2013 can not come some enough. We woke up this morning to find out that all the houses around us had been broken into. They were in our side yard but managed to get nothing. For once my husband is probably thankful for our messy garage. Santa used our garage to assemble bikes, power wheels, and several other toys. We haven't had time to clean it which made it not easy to rummage around to steal stuff.
To top off our morning we found out our refinance didn't go through and they need more documents. It is getting insane!
At least we finished our day with dinner with our besties and a fun puppet show from the kids. The kids had so much fun! A big thank you to Aunt Tiffani, Uncle Gabe, and her Dad. We can not wait to hear what the kids come up with next on Stage Santopadre.

December 29, 2012
December 28, 2012
Two Wheelin It
The other day we were four wheeling it and today we were out enjoying the new bikes Santa brought. Emmeline did great catching on. By the end of the day she was turning and heading up and down the block. She was quick to remind us that she didn't fall once. And isn't she so cute in her unicorn helmet?!?! It is something special for sure.
December 27, 2012
I'm a Big Girl Now
Santa happened to bring Emmeline a bright pink with butterflies booster seat. We had a big talk with her today about sitting in it and then we put it in the van. How can it be that she is big enough to use a booster seat? I was really wanting to keep her in a car seat FOREVER but after talking to a police officer and a fire fighter they calmed my nerves and reassured me that it was the right thing. So today she made her first trip in the booster. She did so good following the rules and asking if she could undo her buckle when we parked. So proud of her.
Forts and Four Wheeling
Today the kids enjoyed the some of their new Christmas presents. Daddy built a very cool castle for the kids. Caden and Emmeline are sharing the fort surprisingly well but if you talk to Em it is a castle not a fort. After lunch we headed out for a little four wheeling. Caden caught on quickly and had a little evil look in his eye as he ran up and down the curbs. Emmeline on the other hand will be learning to drive with her father. I am not sure my stomach will handle all the jerks and swerves.
December 26, 2012
The Cobra
We took the kids and my Mom to Six Flags to get our season passes today and it was AWESOME. The park was dead. There were no lines and no crowds. It was nice to let Jackson run around a little and it was nice to get to try out some new rides. Emmeline is our little dare devil and rode the kid roller coaster 4 times in a row. The guy kept letting us ride because no one was in line. After 4 times I had to pull her off. Then she headed on an adult roller coaster - the cobra. Poor Caden was off by an inch. We need to work on some shoe lifts before our trip to Disneyland. I can not wait! I am thinking Emmeline will be ready to ride the Matterhorn and Big Thunder Railroad this year.
December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas! What a magical day it was! I have longed for the Christmas where the kids woke up, walked out to see new bikes next to the tree. It was so exciting and in my excitement I forgot to snap a picture - pretty sure Dad videotaped it. Emmeline was so excited. She said, "it is just what I wanted." Priceless moment. Santa's sleigh was full because he also had a bike for Caden, scooter, and a battery operated race car that Jackson could sit in.
After the excitement of the bikes the kids did my favorite gift. We have a tradition that the first present we open is Baby Jesus. They look for the special box, unwrap him, and then we place him in the manager in our nativity set. This year Emmeline led a special version of Happy Birthday Jesus. It is the sweetest thing.
After that the craziness began. The kids did really well. Emmeline got it this year, Caden and Jackson were both fascinated by their first gifts that they were content to be done. Emmeline thoroughly enjoyed helping them open their other gifts. And last they exchanged the gifts that they went shopping for each other. Caden blew me away. He really put a lot of thought into his gift and was so sweet passing it out. Warms my heart. It was such a wonderful Christmas. I can't imagine how we can ever top this year.
After the excitement of the bikes the kids did my favorite gift. We have a tradition that the first present we open is Baby Jesus. They look for the special box, unwrap him, and then we place him in the manager in our nativity set. This year Emmeline led a special version of Happy Birthday Jesus. It is the sweetest thing.
After that the craziness began. The kids did really well. Emmeline got it this year, Caden and Jackson were both fascinated by their first gifts that they were content to be done. Emmeline thoroughly enjoyed helping them open their other gifts. And last they exchanged the gifts that they went shopping for each other. Caden blew me away. He really put a lot of thought into his gift and was so sweet passing it out. Warms my heart. It was such a wonderful Christmas. I can't imagine how we can ever top this year.
December 24, 2012
Not a Creature is Stirring
It is 9:00 and not a creature is stirring at our house. I am very excited that the kids went down easily. Now I can send Santa a message that he can come early. I should relish the few years we have left of the kids going to bed early before they stay up all night trying to see Santa. Now I am off to finish the cinnamon rolls.
December 23, 2012
I have said it before silence is never good in a house with children. Jackson has a sweet tooth and happened to discover the Christmas candy along with a new hiding spot. He devoured a few pieces of candy and I am pretty sure a few pieces of the foul as well. I think I may be to blame for his sweet tooth. While nursing him I would have the worst cravings for chocolate at all hours of the day and night. Look at the little chocoholic I created.
December 22, 2012
Dear Santa
Today we had the preschool Christmas performance. It was sweet and adorable. What a difference from a year ago. They both did so great and had no stage fright at all. At the end there was a special appearance by Santa himself. My two were quick to get in line and remind them of their list. I always love the lists that the teachers write with the kids. I need to remember to always write down what they want every year. It will be fun look back on it. Looks like this year Santa needs to make room in his sleigh for a new princess bike, robot, and dinosaur.
Emmeline has been into counting everything lately and for some reason her counting is in Spanish.
She has been counting like this
Uno, dos, taco, cuatro... all the way to 10. I need to record her so I can remind her of her counting in high school. No many how many times I correct her she goes right back to saying taco. She is my sweet adorable girl who always is doing something to put a smile on my face.
She has been counting like this
Uno, dos, taco, cuatro... all the way to 10. I need to record her so I can remind her of her counting in high school. No many how many times I correct her she goes right back to saying taco. She is my sweet adorable girl who always is doing something to put a smile on my face.
December 20, 2012
Candy Cane Lane
We lucked out with some beautiful December weather for our annual stroll down Candy Cane Lane. This year most of the Metcho's joined us. We will have to schedule better next year so Brian can come. Emmeline and Caden loved having Madison and Jack over to play before we headed out. Jackson LOVED showing off what a big boy he is around his brother and sister. After filling up on coco and cookies we headed out to see the lights. Em choose to walk with the kids while the boys cruised along in the wagon. We loved seeing all the lights and the foil tree. It was so much fun and we can't wait for next year.
December 17, 2012
Dad update
It is hard for me to write this post. Today Dad found out that the chemo has done nothing. It is heartbreaking. We really had our hopes up that it would help save his lung. The surgeon scheduled his surgery for January 2nd. It will be an all day surgery and will involve a team of surgeons. They have a few plans but won't know much until they get in there. The surgeon says she she likes a challenge. Prayers that she doesn't find anymore spots, that my Dad is strong enough to handle the all day surgery, and that he is strong enough to tackle the recovery. Life will be very different for him come January 3rd. Prayers to fill him with peace and comfort.
December 14, 2012
My heart aches
Monday thru Friday I leave my house to go teach 30 kindergartners. It is chaotic in my house EVERY morning, but I never leave without giving them a hug, kiss, and an I love you. Well if it is Caden it is a hug, kiss, go dogs, high 5, punch knucks, and go dogs. Yes, really that is his good-bye routine and there is no going around it.
Go to work sad to not be with my kids all day, but honored that 30 parents trust me and respect me enough to nurture, mold, and encourage their child. As hard as it is to leave my own kids I have believe they are learning some good lessons in my working.
Today too many moms and dads dropped their kids off at school thinking they would see them in just a few hours. There are no words for what happened today or the pain the parents and first responders are experiencing. My heart just aches. I think of my class of sweet 5 and 6 year olds and still can't wrap my mind around the evil that took place today. I pray for the families, the responders, and for all the innocent children who also survived. Kids are taught that school is a safe place to be. How do those kids handle walking in those doors again?
Tonight I gave my kids an extra hug, snuggle, and kiss tonight. May they always feel my love and feel God's protection and love on them.
Go to work sad to not be with my kids all day, but honored that 30 parents trust me and respect me enough to nurture, mold, and encourage their child. As hard as it is to leave my own kids I have believe they are learning some good lessons in my working.
Today too many moms and dads dropped their kids off at school thinking they would see them in just a few hours. There are no words for what happened today or the pain the parents and first responders are experiencing. My heart just aches. I think of my class of sweet 5 and 6 year olds and still can't wrap my mind around the evil that took place today. I pray for the families, the responders, and for all the innocent children who also survived. Kids are taught that school is a safe place to be. How do those kids handle walking in those doors again?
Tonight I gave my kids an extra hug, snuggle, and kiss tonight. May they always feel my love and feel God's protection and love on them.
December 10, 2012
The Mommies Go Out At Night
When it comes to groceries I have to say I love Winco. I have a thing for the bulk bins - it is so exciting and such a good bargain. I know a lot of you are gasping. There just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to get everything done and it appears that I am not the only mommy who has that issue. Winco at 10 o'clock at night is a hopping place. I saw several other moms who looked like they were worn out from the holiday season that is approaching and several other interesting characters. Winco does not lack in the people watching area. I have learned a couple tips with Winco. First, steer clear on the first and fifteenth and to avoid the lines it is safe to go before 9 in the morning and at 9 at night. There is no line and pretty fabulous. One of these nights I imagine I am due for a fun mommy night out instead of trip to Winco or Target - I do have to say a trip to Target without the kids is a big treat. And eventually things will get easier I will manage to get to bed at a decent hour. Until then I am going to enjoy my late night mommy shopping trips.
December 9, 2012
The cutest little angels
"today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11
Today two of the cutesy little angels helped deliver that message at church. Emmeline has been so cute talking and learning about the Christmas story. When she found out she could help with it at church she was soooo excited. Her brother in the other hand was not bitten by the performing bug. It ended up working out because Emmeline was paired up with her favorite boy, Zeke. I secretly wish I could arrange to marry them off in let's say 30 years.
Today two of the cutesy little angels helped deliver that message at church. Emmeline has been so cute talking and learning about the Christmas story. When she found out she could help with it at church she was soooo excited. Her brother in the other hand was not bitten by the performing bug. It ended up working out because Emmeline was paired up with her favorite boy, Zeke. I secretly wish I could arrange to marry them off in let's say 30 years.
December 8, 2012
A Big Pizza Pie
My little love Caden is rarely interested in food unless it could be found somewhere in Italy. My little Italian would eat pepperoni, salami, pastrami, meatballs, and pizza 7 days a week if i let him. He took his pizza making very seriously tonight. We normally make small individual pizzas, but tonight we opted for a big, thick crust pizza. Despite the odd shape, it was pretty delicious.
December 7, 2012
Party Animals
What a bunch of party animals we are! We had a Christmas party yesterday and two birthday parties today. The twins and I headed to Kids Gone Wild for a super hero party. I feel like I should sent Mathias's mom a thank you note for tiring out my kids. While we were going WILD Daddy and Jackson headed over for Uncle J's birthday. The enjoyed a delicious dinner and Aunt Cory's famous cake pops. It was a fun, but exhausting end of the week.
Happy Birthday Uncle J ~ we hope you have a great birthday!
Happy Birthday Uncle J ~ we hope you have a great birthday!
December 6, 2012
All Aboard
We are huge fans of the book Polar Express and for years we have tried to get tickets to ride the "Polar Express" in Sacramento. We found out that a former student has 4 tickets they are looking to sell. So... It looks like we are all aboard for the Polar Express. I am super excited to dress in our jammies and sip on hot coco. December 16th can not get here soon enough.
December 5, 2012
Prayer time
I need to secretly record the kid's prayers one night. They always put a smile on my face. Tonight Emmeline thanked God for every person in our family not once but twice. She then said thank you for Jesus and Mose and for Grandpa to get better (so proud) and then she followed that up with Santa and Unicorns. Again I was trying not to giggle. Luckily she was getting hungry and ended her prayer. She cracks us up.
December 4, 2012
Where does she get this?
Tonight Chris and I did not have our finest parenting moment. After hearing a loud crash in Emmeline's room we went in to investigate. She came up with an interesting story. We were trying so hard not to laugh and and talk to her about telling the truth and we couldn't contain it any longer. Her new favorite comments are "ackward" and "that's just perfect". She cracks us up.
December 1, 2012
Different Ends of the Spectrum
After a loooong day at the craft fair I was ready to come home and curl up on the couch. That plan doesn't work so well when you have 3 adorable kiddos running up to greet you at the door. After a yummy dinner of sauce and meatballs Dad headed off to football and the kids and I enjoyed Rudolph. After the kids went down I was so excited to get caught up on one of my favorite shows Downton Abbey. The husband thinks it is hysterical that my two favorite shows right now are Sons of Anarchy and a PBS Masterpiece - you really can't get any farther on the spectrum.
November 28, 2012
Thanksgiving Recap
I know that I already wrote about Thanksgiving, but this one is one that I don't want to forget for years to come. I think we have all gotten to the point where we have to laugh about things or we are going to lose it.
For Thanksgiving my cousin JD who just graduated was flying in surprise EVERYONE. I was so excited that I was in on it. However things didn't really go according to plan. Dad ended up in the hospital and Grandma wasn't feeling well. The surprise was starting to sizzle, but JD made his entrance at my house and there was not a dry eye in the house. My mom said it is just what she needed and she was right. Later that day we all made our way over to the hospital to visit with Dad and again there was not a dry eye around. JD went in not fully gowned or gloved up so my Dad could somewhat tell who it was. It took him a minute and then the tears were all flowing. It was so nice that my Dad got to see both of his kids and his nephew on the same day.
We were hoping to have Dad home on Saturday to do a Thanksgiving dinner. So Friday night my Mom stayed up late prepping EVERYTHING only to wake up Saturday morning to a broken refrigerator.All of her hard work and prep ended up in the trash. At this point you really have to just laugh. We happened to have a second turkey and we pieced together a dinner. Unfortunately Dad had to stay in the hospital and we soon realized that none of us knew how to carve a turkey. We had probably the saddest looking carved up turkey, but it was delicious. We all said next year we are going to take lessons from Dad.
This Thanksgiving was definitely one for the books. I know that next year will be better. By next year Dad will hopefully have kicked cancer and I will have an almost one year old niece or nephew. We can't wait to meet Baby Crawford. So exciting!
For Thanksgiving my cousin JD who just graduated was flying in surprise EVERYONE. I was so excited that I was in on it. However things didn't really go according to plan. Dad ended up in the hospital and Grandma wasn't feeling well. The surprise was starting to sizzle, but JD made his entrance at my house and there was not a dry eye in the house. My mom said it is just what she needed and she was right. Later that day we all made our way over to the hospital to visit with Dad and again there was not a dry eye around. JD went in not fully gowned or gloved up so my Dad could somewhat tell who it was. It took him a minute and then the tears were all flowing. It was so nice that my Dad got to see both of his kids and his nephew on the same day.
We were hoping to have Dad home on Saturday to do a Thanksgiving dinner. So Friday night my Mom stayed up late prepping EVERYTHING only to wake up Saturday morning to a broken refrigerator.All of her hard work and prep ended up in the trash. At this point you really have to just laugh. We happened to have a second turkey and we pieced together a dinner. Unfortunately Dad had to stay in the hospital and we soon realized that none of us knew how to carve a turkey. We had probably the saddest looking carved up turkey, but it was delicious. We all said next year we are going to take lessons from Dad.
This Thanksgiving was definitely one for the books. I know that next year will be better. By next year Dad will hopefully have kicked cancer and I will have an almost one year old niece or nephew. We can't wait to meet Baby Crawford. So exciting!
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Dad looking at us still trying to figure out how JD got there. Not a dry eye! |
November 27, 2012
The boy and his Buzz
If you have been around Jackson you know he his a boy of few words. He however loves Buzz and it is one of his few words. Tonight he decided to give Buzz a bath. That didn't turn out so well. Poor Buzz has gotten dragged around so much that he know had only one arm and wet insides. Jackson kept yelling for Buzz and I didn't have the heart to throw him away. As I lay in bed I am hearing Buzz Lightyear go off all by himself and in a muffled tone. It looks like Buzz's day has come. Rest in peace Buzz - you were well loved.
November 26, 2012
He's going home!!!
After 6 days of torturing the nurses he gets to go home!!! The miracle drug is working. After just two doses went up and by the second day of shots his number is up enough to go home. I haven't heard if they figured a solution to his pain or not sleeping. He is scheduled for round 2 of chemo to start on Wednesday. We will pray that we get to stay on schedule.
When I have more updates I will keep you all posted. Thanks for the continued prayers.
When I have more updates I will keep you all posted. Thanks for the continued prayers.
Bath time
Apparently Jackson was ready for his bath before I was ready. This boy is going to give me gray hair. Tonight I found him playing in the bathtub. It seems like no big thing to climb in a bathtub except for the fact that we have a very deep tub. I couldn't not believe my eyes when I saw him in there playing. We took him out and not 5 minutes later we spotted him doing it again. YIKES!
November 24, 2012
Catch up
Wow, this week has flown by. I has doing so well keeping up with my posts until my week of no work. Our schedule around herevwascall turned upside down. We were busy all week. The week included lots of projects, trips to the hospital, and my first ever Black Friday shopping experience. We enjoyed a fabulous thanksgiving dinner at Nonie and Papa's. Tonight we had Thanksgiving dinner number 2 at GG's house. We were all hoping that Dad would be released from the hospital for dinner. Unfortunately he is going to be in the hospital for awhile.
Now for the Dad update:
Today the doctor came up with a good plan to try and stimulate his white blood cell count. She is trying to get him a shot of medicine they give leukemia patients. Mom surprised him with a laptop to help cheer him up. His counts are continue to be so low that it is going to push back his next round of chemo. Dad is pretty worried he is going to be stuck in isolation for a few more weeks. Asking for prayers for him for comfort and peace. He is struggling to sleep due to pain and some anxiety. Prayers that the doctors can find the right medicine to help build his numbers up so he can come home.
Now that he has a lap top, I am sure he would love to read emails of what you are up to. A quick hello would mean a ton.
Now for the Dad update:
Today the doctor came up with a good plan to try and stimulate his white blood cell count. She is trying to get him a shot of medicine they give leukemia patients. Mom surprised him with a laptop to help cheer him up. His counts are continue to be so low that it is going to push back his next round of chemo. Dad is pretty worried he is going to be stuck in isolation for a few more weeks. Asking for prayers for him for comfort and peace. He is struggling to sleep due to pain and some anxiety. Prayers that the doctors can find the right medicine to help build his numbers up so he can come home.
Now that he has a lap top, I am sure he would love to read emails of what you are up to. A quick hello would mean a ton.
November 18, 2012
Thankful day 18
I am probably the worst coaches wife to say this but I am thankful for no coaches meeting tonight. It was nice to enjoy dinner as a family and have dad at home to help with bathes and bedtime. Yay for having the week off.
I am also thankful for a new store that opened in the outlets. Hartstrings just opened up in between two of my favorite stores. It is a good thing I didn't have Em with me- she would have been in heaven. It was full of all things twirly and girly. I just about died walking around seeing all the cute dresses. I am betting the husband is thankful that I don't have a credit card.
I am also thankful for a new store that opened in the outlets. Hartstrings just opened up in between two of my favorite stores. It is a good thing I didn't have Em with me- she would have been in heaven. It was full of all things twirly and girly. I just about died walking around seeing all the cute dresses. I am betting the husband is thankful that I don't have a credit card.
November 17, 2012
Craft Faire and a confession
Today Tiffani and I had a table at a holiday faire. We weren't really sure what to expect, but it was a huge success. We sold out of several items and even have a few orders to fill.
Tonight the Dogs played Folsom. Unfortunately we came up short. I have to confess that two nights ago when I was doing laundry late at night I grabbed the coaching shirt and washed it. I know the coaching shirt that had not been washed in months. I feel AWFUL. It was a good season, but today I am thankful to have my husband back.
Tonight the Dogs played Folsom. Unfortunately we came up short. I have to confess that two nights ago when I was doing laundry late at night I grabbed the coaching shirt and washed it. I know the coaching shirt that had not been washed in months. I feel AWFUL. It was a good season, but today I am thankful to have my husband back.
November 16, 2012
Thankful day 16
Today I am thankful for a nice glass of red wine. It was LONG week of Kindergarten. We had all together days with 60 kids in the room, parent conferences, and the rain. It was so nice to come home and enjoy a glass of vino.
November 15, 2012
Thankful day 15
Today I had a special treat - I met up with my amazing friend Heather for dinner. It is so hard with our full time jobs and kiddos for us to find time to get together. I am thankful for my good friend that I met in college. I owe a lot to her. She introduced me to the love of my life. If it wasn't for Heather and Mike I might not be married to Chris.
On a side note I have to share a sweet story:
When I was in high school my dad came home and told me all about this high school boy that he met downtown. He thought he was the GREATEST. He couldn't get over how polite, hardworking, and caring he was. At the time I was dating someone, but my Dad kept dropping hints that he just really liked this kid and wants me to just go down and say hi. Well it turns out that polite and hardworking kid was Chris. How funny that before I even met Chris my dad had me all set up with him. I think that is just so sweet. I love that my dad knew me so well to know that I would fall in love with Chris. It took me a while to find him, but I am glad I was patient and waited for just the right one.
On a side note I have to share a sweet story:
When I was in high school my dad came home and told me all about this high school boy that he met downtown. He thought he was the GREATEST. He couldn't get over how polite, hardworking, and caring he was. At the time I was dating someone, but my Dad kept dropping hints that he just really liked this kid and wants me to just go down and say hi. Well it turns out that polite and hardworking kid was Chris. How funny that before I even met Chris my dad had me all set up with him. I think that is just so sweet. I love that my dad knew me so well to know that I would fall in love with Chris. It took me a while to find him, but I am glad I was patient and waited for just the right one.
November 14, 2012
Thankful day 14
Today I am thankful for a great housecleaner. What a treat to come home to a clean house. I love walking in the door and smelling the freshly mopped floors. I stand there for a moment take it all in because I know it will probably only last for half a day.
Thankful Day 13
Today I am thankful for our fantastic doctor. The kids LOVE Dr. Walker. We have been really blessed with two great doctors for our kiddos. We thought it was going to impossible to fill the shoes of Dr. Thomas when we switched to Kaiser, but it was one of those God moments. We meet Dr. Walker and the kids instantly felt comfortable with him. It turns out he is a believer, a good friend of our old doctor, and he has kids that are very similar to ours. Pretty cool. Today Caden got to see Dr. Walker for a quick weight check and he hit the big 3-0. Yay!!!
November 12, 2012
Thankful Day 12
Today we took the kids to visit one of our favorite veterans Great Pop. With our crazy work schedule and football we have not been able to go visit for a while. The kids had so much fun running around. I think they scared some of the old folks and were medicine for a few others. It was a beautiful day to go visit Pop.
Today I am thankful for all the men and women past and present who have scarified so much for our country. When I first started teaching I remember teaching on the air force base and seeing so many parents have to deploy. It was heart wrenching. Grateful for the men and women who wear the uniform, but also for the families that they leave behind. I have a student this year who's dad is deployed for 6 months. I can't even imagine.
Today I am thankful for all the men and women past and present who have scarified so much for our country. When I first started teaching I remember teaching on the air force base and seeing so many parents have to deploy. It was heart wrenching. Grateful for the men and women who wear the uniform, but also for the families that they leave behind. I have a student this year who's dad is deployed for 6 months. I can't even imagine.
November 11, 2012
Thankful day 11
Today I am thankful for my bestie Tiffani and her amazing family.
The DeTars came over for some sauce and meatballs tonight. It was perfect fall weather to have sauce simmering on the stove all day. The kids had so much fun chasing, building forts, and learning some fun new tricks like opening the front windows - thanks Uncle Gabe. I remember all the fun that we had pre kids with just our husbands, but I love our time together now with our families. We don't get together as much as I would like, but when we do we have fun. It is so much fun to see the kids all together. My kiddos love their Aunt Tiffi, Uncle Gabe, and baby Wesley or as Caden says Baby Wes-e-ley ( I need to record it - it's cute).
Thankful for a great friend who will deal with my crazy schedule and will do crafting late at night after I get my kids down and will chat on the phone while I am driving home. I am even more thankful to have such a great friend with an enormous and giving heart. She loves my kids and my family so much.
We love the DeTar family and are so thankful for them.
The DeTars came over for some sauce and meatballs tonight. It was perfect fall weather to have sauce simmering on the stove all day. The kids had so much fun chasing, building forts, and learning some fun new tricks like opening the front windows - thanks Uncle Gabe. I remember all the fun that we had pre kids with just our husbands, but I love our time together now with our families. We don't get together as much as I would like, but when we do we have fun. It is so much fun to see the kids all together. My kiddos love their Aunt Tiffi, Uncle Gabe, and baby Wesley or as Caden says Baby Wes-e-ley ( I need to record it - it's cute).
Thankful for a great friend who will deal with my crazy schedule and will do crafting late at night after I get my kids down and will chat on the phone while I am driving home. I am even more thankful to have such a great friend with an enormous and giving heart. She loves my kids and my family so much.
We love the DeTar family and are so thankful for them.
November 10, 2012
Dad update
Today Dad had to spend the morning and afternoon in the emergency room. It appears his body was having a hard time dealing with all the steroids. He puffed up and was retaining way too much water. On Friday he had a 14 pound weight gain and it was making it very difficult for him to breath. After a long day in the emergency room, I spoke with him and he sounded much better.
Let's pray for a few easy days so he can build his strength for his next chemo session on Wednesday.
Let's pray for a few easy days so he can build his strength for his next chemo session on Wednesday.
Thankful day 10
Today I am thankful that I get to hang up my husband's coaching shirt and that we will be playing again next week. It was a close one, but the Dogs got it done. Next Saturday we will be facing Folsom. It is going to be awful and crazy around our house this week. I am already projecting very little sleep happening and lots horrible low budget movies being watched in the wee hours. Lets hope that I can write next Saturday that I am thankful for a win against Folsom.
November 9, 2012
Thankful Day 9
Today I am thankful for one of my oldest, dearest friends, Amy. Today is her birthday and I won't even mention how old we are, but it is crazy to think we have been friends for more than 20 years. She still makes me laugh out loud. She is beautiful inside and out and an amazing woman of God. She has such great patience and faith. I look to her for advice on all my twin issues as she is a proud mommy of 4 with boy, girl twins as well.
I am thankful for all of the fun and crazy memories from junior high, high school, college, and now as a grown up. There are too many to write about and too many that can get me in trouble. I will always think of Amy when I drink my favorite 7-eleven slurpee. Oh what trouble we use to get into.
I look forward to many more memories and laughs with my dear friend.
I am thankful for all of the fun and crazy memories from junior high, high school, college, and now as a grown up. There are too many to write about and too many that can get me in trouble. I will always think of Amy when I drink my favorite 7-eleven slurpee. Oh what trouble we use to get into.
I look forward to many more memories and laughs with my dear friend.
November 8, 2012
Thankful Day 8
Today I am thankful that I get to raise my kids near a lot of family members. I love that I was able to grow up near so much family. I am so thankful that Chris and I are able to raise our kids near our families. It is a real blessing to have so much family in town. I love that the kids have aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, great grandmas, and even a great grandpa just minutes away. All of them are such an important part of my life and the kids. I am pretty lucky that for my kids to see their Grandma and Grandpa or Nonie and Papa we just have to hop in the car and drive down the road instead of hop on an airplane. Feeling very blessed that we have all been able to stay so close together. JD and Rachele will be moving soon to Arizona - I am heartbroken, but I am excited for vacations to Arizona and for Skype dates.
November 7, 2012
Chemo update
A quick update for the Crawford clan.
Dad had his first day of chemo. He spent most of the day there. They loaded him up early with medicine to try avoid the nausea and so far it gas worked. He was pretty miserable after surgery so they are loading him up to avoid a repeat.
The doctor ended up only being able to give him half the dose of the chemo due to his kidney function. He will go back in 8 days for his next "cocktail".
Prayers for an easy and calm next couple days. According to the doctor day 3 is normally the worst. I will post some more updates in a few days.
Dad had his first day of chemo. He spent most of the day there. They loaded him up early with medicine to try avoid the nausea and so far it gas worked. He was pretty miserable after surgery so they are loading him up to avoid a repeat.
The doctor ended up only being able to give him half the dose of the chemo due to his kidney function. He will go back in 8 days for his next "cocktail".
Prayers for an easy and calm next couple days. According to the doctor day 3 is normally the worst. I will post some more updates in a few days.
Thankful day 7
Today I am so thankful for the AMAZING support system that I am surrounded by. I can not imagine raising kids without each and every special person that is in my life. My kids are blessed to have wonderful people watching them, teaching them, and loving them every day. I am a pretty lucky person to be surrounded by such wonderful friends and family.
November 6, 2012
Thankful Day 6
Today I am thankful for the right to vote. It is hard to believe that there was a time when not everyone had that right. On my way to work I heard someone reflect on the fact that many years ago people traveled for days to be able to go vote. It really made me think that it is such an important right that so many people take for granted or ignore. How sad that people feel inconvenienced to drive down the road to go vote. Today I took my two older kids with me to vote. I hope to instill in them early the importance of election day. Happy Election Day!
November 5, 2012
Thankful Day 5
Today I am thankful for a beautiful home that I get to raise my kids in. I am thankful every day for the love, laughter, tears, and chaos that takes place under our roof.
I still remember the craziness that took place when we bought the house. The twins made their very early arrival in the midst of a major house remodel which was half done. Blessed to have such amazing friends and family who helped paint, put in flooring, move furniture, and unpack our stuff while we tended to our babies.
I still remember the craziness that took place when we bought the house. The twins made their very early arrival in the midst of a major house remodel which was half done. Blessed to have such amazing friends and family who helped paint, put in flooring, move furniture, and unpack our stuff while we tended to our babies.
Better Late Than Never
The disappearance of the office has put a tamper on my blogging with pictures. I normally do my blogging late in the evening after the kids are asleep and now my computer is in the room with one of my sweet sleeping Caden. So for now my blogging will have to take place on my phone and randomly when I can sneak in the office to post a picture, I will.
A few weeks ago we did our annual trip to beautiful Wheatland, to visit Bishop's Pumpkin Farm. I have to admit that a few years ago when the husband suggested we drive an hour and half to go to a pumpkin farm I was skeptical. Between the zip line, hay rides to the pumpkin field, corn dogs, pig races, petting farm, barn slide, mountain slide, pig races (which are so corny, but the kids get a kick out of), the delish apple pie, and pony rides I was hooked.
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Uncle Gabe treated the kids to pony rides. |
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Emmeline was in love with her pony |
We now go every year with the Great Nana from Yuba City. She loves watching the kids have so much fun on the farm. This year we talked the DeTar's into making the long trek to Wheatland with us. Despite the HUGE crowd the kids had a blast and we lucked out with perfect fall weather. I am looking forward to our trip next year and if I forget hopefully someone will remind me that taking a day off during the week is a must for the visit.
November 4, 2012
Thankful day 4
Today is kind of a funny post, but today I am thankful for caffein and Gram's shortbread cookies. Both were extremely important in helping me power through my report cards today. I am thankful that they are finished and that a 1/3 of the school year is in the books.
Thankful day 3
I am thankful every day for my beautiful kids. I am still in awe that God picked me to be their Mommy. I love them more than they could ever imagine. They challenge me and bring so much joy to my life. Everyday they amaze me with something new. I never knew I could love something as much as I love them. I am thankful for everyday that I get to be their Mommy.
Thankful day 2
Today I am thankful for my AMAZING husband. I love how he provides for his family and loves us. I am thankful that in the same day he can run around coaching a bunch of tough football players and then come home and have a tea party with his little girl. He gives his all to his kids and the sense of love and security he creates is immeasurable.
November 2, 2012
Thankful day 1
I have so much to be thankful for that I thought I would blog about it. I have seen thankful journals on a few other blogs so I thought I would jump on it too.
Day 1
Today I am thankful for my Mom and Dad. I wouldn't be here without them and I certainly wouldn't be the person I am without them. They taught me so many lessons in life especially the value and importance of hard work. I am thankful that they picked up on my brother and I's differnt and unique personalities and helped us develop them and flourish them. They were always and still are always there for us. They knew when we were growing up when they need to be there to hold our hand and when to step back and watch us try from a distance. And what I love is we didn't always make it and it was okay and we learned from it.
Today I am thankful for my Mom and Dad.
Day 1
Today I am thankful for my Mom and Dad. I wouldn't be here without them and I certainly wouldn't be the person I am without them. They taught me so many lessons in life especially the value and importance of hard work. I am thankful that they picked up on my brother and I's differnt and unique personalities and helped us develop them and flourish them. They were always and still are always there for us. They knew when we were growing up when they need to be there to hold our hand and when to step back and watch us try from a distance. And what I love is we didn't always make it and it was okay and we learned from it.
Today I am thankful for my Mom and Dad.
October 31, 2012
Andy's Toys
Happy Halloween from all of Andy's Toys!
This year we dressed up in a Toy Story theme. We love that we talked the DeTars into joining us. Here is a run down of who everyone was this year:
Caden-Buzz Lightyear
Emmeline - Jesse
Jackson - Green martin
Tiffani and I - Potato heads
Gabe - Green Army Man
Chris - Evil Emperor Zurg ( I know a little over the top and scary!)
The kids had so much fun trick or treating downtown. I forgot to snap a picture, but runny nose and all Jackson sat in "Andy's Toy Box" and was a trooper. We even managed to hit a couple houses before the rain came down poured on us. After a few houses we headed home to get our poor sick, tired, kids home.
How ADORABLE are these kids?!?! |
You have to love the pool noodles from the Dollar Store. I think I need to do a blog post on all the uses of pool noodles. |
We have the BEST husbands. What good sports they are!!! |
October 30, 2012
The ball is rolling
Today Dad had his first surgery in his fight against cancer. I saw him yesterday and he was very eager to get the ball rolling on kicking cancer. After a LONG day at the hospital he was able to leave and recover at home. We are all going to be anxious to get the results on Friday. The best birthday present ever would be a clear biopsy report.
I was thinking it would be nice to start a blog for my Dad to chronicle his journey and keep all our East coast family in the loop. Until we come up with a name and get it going I will continue to post some updates. If anyone has an idea for a blog name, let me know.
I was thinking it would be nice to start a blog for my Dad to chronicle his journey and keep all our East coast family in the loop. Until we come up with a name and get it going I will continue to post some updates. If anyone has an idea for a blog name, let me know.
October 29, 2012
A few inches taller
It is amazing how a few inches taller can cause such havoc in our house. It is official nothing is safe anymore. We have decided Jackson must have go-go gadget arms. Jackson loves being into everything his big brother and sister are into. This absolutely drives them crazy. We are constantly chasing after him trying to retrieve items that he sneaks off the once safe counter and table. Tonight it was a fascination with a cup of milk that ended up all over the hallway floor. Thank goodness he is a cute one.
October 28, 2012
Potato Heads, Cowgirls, and Villains
Halloween is drawing near and this was my last weekend to finish up the costumes. The weekend included several trips to the fabric store and hardware store. You have to love a weekend project that involves spray paint, felt, hot glue, and a pool noodle. I am happy to report that the cowgirl outfit is done along with a potato head. Now I have 2 days to finish the last costume. Here's a sneak peek of my projects this weekend.
October 27, 2012
Happy 39th Wedding Birthday
Tonight we had an anniversary dinner for my wonderful parents. We were trying to explain to the kids what an anniversary was and Emmeline replied "it's their wedding birthday." So tonight we celebrated my parent's 39th "wedding birthday." They are a true testament to their vows. I love watching my parents. The fact that they still hold hands and my Dad always makes it a point to give my Mom a kiss when he leaves. They are are dealing with so much right now and with my Dad's chemo set to start next week, a family dinner was in order. We had a great night full of a lot of laughs. A highlight was Jackson walking out with the most mischievous smirk wearing Emmeline's purple heels. I wish we all would have stopped laughing to snap a photo.
Happy 39th Anniversary Mom and Dad!
Happy 39th Anniversary Mom and Dad!
October 23, 2012
Joys of being a twin
Today Caden learned the "joy" of being a twin. Tonight when we were asking the kids about their day Emmeline was quick to mention how Caden got in trouble and had to go to the office. She then preceded to fill on all the missing puzzle pieces that Caden was leaving out. After our discussion with the kids we heard the dreaded message on the machine from the teacher. Your child getting sent to the office is probably one of the worst nightmares of a mother who is also a teacher. Caden seemed pretty sad and sorrowful for his behavior. We are hoping it never happens again, and if it does I am sure Emmeline will be quick to fill us in. I figure Caden will get his turn during the teenage years filling us in on all the boys Em is hanging out with, the curfews she is trying to break, and classes she is trying to ditch. Oh the joys of having twins!
October 22, 2012
Poor Planning
I am normally very good at planning things. We lucked out with beautiful weather and planned a fall pumpkin carving party and movie night for this past weekend followed by the next day hitting up the pumpkin farm. With working full time I treated myself to housecleaning to get ready for the party. Friday night it was FANTASTIC to come home to a clean house all ready for the party. Fast forward to Monday and one exhausted Mama and I am rethinking the housecleaning before the party. Mental Note: the house is just going to get destroyed from a party, have a housecleaner come in after the party. So now after a long weekend of parties and fun I am dragging myself to clean and mop the floors - no fun!
October 20, 2012
Pumpkins and Popcorn
Tonight was our annual fall movie night. We lucked out with some perfect fall weather. The kids had a great time painting and carving pumpkins and devouring some popcorn. They were pretty precious all snuggled up in blankets on grass watching movies. It was a fun night full of lots of yummy snacks. I can't wait to write a detailed post over at Teaspoons and Twine. Here is a little sneak peak of the kids cuddled up watching a movie - pretty adorable!
October 18, 2012
Napa Week
You know it is Napa week when the husband is up all hours unable sleep, taking Epsom salt baths, and there are yellow tablets EVERYWHERE. This is always such a stressful week. I am bummed the Dogs are playing away this week, but excited for Napa radio do I can listen to the game. Now we just need to work on getting Vacaville's home games on the air.
October 17, 2012
Today was a day full of treats.
Jackson was in heaven. Just as I was pulling up to Miss Cari's the garbage truck was at her house. He was one happy boy and could not stop waving.
The AMAZING Erin arranged for a fire truck and crew to come talk to our class. I was lucky enough to have a visit at school by two cute little boys who came to see the fire truck. Then the bestie brought me a Starbucks ice tea. After a long IEP meeting I came home to a clean house. I decided to treat myself to that. Let's see how long it will last with 3 little ones. To round out my day I opened the fridge to find dinner already made. Gram made us some delish enchiladas and rice.
I was one really spoiled girl today.
Jackson was in heaven. Just as I was pulling up to Miss Cari's the garbage truck was at her house. He was one happy boy and could not stop waving.
The AMAZING Erin arranged for a fire truck and crew to come talk to our class. I was lucky enough to have a visit at school by two cute little boys who came to see the fire truck. Then the bestie brought me a Starbucks ice tea. After a long IEP meeting I came home to a clean house. I decided to treat myself to that. Let's see how long it will last with 3 little ones. To round out my day I opened the fridge to find dinner already made. Gram made us some delish enchiladas and rice.
I was one really spoiled girl today.
October 14, 2012
Happy Birthday Nonie
Tonight we did one of my favorite things have family dinner. Tonight's dinner was extra special, we were celebrating the AMAZING Nonie's birthday. We had the whole crew over for her birthday dinner. When we asked her what she would like for dinner she said ribs... I am pretty sure that was not really on the top of her list, but beign the amazing person she is, she picked the husband's favorite dinner. We had ribs with all the fixings followed by some delish apple pie that Aunt Cory made and the Twins' favorite strawberry cake. We love our Nonie and are so thankful and grateful for EVERYTHING she does. Happy Birthday Nonie!!!
October 12, 2012
I LOVE Fridays, but I hate the greeting I get every Friday when I open the laundry room. One of the many dislikes of working full time is all the chores I have over the weekend. I absolutely HATE doing laundry and with kids and two adults there is A TON. I really don't mind the washing, but the folding and putting away is the worst. So here is a snap shot of what was greeting me when I opened the laundry room and that isn't even including my wet bag of dirty diapers, towels, and sheets. Makes me tired just looking at it.
October 10, 2012
On the Other Side of the Table
Being a teacher I have sat in dozens of IEPs. Today I had the opportunity to sit on the other side of the table. Today I was Mom. I have to say it was very odd. Reflecting on it now I feel so sad for so many of the other parents who have to go through this horrible, long, process. I am lucky to be somewhat familiar of the rules, acronyms, and the process because of my job. But I am really blessed to have family who know the system inside and out. There are so many families out there who I think really don't know or understand their rights and probably are not getting the best for their child.
After the meeting I am mentally drained. I am not feeling like we won the race today, but my wise Father-in-Law reminded me to think of it not as a sprint but a marathon. So today we ran a leg 1 of the race.
After the meeting I am mentally drained. I am not feeling like we won the race today, but my wise Father-in-Law reminded me to think of it not as a sprint but a marathon. So today we ran a leg 1 of the race.
October 9, 2012
Update on the flu shots:
We all still have very sore arms and two of my three kids still have a band-aid on the shot. The thought of me taking the band-aid off of them is more traumatic then them getting the shot. Emmeline insisted in the doctor's office that she can only put the band-aid on and it was barely hanging on. It is really funny how much they dislike band-aids. We have just about every type of band-aid you can imagine; princess, cupcakes, Toy Story, Angry Birds, robots, and hearts to try and get them to just let us put a band-aid on them. Most kids can not get enough of them, but in our house they are seen as pure torture. Hmmm... maybe I just thought of a new punishment???
I can't wait for them to be older and I can remind them that they didn't mind shots, but hated getting a band-aid.
We all still have very sore arms and two of my three kids still have a band-aid on the shot. The thought of me taking the band-aid off of them is more traumatic then them getting the shot. Emmeline insisted in the doctor's office that she can only put the band-aid on and it was barely hanging on. It is really funny how much they dislike band-aids. We have just about every type of band-aid you can imagine; princess, cupcakes, Toy Story, Angry Birds, robots, and hearts to try and get them to just let us put a band-aid on them. Most kids can not get enough of them, but in our house they are seen as pure torture. Hmmm... maybe I just thought of a new punishment???
I can't wait for them to be older and I can remind them that they didn't mind shots, but hated getting a band-aid.
October 8, 2012
From my last post I mentioned that I was pleasantly surprised to have no school on Monday. I thought to myself what is a Mom to do on a no school or work day? For some reason I thought it would be a great day to go get all of our flu shots. At the moment it seemed logical and reasonable. I was sure there wouldn't be much of a line and we don't have to show up on a Saturday. As I am standing in line with three munchkins and just myself I got to thinking that this probably wasn't my smartest move. Being a coach's wife I had a game plan all set; Mommy gets that shot first to show them it would be fine and that way by kid number 3 we could bolt and not wait. As soon as we made it to the front of the line the nurse looked at me with pity and ushered me into a room instead of the hallway where they were giving shots. Bless her heart for helping me contain the troops. Well, the nurse had a different game plan and after lots of bribing and a trip to the toy store we all have our flu shots and very sore arms.
October 5, 2012
Today was a pretty great day despite the fact it took me another hour and a half to get home.
I started the morning with a Starbucks treat - which I have to say was the first of the school year. I know I made to October with no Starbucks!!! While at Starbucks I ran into one of my favorite students and her Mom. They were the sweetest and treated me to my coffee. While at work making pumpkin pancakes I learned we don't have school on Monday- woohoo! I topped off my day with a win from the Dogs and movie night with my kiddos. Caden and Emmeline convinced me to let them sleep together in Caden's new bunk bed. It was so sweet to listen to them giggle and laugh at one another. Here is a quick pic from their "slumber party."
I started the morning with a Starbucks treat - which I have to say was the first of the school year. I know I made to October with no Starbucks!!! While at Starbucks I ran into one of my favorite students and her Mom. They were the sweetest and treated me to my coffee. While at work making pumpkin pancakes I learned we don't have school on Monday- woohoo! I topped off my day with a win from the Dogs and movie night with my kiddos. Caden and Emmeline convinced me to let them sleep together in Caden's new bunk bed. It was so sweet to listen to them giggle and laugh at one another. Here is a quick pic from their "slumber party."
October 4, 2012
105 minutes
In an hour and 45 minutes there are so many things one could do. You could; watch a full length movie, wash and dry a car, enjoy a long facial and massage too. If I had 105 uninterrupted minutes I could probably get my house clean, but today I spent 105 minutes in my car. It took me almost two hours to get from work to home which sadly is only about 20 miles. Luckily I had a pretty content passenger in the backseat who enjoyed my singing and my moans and sighs. And lucky me tomorrow is Friday which means I get to deal with horrible Friday traffic. I think the countdown has now begun for Christmas break and two weeks of no work, no traffic, and no STUDENTS!
October 3, 2012
Graduation Day
This is such an exciting post!!! Today is graduation day for my sweet friend Melissa. She is graduating from chemo. She has been such an amazing and strong person through this whole journey. Her faith in God even through the hardest struggles has helped me focus and have faith for my Dad. Kind of ironic that she is finishing her journey with the "Big C" and today my Dad went into surgery for his.
I am so proud of my sweet friend for all of the courage, grace, and strength she showed through all of this. I wish I could have been there to see her more. I am itching to see her and give her a big hug. I hear that she may even be up to traveling to California soon for a visit. If she is not able to come out soon, I think I may just need to plan a quick trip to S.C. to go see her.
I am so proud of my sweet friend for all of the courage, grace, and strength she showed through all of this. I wish I could have been there to see her more. I am itching to see her and give her a big hug. I hear that she may even be up to traveling to California soon for a visit. If she is not able to come out soon, I think I may just need to plan a quick trip to S.C. to go see her.
October 2, 2012
Tackling the Impossible
This was a super busy weekend filled with lots of projects. Daddy was in a not so good mood -something about 3 losses in a row and reading The Reporter on Saturday morning did not help.
I thought to cheer him up I would take on the impossible task of trying to make "Mr. Feld Ribs". I have to say the husband was pretty impressed and they were pretty delish. I am going to scoot over to Teaspoons and Twine and blog all about my new, super, simple recipe.
I thought to cheer him up I would take on the impossible task of trying to make "Mr. Feld Ribs". I have to say the husband was pretty impressed and they were pretty delish. I am going to scoot over to Teaspoons and Twine and blog all about my new, super, simple recipe.
September 30, 2012
Movin Out
Yesterday was a BIG day for my Sister-in-law! She moved out on her own!!!! We are so extremely proud and excited for her. Chris was able to go check our her place and help move in some stuff, but I am itching to go check it out. Best part is she is just down the road and we can foot it or ride bikes to go see her. Yay Elizabeth and CONGRATS to my In-Laws they are now empty nesters. They did an amazing job raising 3 AMAZING kids.
September 29, 2012
Washin the Stink Away
Most of the time when I am writing about stink and washing stink it is referring to Jackson's diapers, but for this post I am referring to the husband's game day shirt. We have that odd football superstition that if you are winning the shirt goes on a hanger until a loss. Last year the shirt pretty much could stand on it's own and you did not want to be anywhere near him since they only had one loss all season. But for 3 weeks in a row now I have had to wash the shirt. It has been a tough couple Friday nights. One loss was hard, two horrible, and three I don't even have words for. I don't even know that last time that I have had to wash the game shirt three times in a row? If you read The Reporter today I am sure they mentioned the answer to my question - I didn't even want to look at the sports page today. I am so proud of my husband all the hard work and time he puts into the team. League starts this Friday and I am looking forward to not having to wash his shirt the rest of the season - Let's hope.
September 23, 2012
Saucy Sunday
Well it is official, it looks like Sunday in our house will be Saucy Sunday. For two Sundays in a row I have made sauce and meatballs and my kids have DEVOURED it. The house smells so good and it makes me hungry all day smelling it.
It is hard to find things Caden will eat and he can not get enough of sauce with meatballs and sausage. It is kind of embarrassing how many days in a row the child will eat it. The bonus is he is eating and putting on weight. So until my boys get tired of it or my freezer is full, it looks like I will be making Gram's famous sauce and meatballs.
It is hard to find things Caden will eat and he can not get enough of sauce with meatballs and sausage. It is kind of embarrassing how many days in a row the child will eat it. The bonus is he is eating and putting on weight. So until my boys get tired of it or my freezer is full, it looks like I will be making Gram's famous sauce and meatballs.
September 22, 2012
Today was all about progress...
I made some progress in the office transformation. I successfully painted a small bookcase now I just need to tackle the computer desk and built in bookcase.
I took a HUGE load to Opportunity House and managed to post some items to sell.
I made some progress in finding some art and some inspiration for Caden's new room. I can't wait to get busy with the fun part of decorating now that the room is almost cleared out.
The laundry room got reorganized. I just need to figure out what to do with my vacuum collection. I have a serious problem and LOVE vacuums. I have all shapes and sizes. You just never know what spill or mess may come your way.
And last after a long, tiring day I made it through half of my progress reports. It is hard to believe that there is just 6 short weeks unit report cards. It was pretty amazing for me to look at the data and see how far some of my students have come in just 6 weeks.
I made some progress in the office transformation. I successfully painted a small bookcase now I just need to tackle the computer desk and built in bookcase.
I took a HUGE load to Opportunity House and managed to post some items to sell.
I made some progress in finding some art and some inspiration for Caden's new room. I can't wait to get busy with the fun part of decorating now that the room is almost cleared out.
The laundry room got reorganized. I just need to figure out what to do with my vacuum collection. I have a serious problem and LOVE vacuums. I have all shapes and sizes. You just never know what spill or mess may come your way.
And last after a long, tiring day I made it through half of my progress reports. It is hard to believe that there is just 6 short weeks unit report cards. It was pretty amazing for me to look at the data and see how far some of my students have come in just 6 weeks.
September 21, 2012
Laughing Cow
Today I was introduced to my new favorite snack, Laughing Cow cheese on a crisp apple. I am almost embarrassed to admit this, but after trying it once I ran to Costco to grab some and have already eaten half of the Costco pack. It sounds bad when I say half of the Costco pack is gone, but for a Costco size item it is pretty small. I admit I am completely hooked. Later in the evening I reintroduced myself to an old childhood favorite, ants on a log using Laughing Cow. It is delish and bonus each wedge is only 35 calories. The sad part is I can't get away with eating only one wedge.
September 18, 2012
My Little Helper
Jackson has turned into quite the little helper. He runs for the laundry room when he hears it open. I went to go take a load from the dryer to my room and came back to this. That could have been a MESS!!!!
September 16, 2012
I came home from a fun day with my girl to a mess. The husband decided to start transforming the office into Caden's new room. I came home to half of a huge bunk bed put together in the office along with all the other stuff in there. So in the office we had a bunk bed, couch, entertainment center, air hockey table, kids recliner, and two carts full of my craft stuff - talk about a FIRE HAZARD! After several hours we know have a starting place for creating Caden's new space room.
September 15, 2012
Art and Wine Show
Today I took my favorite little lady on a Mommy- Daughter date. We caravanned up to Lafayette to the Art and Wine Show. I could not believe how huge it was and how incredibly hot it could be for being in the "bay area". Despite the heat we has a great time and I love that I have a little shopper. She found all sorts of treasures that she had to have, but in the ended settled on a furry, little, purple puppet that she named Jackson. So adorable that she named him after her little brother because he was little just like him. As soon as we got home she made a bed for him and within 12 hours I have untangled the strings probably a HUNDRED times. I know, I should have seen that coming when I pushed the puppet instead of the large pink, wooded airplane or the Disney princess pictures.
Before we took off I snapped a couple cute photos of Emmeline with her little buddies and her new furry friend.
Before we took off I snapped a couple cute photos of Emmeline with her little buddies and her new furry friend.
September 14, 2012
Going to work full time is a little easier when I get some adorable photos like these sent to me during the day. Isn't technology amazing?
Seeing Caden rolling the cookie dough and touching the flour was a BIG deal with his sensory issues. What a big step for him.
And then the same day I was greeted with a super delish dinner prepped by the kids and their Nonie.Chicken Louise was a hit in our house. I am sure it will appear more often on our menu board.
Seeing Caden rolling the cookie dough and touching the flour was a BIG deal with his sensory issues. What a big step for him.
And then the same day I was greeted with a super delish dinner prepped by the kids and their Nonie.Chicken Louise was a hit in our house. I am sure it will appear more often on our menu board.
September 11, 2012
Popsicles and Fro Yo
What a fun evening! We started with a yummy dinner and then I headed to the preschool with all the kids for Popsicles and Play. 3 kids, 1 parent, and 3 drippy popsicles = a fun time filled with lots of wipes. After attempting a quick bedtime routine I met up with some of my favorite mommy friends for fro yo and fun girl time. It was just what I needed. Now I need to go to bed and prepare for my 60 Kindergarten students that will greet me tomorrow.
September 9, 2012
W's All Around
What a great football weekend! We started the weekend off with an INCREDIBLE win by the Bulldogs. Saturday USC got a win. To wrap up the weekend the Jets won. And yes, I am the newest Jets fan in the family thanks to Tim Tebow. I am sure I will catch all sorts of flack for it, but I can not get enough of him.
Looking forward to another great week of football.
Looking forward to another great week of football.
September 8, 2012
Day on the Delta
Today we celebrated the BIG Bulldog win with a day on the Delta. The kids have been begging, more like harassing Uncle Gabe about going out on the boat.
Emmeline woke up today so excited for our trip. She could not wait to get out there and catch our dinner. It was pretty cute.
We had a blast and Caden was in LOVE with everything boating. We were cracking up with his coaching and pep talk he was giving Uncle Gabe about not falling while wake boarding.
The kiddos LOVED driving the boat. And Caden LOVED making Mommy sea sick from his spins. I wish I would have recorded his smile and laugh. It was precious.
The kids talked about the trip the whole way home and at bedtime. Emmeline even reminded me at dinner we have to go back so we can catch some fish to eat.
We can not wait for another trip out on the Delta with some of our favorite people.
Here are some pics from our fun day in the sun!
Emmeline woke up today so excited for our trip. She could not wait to get out there and catch our dinner. It was pretty cute.
We had a blast and Caden was in LOVE with everything boating. We were cracking up with his coaching and pep talk he was giving Uncle Gabe about not falling while wake boarding.
The kiddos LOVED driving the boat. And Caden LOVED making Mommy sea sick from his spins. I wish I would have recorded his smile and laugh. It was precious.
The kids talked about the trip the whole way home and at bedtime. Emmeline even reminded me at dinner we have to go back so we can catch some fish to eat.
We can not wait for another trip out on the Delta with some of our favorite people.
Here are some pics from our fun day in the sun!
September 7, 2012
What a game, 28-24 Vacaville. Tonight was probably one of the best football games I have watched at Tom Zunino Stadium. The kids looked at me like I was a crazy woman in the 4th quarter. It is a good thing I have two days to get my voice back. So proud of the boys, my husband for calling a great game, and for two great 4 year olds for hanging the WHOLE game and penny ceremony. Way to go Dogs!
September 6, 2012
Way too fast
Someone is growing up way too quickly. I wish I could press the pause button. All in one week; she decided to get her first hair cut, announced she is one day marrying daddy, started taking showers not baths, and tonight she put a pen behind her ear while she was writing a letter to a friend. It is TOO MUCH way too fast. Love seeing the smart, independent, and beautiful girl she is becoming.
September 4, 2012
The first day of school was a success. It of course had to have a little craziness, there is nothing like a little spilled milk on the first day of school sign for pictures. I was able to save the sign with minimual damage. I am hoping I am the only one who will notice it.
We arrived to school and the kids were so cute. It was fun this year because they knew exactly what they were doing. We met some new classmates and happen to know one of them already. I am already secretly scouting one of their new classmates to be Caden's future Center when he plays football. Brody's Dad and Grandpa were both past Bulldogs and I am thinking Brody would be great to protect my boy. Is it too early for me to already be thinking about that???
Emmeline was the little teacher showing her new friends all over the classroom. It was SWEET!
I was able to leave no tears, just a few heartbreaking "I don't want you to leave." When I picked them up they did not want to leave and said it was great. I would say that is a successful first day.
We arrived to school and the kids were so cute. It was fun this year because they knew exactly what they were doing. We met some new classmates and happen to know one of them already. I am already secretly scouting one of their new classmates to be Caden's future Center when he plays football. Brody's Dad and Grandpa were both past Bulldogs and I am thinking Brody would be great to protect my boy. Is it too early for me to already be thinking about that???
Emmeline was the little teacher showing her new friends all over the classroom. It was SWEET!
I was able to leave no tears, just a few heartbreaking "I don't want you to leave." When I picked them up they did not want to leave and said it was great. I would say that is a successful first day.
So excited she could hardly sleep! |
Someone did not want his picture taken, but would hold a sign to please his Mom. |
Managed to secretly get a quick photo |
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