't say I am already counting down to his 4th birthday. I remember 3 being way harder for the twins, but this is UNBELIEVABLE! I'm sure it has nothing to do with having two older siblings who he shared a love/hate relationship with. He loves to be into anything they are into especially those really cool Lego projects that Caden has spent hours working on avid now suddenly it is broken or pieces have disappeared. He loves to now play with Playdoh with Em and mix all the colors which frustrates her to no end. On the flip side he is just as frustrated having a second mother in his big sister. Workd War 3 is constantly on the verge of beginning thanks to Jackson's new found voice. He is constantly talking and REPEATING everything you say. It drives his brother MAD. Caden blows up and a back bad firth shouting match ensues. Imagine being stuck with them in a mini van. I now know why people let their kids watch movies in their vans even just around town.
And last of course he wants what the other person has. Teaching this turn taking thing is hard work.
Oh my Mr. Jackson you certainly are a handful. Thankfully you are a very cute handful.
April 6, 2014
Please Lay Down With Me
Tonight I had a million things to tackle but a sweet little bit woke up to go to the bathroom and asked me to please lay down with him. How could I turn that down? Just like how can I turn down 1 more book and the 5 more minutes of cuddles. One day they won't ask and it will break my heart. Now the house is all back to sleep and this mama still has a long list of things to do. Let's hope I get to lay down in my bed sometime soon.
April 3, 2014
Just for Kicks
We went around and around which Spring sport to sign the kids up for. Both kids really wanted to learn tennis - it's a little tricky funding tennis for kids their age. We might need to hit up Aunt Jody next time she is in town. We settled on soccer and they are doing a soccer clinic to get them ready to play for a team. Let me tell you, they were so excited. This is uncharted territory for The Santopadres - we do not know soccer. I was blown away at the shin guard department. Who knew there were so many kids and sizes.
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