Well it looks like sweet Caden inherited the one thing I wished none of my kids would get...my nut allergy. I was so proud of him tonight at Cubbies he tried something new a apple muffin. He devoured it and during his last few bites I noticed a few walnuts. I figured it was no biggie. We do our bedtime routine and he mentioned he felt like he needed a breathing treatment. He wasn't coughing but I has gotten good at telling us when he feels he needs one. He finished his treatment, headed to bed, and woke up screaming a few hours later. I was greeted to this.

And this
Poor boy. His neck is worst and looks like one giant swollen hive. Hoping the Benadryl kicks in so he has some relief, but it is going to be a long night if no sleep worrying about my buddy. Scratch that it is going to now be a lifetime of worry over every snack he consumes. I was really praying he wouldn't have to deal with what I have had to deal with all these years.
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