October 31, 2014
Rancher Jackson
Today was the Harvest Party at preschool. The theme was farm and it was to die for. I think one of my kids need to have a farm party. Jackson decided to not wear his John Deere hat and instead sported a DeTar Livestock hat. He was the perfect mini Uncle Gabe. Between the sheering the sheep, catching the eggs, milking the cow, gathering the pigs, and enjoying a tractor ride, I decided this boy needs a farm. I caught him just chewing away and walking around with hay in his mouth. Where does he get this stuff??? It was a perfect day and so much fun to see him with his preschool friends.
October 24, 2014
Student of the Week
This cutie just finished his reign of "Student of the Week". He was sooo excited and would come home everyday and tell me what special thing he got to do. It was a lot of fun filling out his poster this year and comparing last years. He still loves waffles and pizza, but his new favorite place is Lego Fest and he now wants to design computer games and be an astronaut and his one wish is for a Lego Death Star. Oh my sweet boy, I can't wait to see what you do when you are all grown up.
October 21, 2014
Eatting Us Out of House and Home
I can no longer go to In n Out and order a cheap meal of 3 burgers, 1 grilled cheese, and 1 french fry for our family of 5. The other day I was out getting donations for the famous Harvest Festival Basket ( I feel awful going in asking for donations with out buying something sooo...Thank Krispy Kreme, Baskin Robbins, Jungle Yogurt, In n Out, Stars Bowling Alley, and Brenden the basket looks awesome but I put on 10 pounds.) Getting back to my original post, I took the kids with me for a special dinner/ask for a donation and they each wanted to order their own burger. I went along with it thinking they won't finish it and frightfully they each finished their own and were still hungry. The night before we had steak and I kid you not Emmeline finished her's, part of mine, and her Daddy's. I'm sure she is making Uncle Gabe proud! I am going to dread when I have 3 teenagers in the house all eating. I think we better start saving now just for a food fund for them and fund for a sub zero refrigerator to hold all the food.
October 16, 2014
Torture By White Sauce
Apparently I just found a new form of torture and my daughter is quick to share and tell everyone. Asiago Cheese sauce on pasta with grilled asparagus and roasted chicken is I guess pure torture. Emmeline couldn't believe I made it and thought it was just the world's worst food ever. Who would have thought??? Oh Miss Em, just wait Fall is upon us and the brussels sprouts are about to make a rotation into our menu. I won Daddy over with them and I am determined to get the kids to like them. I think my secret weapon in winning them over just might be for us to grown them.
October 14, 2014
How much is too much???
Well the past few weeks the kids have been pushing me on this in all areas. Having 2 very inquisitive six year olds I am always on my toes. Last week at football the kids did not miss a thing in noticing all the craziness. They were very aware of the players crying, the boys walking out with a framed jersey, a large picture, the 3 news trucks, and the bleachers on the other end of the football field. They kept asking what happened and the answer of one of Daddy's players died wasn't enough. I decided to maybe not sugar coat things and turn this into a lesson. We had a great discussion about guns which my kids have never really seen. They call them blasters and really only imagine them looking like Buzz Lightyear's blaster or from Star Wars. I decided to talk about ways people might use guns to hunt for food or police to protect people. I went into gun safety and if they ever spot one to not touch and tell a grown up. Emmeline got that down as later in the week she spotted the toy red rider bb gun in Daddy's closet. She came right up to me and told me she found a gun.
They were doing so good with all of the it and I was thinking, "Man, I nailed this!" Well, Emmeline couldn't get past the thought that the doctors couldn't save him. She kept asking where he was shot. I finally went ahead and told her that he was shot in the head. I was quickly greeted with a sassy response of - Yikes, Mom that was too much. I didn't need to know that. So apparently I learned my lesson of what was too much.
I am so proud of my husband, my father in law, the coaches, the players, and all the Bulldogs for the way they handled such a tough situation. It has been such a sad experience and one that I hope we never have to deal with again.
They were doing so good with all of the it and I was thinking, "Man, I nailed this!" Well, Emmeline couldn't get past the thought that the doctors couldn't save him. She kept asking where he was shot. I finally went ahead and told her that he was shot in the head. I was quickly greeted with a sassy response of - Yikes, Mom that was too much. I didn't need to know that. So apparently I learned my lesson of what was too much.
I am so proud of my husband, my father in law, the coaches, the players, and all the Bulldogs for the way they handled such a tough situation. It has been such a sad experience and one that I hope we never have to deal with again.
October 13, 2014
Happy Birthday Nonie!!!
Today we got to celebrate one amazing mom and Nonie. The kids were soooo excited and spent the weekend making cards, pictures, and books for her. Emmeline worked so hard on all her projects and my heart just melted as she wrote a book for Nonie. She along with her mommy are so excited for her huge growth in reading and writing - SOOOO PROUD!
Besides all the pictures we decided to get Nonie some new fancy, matching booster seats for her new fancy car. We are still crossing our fingers that she will get her fun, little black and orange mini. How fun would that be??? She needs it!
The kids serenaded Nonie with their rendition of Happy Birthday and we all enjoyed some of Grammy's yummy desserts.
We hope Nonie had the happiest of birthdays! We are so lucky and blessed to be surrounded by some amazing moms who would do anything and everything for us and our kiddos. Nonie, thank you for all the Friday football updates, always finding the coolest black and orange stuff, my Friday football sandwich, the best apple pie, the text messages and photos of my kids doing the cutest things, and for ALWAYS being willing to jump in and help. We love you!
October 9, 2014
My Baby Bump
The conversation on the way to school made me want to cry and then go get a gym membership. Okay, honestly it went like this... First a look of disbelief, then a few tears, then I wanted to head to Krispy Kreme to make me feel better, and then to sign up for a gym membership. So getting back to the exciting conversation in the car - the twins wanted to know when I was having the baby. I quickly corrected them that Aunt Rachel is having a baby in March. They then proceeded to tell me that's not what they asked. They wanted to know about the BABY IN MY TUMMY. Yikes! Unless they know something I dont know, it is time for me to get back into some kind of exercise routine or be like Jennifer Garner and rock my bump with pride.
The kids were heartbroken when I told them for the 100th time there was no baby. They begged and pleated their case for a new sister. They think it would be the best thing - they say that now and I'm sure they would change their tune with the crying and stinky diapers that come along with the baby.
October 7, 2014
Life is Precious
Tonight I write with a heavy heart and so many questions as to why? I know God has a perfect plan, but when life seems to be taken so soon or so fast it is hard to understand. I started the day finding out about a young man who was trying to turn things around was murdered and end the day finding out that my cousin's best friend is battling pancreatic cancer. He has a 18 month old little boy - I break down crying just thinking about what his family must be feeling and dealing with. What can you say to him and how can you comfort him? How angry he must be? How angry I am that there still isn't a cure for cancer. I have said it before, but how can we send a man to the moon, create a pill that has video camera in it, but still no cure?I have no words for what they must be dealing and I will not even pretend to say that I could find the right words to say to them. Yes, I am praying for them. I am sure at this stage they are angry and don't want to hear that. I pray for time - precious time, for peace, for his doctors, his family, his sweet baby boy who can't understand all of this, and comfort. I pray that he can take this time and enjoy his family.
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