Happy Birthday to my funny, hat wearing, dress up loving, oh so strong willed little guy. You are loved so much by all us. The highlight of you this year is starting to hear you talk. You have been saving it all up. You have mastered saying NO with folded arms, foot stomp, and a scowl on your face. You melt my heart when you say I love you and Mommy, I need you. I hear that and I can't help but help you. You sleep in a big boy bed by yourself and wear big boy underwear. Breaks my heart that my baby is gone. You still don't like to eat and hate meat. You are your father's child as you both love carbs. You love strawberries, blueberries, salami, crackers, yogurt, and snap peas. You have a best friend Wesley, who you ask to play with everyday! You love to play Legos but your favorite is trains, firetrucks, and dress up. Your next favorite thing is being a little brother avd driving your brother and sister crazy trying to do everything they are. We love you so much and are so excited to see all the things you are going to try and learn this year. Here is to being done with the terrible twos- let's hope 3 is much easier.
Happy birthday buddy! The Santa photo made me laugh out loud, so great!