I am still in shock that we broke out the water slide and it is still only April. The kids enjoyed splashing and playing in the water while mommy and daddy did some yard work in the 90 degree weather. I have a feeling it is going to be an unbearable summer.

April 28, 2013
April 22, 2013
T-ball and treatments
Today we started the day with very little sleep. We were up all night with Caden trying to get a handle on his breathing. He was so uncomfortable and was not able to sleep at all. After trying every trick we learned and see him in so much distress I took him into the ER to try some different drugs. Over the past four years I have come to know several medical terms. I now know strider, wheezing, retracting, croup, Albutral, saline, and steroids. After a few hours we headed home and a side effect of the mess are they wire you so despite no sleep he was wide awake and his mama had to stay awake as well.
While I hung out with my boys Daddy took Emmeline to her first t-ball practice. Caden and I were both so sad he missed it. After hearing how great she did perhaps it was a good thing that Emmeline had a week without her brother. Apparently she has it all down and doesn't need us. She told that she has this and to go away. Not sure if we should have a broken heart or be proud of how confident and outgoing she is?
While I hung out with my boys Daddy took Emmeline to her first t-ball practice. Caden and I were both so sad he missed it. After hearing how great she did perhaps it was a good thing that Emmeline had a week without her brother. Apparently she has it all down and doesn't need us. She told that she has this and to go away. Not sure if we should have a broken heart or be proud of how confident and outgoing she is?
April 20, 2013
A bright shade of red
Today I had my most embarrassing parenting moment and it is fitting that it happened to take place at Walmart. Walmart is a place I try and avoid and I especially try to avoid it with the kids. Every time I go, I get a little ego boost and a few lessons in ineffective parenting. Well today I needed a few random things and instead if dragging the kids to a bunch of stores I thought we would hit Walmart. I figured it was still early and it might not be too bad yet. While shopping I agreed that Caden could play with his new DS he got for Easter. The Easter bunny brought him a refurbished one. I thought it would be nice he could work to play with it and while we are shopping it could keep him busy. He was playing around with it and found a new area we the adults didn't know it had. Apparently the DS holds music and the previous owner didn't listen to Raffi or Dr. jean or anything clean. Caden pressed the button and I kid you not the first two words in the song were m$&@*r f&@ker. My eyes were huge and I was panicking trying to figure out how to get it to turn off. I am sure I was bright shade of red. I tried to act calm because I didn't want Caden to get a reaction from hearing those words. So today I was that parent at Walmart. I have never been so embarrassed. I think today I can say will be my last visit to Walmart.
April 19, 2013
Starting the weekend off right
Today was the best way to start the weekend. I raced out of the parking lot at school to only hit traffic - YUCK, but once I hit the mall it cleared up which is weird. Bonus for me. My fabulous husband agreed to watch the 3 kiddos and Wesley so I could get a much needed pedicure with the bestie. We followed it with a yummy pizza instead of the leftovers I had on the menu and all 3 kids in bed by 7:45. It is a perfect start to the weekend.
April 18, 2013
Today was a poopy day in Kindergarten. You know you are going to want a do over when 10 minutes into the day the principal has to come in and physically remove a kindergartener kicking and screaming. Top the day off with a call to the custodian due to plumbing issues and then a call to parents due to plumbing issues that didn't make it in the toilet - I was DONE. Thank goodness for our plug-in scentsy. I know everyone thinks teaching Kindergarten is easy, but I would love for them to spend a day in our room. We really need to write a book. Never a dull moment.
April 15, 2013
Breakout King
Apparently we have an escape artist in the family. Jackson, twice now has been found playing in his closet in the morning without one of us taking him out of his crib. Funny thing is I was just telling someone how none of my kids ever tried to climb out of their cribs. Looks like someone will be going into a bed soon, but not before we set up a video recorder to capture how he is managing his escape.
April 14, 2013
Happy 90th Great Pop
Today we all go together to celebrate Great Pop's 90th birthday. We always seem to luck out on his birthday with beautiful warm weather. It was a treat that Uncle Tom and Aunt Irina flew in from Vegas. Irina and Uncle Tom took some adorable pictures of the kids and some of the family with Pop. I am going to have to figure out a way to get some of them off Facebook and on to here. They also brought the kids some adorable glasses. The kids were not too into wearing the glasses at the party, but Jackson is very fond of them now and loves to wear Emmeline's all around. We were also super lucky to see cousin Meredith's baby bump. It is soooo adorable and we can't wait for next month to hear if it is a boy or girl at the big reveal party! Emmeline loves her Great Pop. He is so sweet, he uses his poker money to buy little things for her. She has a hat that she loves to wear for him and this weekend he gave her a sweet little purple jewelry box. Emmeline was very excited to give Great Pop or as Emmeline says Grape Pop a card she made and a box of fruit snacks. I don't know why she thought he would enjoy those, but she picked them out for him and wrapped them. I think the girl is pretty smart and realized that I never buy them for them, but if she gives them as a gift Pop will share. I am going to have to watch that girl come junior high - she is sneaky.
Happy Birthday to the Amazing Great Pop. We love you so much!
Happy Birthday to the Amazing Great Pop. We love you so much!
April 10, 2013
Fancy Nancy
Today at school was Fancy Day and we in Kindergarten take school spirit days very seriously. We headed over to Goodwill at lunch and found a collection of great old prom dresses and bridesmaid dresses. With dresses in order we headed home later to dig thru our daughter's place jewelry and tiaras. The result was comical. We heard a lot of "WOW." That pretty much sums it up. We were a sight to see. As much as I hate leaving my babies every day, these girls make it so much fun! I love working with these girls.
April 6, 2013
I am not sure of I should worry about Jackson or if this is the result of being number 3. The poor boy carries and hoards all of his toys with him. We couldn't leave the house to go to the store without his Buzz, Woody, green army man, race car, keys, and his sippy cup. And of course they are not the mini ones! The poor boy was a mess. And the same collection of things along with a giant light saber had to be in his bed at nap time.
Later that day the DeTars came over for dinner and Jackson flipped out when Wesley and Caden went for his Woody. You would think with 2 siblings he would be great with sharing. I am very scared of preschool. I think I will be putting him in some busy bees or Mommies Day Out to get ready.
On a side note the kids were winding down and were all 4 in one spot- this is rare! I can't wait for July when there will be 5!
Later that day the DeTars came over for dinner and Jackson flipped out when Wesley and Caden went for his Woody. You would think with 2 siblings he would be great with sharing. I am very scared of preschool. I think I will be putting him in some busy bees or Mommies Day Out to get ready.
On a side note the kids were winding down and were all 4 in one spot- this is rare! I can't wait for July when there will be 5!
April 5, 2013
Going where we have never gone before
So tonight we had a first. Jackson or I should say Caden claims Jackson put his Star Wars figure in the toilet. And of course it wasn't clean water. I will spare you all the photo. After some contemplating by Dad of which tool would work best to rescue the figure, mom came in and saved the day. My tool of choice my hand. It's amazing the things that I can stomach now as a mom. Not sure Caden will ever play with that guy again and hopefully he learned a lesson if he was really the culprit - otherwise it looks like the toilet lock may reappear.
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