May 31, 2014
Great Start to Summer
We kicked off summer with our preschool friends. I can't believe that I didn't get a picture of all kids sitting out under the stars watching this movie well except two little boys. It looks like they had fun by the amount of popcorn all over the playroom and Jack's bedroom.I was had too much fun talking with all the moms. I'm going to miss seeing all of them. So sad to think of all the kids going in different directions.
May 30, 2014
Driveway Demo
After my crazy day with cars breaking down on me I opted to stay close yo home. We did take a little trip to Nonie and Papa's to see all the excitement at the bottom of the hill. We found big dump trucks, a big bobcat, and super big digger (sorry I should know the name after reading the book nightly to Jack). It was all very exciting and amazing that in 2 weeks they will have a new driveway. I want to be there to see how they do cement on that hill. We are so excited and I'm sure Daddy will be very excited that I no longer will drive too close to the brick retaining wall at the base. I think his knuckles are permanently white from being in the passenger seat.
May 29, 2014
Last day of preschool
May 26, 2014
170 Seastar

The house perfect for outer group. Upstairs the theme of the house was classic beach with the white, tan, and light blues. Everything was Pottery Barn and so clean. Downstairs was our area and it had a large room with pull out beds , bedroom, bathroom, and private outside access, and back patio with hot tub. The theme downstsirs was nautical. It was so nice that the owners have grandchildren that visit the house because it made the place very kid friendly. There were so many beach toys and inside toys and books. And verb with the abundance of tous Jackson always managed to want what Esther. Poor Esther she was probably ready to get away from him. Watching how jealous Jackson was with all of us playing and holding Esther made me rethink #4!!!
After a quick trip to the beach, an awesome chili dinner, and some drinks and popcorn we were all eager to see my Aunt Roberts from Ohio. Since she had been flying all night and it was 2:30 her time, we gave quick hugs and headed to bed.
May 22, 2014
Monkey Bars and Towers
Tonight was Caden and Emmeline's last preschool performance. How can that be??? I'm not going to lie I was tearing up a few times especially at the last song about friends. The moms and I were just talking about how sad it is that so many of them will all split up and go different ways. It will be so fun as the years go by to see if any of them reconnect in high school.
One of my favorite things at the performance is always the program.
This year they drew their favorite thing about preschool. Emmeline drew she going across the monkey bars. I'm so proud of her! She is awesome and has the blisters to prove it.
Caden drew a super tall block tower. Funny that his teachers commented on how awesome he is at stacking ANYTHING!
May 21, 2014
Sunny Days
Today was such a fun and busy day that I am going to have to devote two posts. Let's start with this adorable group with matching shirts from Aunt Tiffani.
It was so exciting being there for Peyton and Wyatt's first Sesame Street Live. And lucky them they got front row seats. Front row really is the only way to go.
The kids had fun at the meet and greet even though it was scaled waaaaayyy back. I think we might just have to send in a comment on that. And to be honest I don't know that the boys noticed - they would have been happy just riding in the car together.
After some playing and coloring we took off to our front row seats. It is so nice that the kids can move around a little, no one is in front of them, and all the characters stop by to see them. It was a great time with great company.
May 20, 2014
Mary Poppins
If you were in our neighbors backyard or ours you might have thought Mary Poppins was coming to visit. I so wish I would have had a video recording their faces or their conversation with me. The kids were all sitting at the dinner table waiting for me to bring dinner in. I'm at the stove and I hear something like this...
Kids: mom, mom, MOOOOOMMMM
Me: what is it?
Kids: you are not going to believe this? The umbrella went flying up in the air.
Me: who left their umbrella outside.
Kids: (in unison) NO THE BIG ONE!
Me: that is crazy!
I then go into the dining room to see 3 faces smashed up against the window. I look outside and it looks different but it still didn't register. I look up and see this.
Amazingly it went up there without breaking a single window or lightbulb. After over an hour and several failed phone calls to the husband if blew dine only breaking one light bulb. What a story the kids have to share.
Beautiful Bluebird
Emmeline has been such a trooper. The past few months she has been practicing at home and then going to ballet twice a week to prepare for her part in Sleeping Beauty. The show is getting close and the practices are getting loooongggg. Bless her little heart she doesn't complain and always asks to stay after she is done to watch the big girls rehearse. This past rehersal she got to try on her costume and she was in heaven. A little glimpse of all of her hard work coming together. I have to say even if they don't dance well, the costumes will be AMAZING!
Best Buds
We have had a super busy week with gymnastics, soccer, jiu jitsu, ballet, Awanas, Mother's Day, and backyard projects. In between all of that we managed to squeeze in some play dates with their best buds. I love how Caden is so sweet with the babies and then loves hanging with the big boys. And then their is Jackson who in the most heart wrenching sincere voice says I'll miss you. It is so sweet!
Tonight was the final night of Cubbies. I am so proud of these two. They did a great job, learned a lot, and memorized an incredible amount of scripture. All that hard work deserved a celebratory I've cream. Come September I will have two Sparkies and Jackson will be a cubby.
Beep Fairy
It is amazing what one will do or give up when they want something bad enough. Jackson heard all about Wesley's new bike and he decided that he wanted a green bike just like Wesley. We decided that this might be the perfect thing for the Pacifier Fairy to bring when she comes to take his pacifier away. We thought he was ready to give it up. He only gets it at bedtime and wasn't using it during the night. So we talked to him and he was sooo excited for the fairy to come. He also added that the fairy shoujd bring him a trampoline. That was a nice try on his part a d his siblings but we had to explain that was a little too big for the fairy.
We are 4 days in and he has only brought up his beep twice. He loves his bike and rides it all over. It is one of the bikes when no peddles. The seat lowers so far down that it is just the right size for him. The twins are having fun cruising around on it. I'm forseeing bike races in the house soon.
May 5, 2014
Watch Out World
His gi arrived today and I don't think he can be any cuter in it?!?! I'm thinking I may be cursing a white gi come a couple of weeks, but fig now seeing him in puts a smile on my face.
May 2, 2014
Mud Day
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