October 9, 2012


Update on the flu shots:
We all still have very sore arms and two of my three kids still have a band-aid on the shot. The thought of me taking the band-aid off  of them is more traumatic then them getting the shot.  Emmeline insisted in the doctor's office that she can only put the band-aid on and it was barely hanging on. It is really funny how much they dislike band-aids. We have just about every type of band-aid you can imagine; princess, cupcakes, Toy Story, Angry Birds, robots, and hearts to try and get them to just let us put a band-aid on them. Most kids can not get enough of them, but in our house they are seen as pure torture. Hmmm... maybe I just thought of a new punishment???
I can't wait for them to be older and I can remind them that they didn't mind shots, but hated getting a band-aid.

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