March 20, 2015
Nap time
I should have known that napping two days in a row for more than 2 hours was too good to be true. Naps are few and far between at our house. It's so sad that the cherished nap time at our house is over. Looks like the cold/allergies has claimed another victim. He looks so sweet napping. As sweet as he looks I'm going to be dreading bedtime when he is wide awake from napping. Let's hope he wakes up feeling great and that an allergy pull will help him get over this.
March 16, 2015
Dropping like flies
We have gone from one coughing kid to anither one having an asthma attack and a persistent cough which then turned into a nasty sinus infection to the last healthy one up at night coughing and another kid with a possible sinus infection. It sounds like an orchestra of coughing and snoring around here. The only bonus is the early to bed for all of them and they don't fight us on it. I have a feeling it's going to be a long nasty allergy season.
March 15, 2015
Surprise number 2 and 3
We checked out of the coolest hotel ever, finished day two of legoland, and loaded the kids up fir surprise number two! We pulled into Paraduse Pier on a drizzly Sunday evening. It took the kids a little bit to put it all together, but soon they realized where we were going! We unloaded in our room and surprise number 3 came and knocked on our door. The kids had no idea Nonie and Papa had flown down to go to Disneyland with us. They were sooo excited when they saw them and we were so excited Nonie and Papa had an upgraded room so we could watch the awesome firework show from their room. We headed to bed so we could be up and at them early to get into CA Adventure!
In search of snow
Today we loaded up the kids after school and told them we were off to search for snow. It isn't a total fib, we will see snow, but not before we visit Legoland! After about 5 hours in the car our little smarties were on to us. They started asking questions about why there are tall buildings and not tall trees if we were near the snow. The kids were soooo excited when we turned into the Legolabd hotel parking lot. We videod Caden and it was precious! He couldn't believe it. Legoland was even lego builders dream. It was pretty fun! We learned a few things, like go in the summer so you can do the waterpark and rent a cabana. The hotel was AMAZING! It was worth every penny! I don't think myself or the kids will ever be able stay in another hotel down there. Between the disco party in the elevator, bunk beds in our room, Legos everywhere, amazing buffet, treasure hunt in our room, and Lego sculptures it was FANTASTIC!!!
March 14, 2015
Tonight we had a kid free night at Vaca High's Sports Night. It was a blast as usual. We missed our DeTars, but DeTar Livestock was still well represented with going after a well sought after auction item. The auction this year was OUT OF CONTROL! It was so much fun to watch and so frustrating as many of the items we wanted spiraled out of our limits. I still can not believe that 2 Warriors tickets not even court side went for $2, 000 or the coveted Graduation press box went for $6,000. Yes, you read that right!!! With a little help we were finally able to win the wine dinner for 8 for the DeTars. I can't wait for the dinner!!! I didn't stay and party or clean up as I had sick kiddos at home, but someone came home hurting early in the morning from drinking a little lot too much! Thankfully it wasn't me and I was able to help nurse him to a full recovery the next day. I can't wait for Sports Night next year and we are hoping the DeTars are able to escape for a few kid free hours.
March 11, 2015
Whistle while I work
Emmeline discovered one of the coolest things about not having your two front teeth is the ability to whistle. It is pretty cute how she will be talking and a whistle just comes out. The kids and I are easily amused, but I think it is so cute. I'm not sure his long it will take her front teeth to come in, but we are going to enjoy the whistles and cuteness in her voice while we can.
It's a....
Girl!!! Emmeline called it a long time ago! We are all so excited for our new niece and cousin. She is beautiful and perfect and I'm so in love! Welcome to the world sweet Ruth Ann. I can't wait to come see you and your big sister.
March 8, 2015
All I want is my...
Two front teeth! This sweet girl loses both her front teeth in one week. She went to bed with a tooth that was twisted all the way sideways and hanging on by a thread. She woke up around midnight from a crazy dream about teeth and realized her tooth fell out. How she didn't swallow it was amazing. I think she is always cute, but how sweet is she with her missing front teeth?!?! I love hearing her talk and need to record her sweet little voice.
March 2, 2015
Somebody is 4!
Tonight I tucked in my sweet 4 year old. There was no denying or hiding that he was turning four. He went up to EVERYONE and toke them "I'm four today and I'm having a fire truck party." My sweet boy was so excited and proud. He had a special day for a special boy. We started out in kindergarten reading to the class, had lunch with some buddies, a super special visit to station #71, and dinner with his best friend Wesley! What a day and what a handful you can be, but what joy you bring to us. You keep us on our toes and have given me several gray hairs - no doubt if you keep up with the fire fighter infatuation I will have a head full of them. We love to see the funny, silly, crazy, and cuddly little boy you have become. I love that you love your mama and are such a mama's boy. We love you to the moon and stars, Jackson Rocco! Happy 4th Birthday!
March 1, 2015
For another hour...
My sweet baby will be 3 for another hour. When he wakes up he will be a big 4 year old! We have some exciting surprises for him tomorrow, but tonight I was happy to cuddle with him, read Big Frank the Firefighter book, say our prayers. It's hard to believe he will be 4 and I feel like 4 is out of the baby stage. He is a big boy and reminds us of that everyday! Oh Jackson I can't wait to see what 4 has in store for you!
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