October 19, 2015
Good deed
Today we dressed as pirates and got way more donuts from Krispy Kreme then we could ever imagine eating. We decided we should drop them off to police station along with some coffee to thank them for their service. Our good deed backfired and it is probably the last time we Tahoe something to the police station. Don't get me wrong we are still so appreciative of them, but he asked Jack if he wanted to police officer when he grew up? In the back of my head. I was thinking this might happen and I should prep the boys for this question, but I didn't. Jack answered... No, I want to be a firemen. Ughhhh.... I wanted to go hide as he said it. The police officer then told the boys, " I know firefighters get to set around and play X Box all day long." SERIOUSLY -DID HE JUST SAY THAT?!?! Of course Caden heard him say it and guess what I I know have two boys who want to be fire fighters. After a few days of both the boys telling everyone insight that they want to be fire fighters because they play X Box all day I sat the boys down and read some books and had a talk with them. We went over how none of the books show firemen playing video games at work and how we didn't see any at the station. Then I had to explain that the police officer wasn't telling the truth and was just joking around. I'm hoping the boys understand and I hope police officers can have a little better public relations with fire fighters in the future.
Fall festival
One of the joys of being married to a football coach means I get to do all the fall festivals solo with 3 kids. That sounds fun doesn't?!?! Who doesn't want to take 3 kids to a mini carnival with candy, cookies, and cake at every turn. Oh add in that it's probably 85 degrees and the kids are melting in their costumes. One decides to strip out of it in the middle of the festival... Thankfully he had on a shirt and shorts underneath. All 3 want to go in different directions and want to play a different game. The games they do decide to play together of course one wins the "big prize" and the others get the mini prize - that always goes over well. Besides all that it was a blast. All kidding aside they all did pretty good. We needed a couple reminders abdiyt staying together, but they did pretty good being patient while a sibling played a game. We ended the night with the best mini donuts we get at the football games and Kono ice because doesn't every kid coming off a sugar high and exhausted need that at bedtime? Jack loved his first festival and Mommy is already counting down for the next one.
October 18, 2015
Today we spent the morning at Gram's with this birthday boy. It is hard to believe that Baby Jacob turned 2!!! We are all going to have to work on dropping the term baby. He is becoming such a big boy. He loves his horses and loves Em. He would walk around following her saying Emme. It was pretty adorable. Emmeline has been working so hard on her reading and decided to bring her book to read to Jacob. Awwwwe..... melt my heart watching her read to him. Happy Birthday Jacob! We love watching you grow up and we can't wait to see you with a new baby sister!
October 17, 2015
Family Pictures
Today was the day I look forward to all year... family picture day. Perhaps I should rename it family torture day. Daddy was less than thrilled with his outfit and Caden flipped out. We prepped and talked and when we got there he was an emotional mess. He freaked out about EVERYTHING. It didn't think it was going to be such a big deal that we were using a new photographer since we were just doing a 30 minute mini session, but I was wrong. This sweet photographer was a stranger in his eyes and he was having none of it. Jackson and Emmeline on the other hand were on point and were so excited to do cheesy smiles. Since I tortured everyone Daddy planned an afternoon of torture for me. We headed to Scandia for hours of fun in the arcade. I am all for the batting cages, mini golf, but inside surrounded by video games was enough to cause me to drink a soda. Fingers crossed that she was able to snap at least one good one or that she is really good at Photoshop.

October 12, 2015
Parenting Fail
I'm going to blame this parenting fail on one too many glasses of red wine while doing a thrilling online training for PowerSchool. As soon as my alarm went off I realized I forgot to notify the tooth fairy that she needed to make a stop by Emmeline's room. I think she heard my alarm and woke up early to check her pillow. With disappointment she walked into my room. After a little talk about how she lost her tooth late at night and the tooth fairy may have already left to go visit boys and girls she decided to leave her pillow out again. We made sure to write a note in hopes that the tooth fairy stops by tonight.
October 11, 2015
Happy Birthday Nonie
Today we started out the morning on a top secret mission. The kids and I grabbed some fall items from a local pumpkin patch the other day and brought them up to Nonie and Papa's house to decorate the porch for Nonie's birthday. The kids were so funny about dodging windows and they were trying so hard to tip toe and be quiet, but I'm thinking they failed. Their favorite part was knocking, hiding, and then surprising Nonie. The kids and I went home after that to set up for family dinner at our house. The kids did a great job helping with the table, cutting veggies, and helping sample dessert. We discovered a new recipe that involves brownie mix and a waffle maker. It just may be the only reason I am keeping my waffle maker. It was so fun that there was a new grandchild this year. Sweet Hailey was adorable. I am going to have to host dinner more often - I got some sweet Auntie time with Hailey while everyone was eating. She is getting so big and is just as sweet as can be. We just love our Nonie so much and we are so thankful for all that she does for us. We hope Nonie had the best birthday. Happy Birthday Nonie!

Last minute
Don't you love it when your kids come out of school all excited and ask if they can do a pumpkin contest? I told them of course and then they mentioned oh and we have to bring it in tomorrow! Seriously?!?! Well we headed to the store to grab a quick pumpkin and get to work. They each had their minds set on what they wanted to do. It is so hard for me to let go of control, but I think the twins did a great job of designing and executing and me hot gluing.
Pumpkin Fun
Today I took two of the kiddos to the pumpkin patch because isn't that what most sane people do on a 90 degree weather. We met up with friends for a little fun and the kids helped me pick out stuff for a project. We left with not only some pumpkins, but some inches of dirt on us, clothes, and shoes.
Aren't Dad's the Best
Tonight was Pumpkin Palooza at CFA and it was a mad house!!! Within the first 30 minutes I was running out of things. My adorable pumpkin display was wiped out. My Dad came to the rescue and went on a crazy hunt for pumpkins not once but twice! Thank goodness for a grocery store near by. He managed to get back in time for so all the kiddos could get a pumpkin. I'm so glad pumpkin Palooza is over and the giant orange pumpkin that was starting to take residence in our living is now out!
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