Today we started out our morning with a fun hunt for Easter baskets with the kiddos. The Easter bunny loves to be wild and crazy and hide them all over the house. Thank goodness he leaves color coded bunny prints for us to follow. After a crazy morning of hunting baskets and bunny pancakes we headed to church to celebrate. This Sunday was special because it was Easter, but also this week we experienced two miracles. Chris' uncle and a dear friend who led my small group for many years found out they are CANCER FREE. I still get chills! Both wee diagnosed just last year with stage 4 and just last month Lisa's family called for prayer as the doctors said it looked bad and there was nothing they could do. Both Lisa and Uncle Moon had scans and they came back with no cancer in Theron body. Talk about a wonderful couple miracles to celebrate!
We wrapped up the day with dinner and fun at Nonie and Papa's.

March 31, 2013
March 28, 2013
Jedi Mind Tricks
Since the ultrasound where we first learned that Baby A was a boy, Chris has been dreaming about watching Star Wars with his son. I have been fighting allowing it, but today the Jedi mind tricks worked and I caved. The boys were so excited. Ee Even let Jackson stay up to watch the theme song play and then he was off to bed. Emmeline sat with me and watched it. I was schooled in some Star Wars knowledge. Emmeline was not as impressed with Star Wars, but I am sure this is not the last time we watch the light saber, drone classic film.
March 25, 2013
Graduation Day
Today was a special day for my Dad. He graduated from chemo. I have been an emotional mess all day and a huge mess writing this post.
It was so nice to be able go and see what my Dad has been dealing with the past 6 months. The nurses in the Oncology department are truly AMAZING. They are so knowledgeable,caring, funny, and kind. To do what they do every day I guess you need a sense of humor.
My favorite thing about today is that I was able to just sit and visit with my Dad. It seems with 3 kids and working that life moves so fast. There never seems time to just sit. It was nice to sit and just talk about anything and everything. I am do thankful that I got to spend today with my Dad. I am thankful for my amazing mom
for taking such good care of my Dad and all of his friends that have come out to visit him on treatment days. I heard my Dad is now a cribbage player. While we celebrate my Dad's graduation I have to admit I am a little heartbroken that he is graduating with a tumor still inside him. It is in God's hands now.
Happy Graduation Day, Dad!
It was so nice to be able go and see what my Dad has been dealing with the past 6 months. The nurses in the Oncology department are truly AMAZING. They are so knowledgeable,caring, funny, and kind. To do what they do every day I guess you need a sense of humor.
My favorite thing about today is that I was able to just sit and visit with my Dad. It seems with 3 kids and working that life moves so fast. There never seems time to just sit. It was nice to sit and just talk about anything and everything. I am do thankful that I got to spend today with my Dad. I am thankful for my amazing mom
for taking such good care of my Dad and all of his friends that have come out to visit him on treatment days. I heard my Dad is now a cribbage player. While we celebrate my Dad's graduation I have to admit I am a little heartbroken that he is graduating with a tumor still inside him. It is in God's hands now.
Happy Graduation Day, Dad!
March 22, 2013
10 Stay Home Days
After a nasty battle on I 80, I made it home to start SPRING BREAK. It really could not have come at a better time. I has an awful day at work yesterday and I was ready for Friday. I started break with some fun outdoor playtime with kiddos, finished my latest project- painting a desk, a delicious dinner, and some much needed girl time with the Bestie after the kids went down. Here's to 10 productive and relaxing stay home days!
March 18, 2013
Happy Birthday Auntie
Tonight we were lucky enough to celebrate Aunt Elizabeth's birthday with a delicious dinner at Nonies's and Papa's house. I did so good sticking to my 10o day challenge. But I have to confess I fell off the wagon come dessert. I really think I didn't really fall off but according to my husband I did. It was just too hard to resist and it would have been rude to turn down birthday apple pie that Nonie made. My husband is much better he passed. I figure like the challenge says everything in moderation. So I am back tomorrow to organic, close to nature, whole wheat, and no preservatives. I am pretty sure I will be dreaming about the apple pie while I sleep.
March 16, 2013
So I did it, I opened a Twitter account and an Instagram account. I spend the day trying to figure out Twitter and how you move your photos from Instagram to a twitter. I learned about # and is funny that our district and school have embraced and are encouraging Twitter. It is crazy that this is the direction that learning and schools are going. I always said I didn't want to be one of those old teachers who were not willing to change and keep up. So I officially feel old because I needed 6th graders to explain some of this to me on Friday. I think I already messed up my first Tweet, but posted a picture on Instagram. So in honor of my new Twitter account and some quick lessons from 6th graders I will finish my post with some hash tags. #feeling old # can't believe I tweet # old dog learns new trick
March 13, 2013
There are those moments in your life that you never forget and will forever change your life. I still remember the day I found out I was pregnant for the first time. I remember the excitement and nervousness of being responsible for a little baby. I remember the heartbreak of two miscarriages, but after the heartbreak I was blessed with 3 beautiful babies. I can close my eyes and remember every detail of the day they were born. It is the most AMAZING thing. In one look at them your world changes forever. This past weekend I was blessed to see one of my oldest friends from elementary school as a mommy. Her sweet baby girl is precious and it was even more precious to see my friend as a mom. She is a natural and looks amazing for having a 2 month old!
The motherhood moments didn't end. Yesterday morning I got a phone call from Tiffani that her sister Katie was having the baby. Funny story about the call, Tiffani calls the house line - which she never does and tells me she is on the way to the hospital and ready to push. Well Tiffani is also pregnant so I was in a full panic and it took me a minute to realize that it was Katie. Unbelievable that with baby #1 she came early. I was not expecting that phone call for another week - and neither was Tiffani. What a story they have!
Welcome to motherhood Jen and Katie. It is the most exciting, rewarding, hard, and exhausting clubs to join, but getting a snuggle from your baby and hearing yourself being called mommy is all worth it.
The motherhood moments didn't end. Yesterday morning I got a phone call from Tiffani that her sister Katie was having the baby. Funny story about the call, Tiffani calls the house line - which she never does and tells me she is on the way to the hospital and ready to push. Well Tiffani is also pregnant so I was in a full panic and it took me a minute to realize that it was Katie. Unbelievable that with baby #1 she came early. I was not expecting that phone call for another week - and neither was Tiffani. What a story they have!
Welcome to motherhood Jen and Katie. It is the most exciting, rewarding, hard, and exhausting clubs to join, but getting a snuggle from your baby and hearing yourself being called mommy is all worth it.
March 11, 2013
I can do anything for
100 days - right??? Well tomorrow we are starting our 100 day clean eating challenge. We are heading back to Aruba in July and I thought it was time to start getting for the trip. Last time we went to Aruba we prepped for the trip by doing P90X while I loved the results I didn't love how much time it took each day. So I thought I would try doing a better balance of light workouts and clean eating. I am also excited to get the kids back to eating a little better. While the kids eat pretty well and love their fruit, as they got older they discovered the snack aisle. So I cleaned out the pantry this weekend and finished today to get all ready. I have to admit in the pantry I discovered my hidden Pepsi that I keep for those emergency moments. I couldn't let it go to waste so at 9:30 I decided to drink it and partake in my last thing of fruit snacks - and now I will be up all night. Good thing a mommy of 3 always has a long list of things to do.
While I am doing the full challenge of eating only "real food" I am going to have to be a little more leanent for the kids since they are not at our house every day. I have the menu board all set, the pantry stocked, and some freezer meals ready to go. I am ready to do this.
While I am doing the full challenge of eating only "real food" I am going to have to be a little more leanent for the kids since they are not at our house every day. I have the menu board all set, the pantry stocked, and some freezer meals ready to go. I am ready to do this.
March 9, 2013
Soap, Shaving, and Sports Night
What a super busy day. I started out the day making some homemade laundry soap. We do a TON of laundry so after seeing a recipe on the web that would save us some pennies I was all for trying it. I will post the verdict on it and the recipe over at the other blog. If it works as good as it smells I'm going to be in LOVE.
Later today we headed to my parents to visit with my Dad and drop the kiddos off for a sleepover at Nama and Grandpa's. the kids were so excited they haven't stayed since Grandpa has been going thru treatment. They decided that tonight was the perfect night to have the kids help shave Grandpa's head. I think everyone was nervous of their reaction. The kids were not phased. They thought he looked just like their other Papa.
While they were busy playing at Nama's we headed to Vaca High's big event. I love going every year and seeing how much the Alumni and parents supports the school. It makes me wish I was a Bulldog.
Later today we headed to my parents to visit with my Dad and drop the kiddos off for a sleepover at Nama and Grandpa's. the kids were so excited they haven't stayed since Grandpa has been going thru treatment. They decided that tonight was the perfect night to have the kids help shave Grandpa's head. I think everyone was nervous of their reaction. The kids were not phased. They thought he looked just like their other Papa.
While they were busy playing at Nama's we headed to Vaca High's big event. I love going every year and seeing how much the Alumni and parents supports the school. It makes me wish I was a Bulldog.
March 6, 2013
4 AM Wake Up Call
There is nothing like the dreaded phone call in the middle of the night. You wake up cringing and hoping it is a wrong number because nothing good can be coming from a phone call in the middle of the night. Early this morning in a fog I got the call from my Grandma's medic alert necklace. My Grandma had just gotten her system for Christmas and boy am I thankful. She was having extreme chest pain and was unable to get up. It was nice that my aunt and her were able to page the company and they then contacted 911 and us. It was pretty amazing how helpful it was. Grandma was transported and looks like she will be spending a few days at the hospital while they try and figure out a mass in her lung and manage her blood clot. The rush of adrenalin was enough to get me through the day but it is fading and I am embarrassingly going to admit that I am in bed at 7:45. Looking forward to a good nights sleep.
Special Guest
Tonight we had a special little visitor for dinner. Our favorite buddy Wesley came over for a play date and dinner. The kids were so cute and Caden was precious with him. He loves making silly faces at him. I wish I could get in Wesley's head when Caden does that. I am pretty sure Wesley thinks we are all crazy. We ended the evening with a bathtub full of kiddos and a puppet show from Emmeline and Caden.
March 4, 2013
Table for 5
Now that we have a big 2 year old we decided that it was time to be done with the high chair. It is pretty cute to see us all sitting as a family at the table. We put Jackson next to Emmeline hoping that some of her great table manners will rub off. after the first dinner I managed to be rubbing an entire bowl of yogurt off the base boards. It is pretty amazing how far food can splatter. Despite the mess Of having a 2 year and 2 picky 4 year olds I am very excited for many more years of family dinners around our little table.
March 2, 2013
Can you tell me how
my little guy can be turning 2? I am still in wonder of where the last two years went?
We lucked out and had beautiful weather for his party. I know I will not always be so lucky with this beautiful weather for a March birthday. It was so cute to see his buddies all getting so big. They are not babies anymore. They were all busy toddlers. I will blog a ton more about the party over at Teaspoons and Twine. Here are few of my favorite shots from the party.
It was time for me to snap his birthday photo at the time he was born I noticed he had sneaked a cookie off the table. The boy of few words sure is sneaky.
Here is a little recap of Jackson this year:
Jackson has decided that he is going to do things at his own pace. This year he started walking. I was beginning to think he was going to be on my hip until high school. Funny how we stress about things as a Mom. He still is not a fan of talking (we are still looking into having his ears checked). Everyone tells me not to worry that he will talk soon enough and really why does he need to talk with an older brother and sister. Here are a few of his words: Mama, dada, Emmmme (precious - I need to record it), KK (Caden), Care-Care, Bri-Bri, Jack, Uh-Oh, yes, two, cars, cacker(cracker), but his two favorite words are NO and Beep (pacifier). He still is not a fan of meat and is my little vegetarian. He loves yogurt, grilled cheese, blueberries, strawberries, milk, and BREAD. He is for sure his Daddy's boy he loves bread. He loves his Buzz Lightyear and Woody toys most of all. He drags them EVERYWHERE. We have had a few Buzz Lightyear casualties of missing arms - don't worry we have lots of spares. We nicknamed Jackson scavenger. He tends to eat anything he can find all the time. He is our snacker. He doesn't care for dinner and his favorite meal is breakfast. He loves the short movie The Ballad of Nessie and loves his bedtime stories and cuddles with Mommy and Daddy. He is my best sleeper. He loves nap time and sleeps around 12 hours at night. Often we have to go in and check on him in the morning because he is content laying in bed playing with his toys. Poor child it is probably the only peaceful quiet time he gets. He is the best at playing hide and seek. He has given me a heart attack a few times because I couldn't find him and he is not quick to make a noise as a hint. He gives the most genuine hugs and kisses. We love him so much and we can not wait to see what he will get into this next year.
We lucked out and had beautiful weather for his party. I know I will not always be so lucky with this beautiful weather for a March birthday. It was so cute to see his buddies all getting so big. They are not babies anymore. They were all busy toddlers. I will blog a ton more about the party over at Teaspoons and Twine. Here are few of my favorite shots from the party.
Adult Party Favors |
Emmeline at Hooper's Store |
Wesley and Noah checking out Big Bird |
Lizzy Bug and Wesley at Hooper's |
It was time for me to snap his birthday photo at the time he was born I noticed he had sneaked a cookie off the table. The boy of few words sure is sneaky.
Notice the cookie in his hand - our little scavenger! |
Here is a little recap of Jackson this year:
Jackson has decided that he is going to do things at his own pace. This year he started walking. I was beginning to think he was going to be on my hip until high school. Funny how we stress about things as a Mom. He still is not a fan of talking (we are still looking into having his ears checked). Everyone tells me not to worry that he will talk soon enough and really why does he need to talk with an older brother and sister. Here are a few of his words: Mama, dada, Emmmme (precious - I need to record it), KK (Caden), Care-Care, Bri-Bri, Jack, Uh-Oh, yes, two, cars, cacker(cracker), but his two favorite words are NO and Beep (pacifier). He still is not a fan of meat and is my little vegetarian. He loves yogurt, grilled cheese, blueberries, strawberries, milk, and BREAD. He is for sure his Daddy's boy he loves bread. He loves his Buzz Lightyear and Woody toys most of all. He drags them EVERYWHERE. We have had a few Buzz Lightyear casualties of missing arms - don't worry we have lots of spares. We nicknamed Jackson scavenger. He tends to eat anything he can find all the time. He is our snacker. He doesn't care for dinner and his favorite meal is breakfast. He loves the short movie The Ballad of Nessie and loves his bedtime stories and cuddles with Mommy and Daddy. He is my best sleeper. He loves nap time and sleeps around 12 hours at night. Often we have to go in and check on him in the morning because he is content laying in bed playing with his toys. Poor child it is probably the only peaceful quiet time he gets. He is the best at playing hide and seek. He has given me a heart attack a few times because I couldn't find him and he is not quick to make a noise as a hint. He gives the most genuine hugs and kisses. We love him so much and we can not wait to see what he will get into this next year.
Royal Pain
Tonight I finished up Jackson's birthday party favors. I decided to make frosted sugar cookies in the shape of the letter j and number 2. My friend Erin makes the most amazing sugar cookies. They look and taste just like Paneras. She was kind enough to share her recipe. The cookies tasted delish however they definitely did not look at all how I envisioned. The royal frosting/gel was a royal pain. It was running all over. It probably does not help that I was doing it at 10:00 at night. Mental note for next time - pipe a border around edge and then fill in.
Can't believe in a few days my
baby will be two!
Can't believe in a few days my
baby will be two!
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