April 26, 2015
Tick Tock
Haircuts for Hayli
Today Emmeline went to Dixon to have her hair cut for a sweet little girl named Hayli. Hayli is a brave little girl that I met while I was getting my hair cut. She was just diagnosed with brain cancer. She is starting 52 weeks of chemo and radiation. She is the sweetest girl and so brave. I went home and talked to Emmeline about Kayli and about cancer. Emmeline said the sweetest prayer and asked what she could do. We decided to go down to the cut a thon and have a few inches cut off and give a donation. I can't even what the family is going through, but Hayli is in our prayers daily.
My little fish
Today we started swim lessons. They were so cute in their suits and goggles!
Two of the three were so excited and asked if they could go back tomorrow. Coach got Caden to jump in or pulled him in??? And Jackson declared it was the worst day ever and didn't want to let go of the coach. We can't wait until next week.
April 17, 2015
What an exciting weekend! We had a chance to celebrate a bunch of things. We started off at the pinkest and sweetest shower for Baby Hailey! We are all so excited for her upcoming arrival! I can't wait to get my baby fix!!! Next I headed to the city to celebrate this beautiful lady turning 30! We had a fun ladies night full of lots of laughs. Although I'm practically the grandma of the group I love hanging with these girls.
Some things never change
I love checking in on the kids before I head to bed. It is so sweet to just watch them sleeping. I always smile when I walk into Emmeline's room. Some things never change...
April 9, 2015
Easter Bonnets
A few burned finger tips later and these cuties are ready for the big egg hunt and parade! They are so cute and thought it was so fun they were going to have matching hats.
Fun with Friends
Today was bring a friend free day at 6 Flags and we brought 3 friends. We lucked out and got to bring our older buddies Noah, Hannah, and Mea. Let me tell you it was the best visit EVER! Chris and I got to sit out of all the dizzy kid rides and the older kids wanted to push the strollers the whole day! It was FANTASTIC! The kids had so much fun with them. If season passes weren't so much and we don't all fit in one car I would consider buying them season passes.
April 5, 2015
Mother knows best
We have been super busy this week getting ready for Easter celebrations. After a fun day of parties and lunch I had a little conversation with Jackson that went like this...
Me: hey Jack, why don't you lay down for a nap while I finish homework with Em and Caden.
Jackson: I'm not sleepy.
Me: really? You look like you could use one.
After working on homework for about 20 minutes and it being way too silent I walk out to find this.
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