August 27, 2014
Back to School Night
Tonight I survived my first back to school night as a parent. It was very weird sitting in the desks instead of being up front talking. I'm so excited for the school year. I think Caden and Emmeline are going to have a great experience. I felt like I was back at home at Mundy after hearing about all the great programs they have going. I may have gone a tad crazy signing up to help with commitees and events and I'm sure my husband is sighing and groining as he reads this, but I'm super excited to have two Alamo Eagles!
August 26, 2014
3 Rounds
I am so glad I was at jiu jitsu tonight to witness the huge smile on this boy. He has been learning a lot, but is still pretty timid with taking boys all the way down and they all weigh a lot more then him. Tonight to win the round he didn't have to take them all the way down. The focus was to be low, fast, and smart to get to the opponents back of the knee and tap it. He won 3 rounds twice. The look on the boys face when they realized Caden won was priceless! The look on Caden's face melted my heart. He was doing so good until they unleashed the beast... Miss Lauren. So proud of him!
The kids and I are getting very excited when we look into our backyard. The walls are up and it is ready for a roof. The kids can not wait to move their stuff in and make the "rules" in their house. Each one of them have been talking about what they want to put in there and what color they want to paint the walls. I'm do excited for all the great memories they are going to make in playhouse and so thankful that my Dad had the energy to take on the project.
August 22, 2014
Chug... Chug... Toot.. Toot
Today they wrapped up the first FULL week of kindergarten. It seems to be going well. Caden greets me in the morning with... What we have to go again??? It is rough being a big kid going 5 days a week. We have only had a few tears that is when Caden didn't get to jump rope longer and the bell rings to line up.
When I picked up the kids today from school the class did a cute little song to go along with their train themed classroom. It was pretty precious.
When I picked up the kids today from school the class did a cute little song to go along with their train themed classroom. It was pretty precious.
August 19, 2014
Kindergarten is not all fun and games. They get right to business. Not even a full week in and they are already bringing home nightly homework. I love how excited the kids are for homework. They have been coming right home and getting their homework folders out and get right to it. They are just like their mommy! It is pretty precious to see them sitting at the table working. I am thinking with the playhouse getting closer to completion that the playroom may turn into a homework and studying area this fall. It still blows me away to think that I have two babies in school!
Happy Birthday Wesley
Tonight we got to celebrate the 3rd birthday of Jackson's best buddy and a little buddy who steals our heart.
Oh Wesley we love watching you grow up! It has been so much fun to see your personality come out along with your confidence! You now come over to Auntie Heather's house and hang out like a big boy! Jackson asks to play with you daily and if he doesn't see you, he talks about you. You two are going to be trouble in the years ahead - I can already see it. We love you buddy and can't wait to see all that this year has in store for you!
August 14, 2014
First Day of Kindergarten
I have to warn you this post is going to be have picture overload and a few tears shed by this mama. The kids woke up super early and were so excited for the big day. It was nice that we were not stressing out running late, but I am hoping tomorrow they decide to sleep past 6 A.M.
Emmeline admitted that she was a little nervous, but the butterflies seemed to quickly fade when she saw her good friend Addyson and her teacher. Caden found the Legos yesterday at orientation and decided that kindergarten is going to be great.
And just like that they were off. The teacher had them say good-bye to us outside. I was a wreck! I wasn't expecting that. I guess I assumed that we would get to go in and see them settled. I'll admit it I stuck around a little bit and watched them get their folders out and hang up backpacks and then it was killing me so I looked through the window and took a picture or two. Thankfully Daddy and Jackson were there to help pull me away.
I was anxious and so excited to pick them up. They came out so excited about school and telling me all about their day. They also proudly showed me their train ticket they earned and all about the little boy who didn't get a train ticket. Wow! Rough first day for that little boy. Let's hope the kids stay motivated to earn their tickets.
It was a fantastic day and they are so excited for day 2!
August 12, 2014
Red Riders
Tonight was the final game for tee-ball. It was a fun and crazy season. I'm thankful that we had a sweet coach and relaxing and fun teammates and parents. There were so many siblings that were younger that we started calling the group "the littles". It was so nice because Jackson loved going and playing with his friends while the twins practiced or played.
The twins learned several things that they loved about playing baseball. One after the games you get snacks and at the end of the season a trophy.
Mommy learned a few things: we will play tee ball in the spring when Daddy can help and don't send the kids to a game without a belt and no striped socks. Who knew???
August 6, 2014
Our Buddy Noah
This summer our kids were blessed to hang out with a great young. We met Noah at VBS and my kids thought he was the coolest kid ever. Noah's parents leave not too far and his grandparents live just around the corner so he would come over almost daily and hang out with my kids. He has so much patience with the kids and does so great with working with Caden. He is an all around great kid who loves The Lord, his family, and the Bulldogs. How can we not love him. We are excited for us to see him on Friday nights, but we sure will miss his daily visits.
A stripe
Caden has been doing jiu jitsu now for a few months. He has made so much progress. He does such a great job sitting and watching the other kids battle one another at the end of class. He sits very still (I think hoping he doesn't draw attention to himself to get picked) and I bite my nails due to nerves. He is doing great, but I still am nervous especially when he goes up against the machine Miss Lauren. She is one tough cookie. Tonight after the battles at belt line up he got called up to get a stripe on his belt. So proud of him!
August 5, 2014
National Night Out
Tonight was the annual National Night Out block party. Once again it was a success and once again I had the child who was running in the street, tripped, and screamed bloody murder...ughhh!!! Despite all of that it was a blast. A few of the hits were the soldiers, police car, and the City Coach. Jackson was heartbroken, but since we could all smell a fire we were guessing they were off working. We love our neighborhood and can't wait for next year!
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