August 28, 2012

8 or 9?

Oh Pluto you have become a source of much frustration to a little 4 year old boy. Caden is very much into obsessed with the Solar System. He has a few books he reads at nap time and one we read every night. Since the obsession he now has a lunch box, back pack, puzzle, model, and yes an alarm clock. The poor child is so funny he gets so frustrated that some books list Pluto as a planet and others say it is dwarf planet and some don't mention it at all. Really, NASA and publishers we need to come to some agreement - you are killing the poor child. It is kind of cute he now corrects me when I read the old books and tells me it is a dwarf planet. He also knows one of the moons is called Charon, but he likes to call it Aunt Sharon - Adorable!!!
He continues to AMAZE me and surprise me. I love that he wants to grow up to be an astronaut  (funny - I had the same dream going up thanks to my Sally Ride report) and Buzz Lightyear.
I love you Buddy, I hope you get the chance to go to the moon one day!

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