2013 can not come some enough. We woke up this morning to find out that all the houses around us had been broken into. They were in our side yard but managed to get nothing. For once my husband is probably thankful for our messy garage. Santa used our garage to assemble bikes, power wheels, and several other toys. We haven't had time to clean it which made it not easy to rummage around to steal stuff.
To top off our morning we found out our refinance didn't go through and they need more documents. It is getting insane!
At least we finished our day with dinner with our besties and a fun puppet show from the kids. The kids had so much fun! A big thank you to Aunt Tiffani, Uncle Gabe, and her Dad. We can not wait to hear what the kids come up with next on Stage Santopadre.

December 29, 2012
December 28, 2012
Two Wheelin It
The other day we were four wheeling it and today we were out enjoying the new bikes Santa brought. Emmeline did great catching on. By the end of the day she was turning and heading up and down the block. She was quick to remind us that she didn't fall once. And isn't she so cute in her unicorn helmet?!?! It is something special for sure.
December 27, 2012
I'm a Big Girl Now
Santa happened to bring Emmeline a bright pink with butterflies booster seat. We had a big talk with her today about sitting in it and then we put it in the van. How can it be that she is big enough to use a booster seat? I was really wanting to keep her in a car seat FOREVER but after talking to a police officer and a fire fighter they calmed my nerves and reassured me that it was the right thing. So today she made her first trip in the booster. She did so good following the rules and asking if she could undo her buckle when we parked. So proud of her.
Forts and Four Wheeling
Today the kids enjoyed the some of their new Christmas presents. Daddy built a very cool castle for the kids. Caden and Emmeline are sharing the fort surprisingly well but if you talk to Em it is a castle not a fort. After lunch we headed out for a little four wheeling. Caden caught on quickly and had a little evil look in his eye as he ran up and down the curbs. Emmeline on the other hand will be learning to drive with her father. I am not sure my stomach will handle all the jerks and swerves.
December 26, 2012
The Cobra
We took the kids and my Mom to Six Flags to get our season passes today and it was AWESOME. The park was dead. There were no lines and no crowds. It was nice to let Jackson run around a little and it was nice to get to try out some new rides. Emmeline is our little dare devil and rode the kid roller coaster 4 times in a row. The guy kept letting us ride because no one was in line. After 4 times I had to pull her off. Then she headed on an adult roller coaster - the cobra. Poor Caden was off by an inch. We need to work on some shoe lifts before our trip to Disneyland. I can not wait! I am thinking Emmeline will be ready to ride the Matterhorn and Big Thunder Railroad this year.
December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas! What a magical day it was! I have longed for the Christmas where the kids woke up, walked out to see new bikes next to the tree. It was so exciting and in my excitement I forgot to snap a picture - pretty sure Dad videotaped it. Emmeline was so excited. She said, "it is just what I wanted." Priceless moment. Santa's sleigh was full because he also had a bike for Caden, scooter, and a battery operated race car that Jackson could sit in.
After the excitement of the bikes the kids did my favorite gift. We have a tradition that the first present we open is Baby Jesus. They look for the special box, unwrap him, and then we place him in the manager in our nativity set. This year Emmeline led a special version of Happy Birthday Jesus. It is the sweetest thing.
After that the craziness began. The kids did really well. Emmeline got it this year, Caden and Jackson were both fascinated by their first gifts that they were content to be done. Emmeline thoroughly enjoyed helping them open their other gifts. And last they exchanged the gifts that they went shopping for each other. Caden blew me away. He really put a lot of thought into his gift and was so sweet passing it out. Warms my heart. It was such a wonderful Christmas. I can't imagine how we can ever top this year.
After the excitement of the bikes the kids did my favorite gift. We have a tradition that the first present we open is Baby Jesus. They look for the special box, unwrap him, and then we place him in the manager in our nativity set. This year Emmeline led a special version of Happy Birthday Jesus. It is the sweetest thing.
After that the craziness began. The kids did really well. Emmeline got it this year, Caden and Jackson were both fascinated by their first gifts that they were content to be done. Emmeline thoroughly enjoyed helping them open their other gifts. And last they exchanged the gifts that they went shopping for each other. Caden blew me away. He really put a lot of thought into his gift and was so sweet passing it out. Warms my heart. It was such a wonderful Christmas. I can't imagine how we can ever top this year.
December 24, 2012
Not a Creature is Stirring
It is 9:00 and not a creature is stirring at our house. I am very excited that the kids went down easily. Now I can send Santa a message that he can come early. I should relish the few years we have left of the kids going to bed early before they stay up all night trying to see Santa. Now I am off to finish the cinnamon rolls.
December 23, 2012
I have said it before silence is never good in a house with children. Jackson has a sweet tooth and happened to discover the Christmas candy along with a new hiding spot. He devoured a few pieces of candy and I am pretty sure a few pieces of the foul as well. I think I may be to blame for his sweet tooth. While nursing him I would have the worst cravings for chocolate at all hours of the day and night. Look at the little chocoholic I created.
December 22, 2012
Dear Santa
Today we had the preschool Christmas performance. It was sweet and adorable. What a difference from a year ago. They both did so great and had no stage fright at all. At the end there was a special appearance by Santa himself. My two were quick to get in line and remind them of their list. I always love the lists that the teachers write with the kids. I need to remember to always write down what they want every year. It will be fun look back on it. Looks like this year Santa needs to make room in his sleigh for a new princess bike, robot, and dinosaur.
Emmeline has been into counting everything lately and for some reason her counting is in Spanish.
She has been counting like this
Uno, dos, taco, cuatro... all the way to 10. I need to record her so I can remind her of her counting in high school. No many how many times I correct her she goes right back to saying taco. She is my sweet adorable girl who always is doing something to put a smile on my face.
She has been counting like this
Uno, dos, taco, cuatro... all the way to 10. I need to record her so I can remind her of her counting in high school. No many how many times I correct her she goes right back to saying taco. She is my sweet adorable girl who always is doing something to put a smile on my face.
December 20, 2012
Candy Cane Lane
We lucked out with some beautiful December weather for our annual stroll down Candy Cane Lane. This year most of the Metcho's joined us. We will have to schedule better next year so Brian can come. Emmeline and Caden loved having Madison and Jack over to play before we headed out. Jackson LOVED showing off what a big boy he is around his brother and sister. After filling up on coco and cookies we headed out to see the lights. Em choose to walk with the kids while the boys cruised along in the wagon. We loved seeing all the lights and the foil tree. It was so much fun and we can't wait for next year.
December 17, 2012
Dad update
It is hard for me to write this post. Today Dad found out that the chemo has done nothing. It is heartbreaking. We really had our hopes up that it would help save his lung. The surgeon scheduled his surgery for January 2nd. It will be an all day surgery and will involve a team of surgeons. They have a few plans but won't know much until they get in there. The surgeon says she she likes a challenge. Prayers that she doesn't find anymore spots, that my Dad is strong enough to handle the all day surgery, and that he is strong enough to tackle the recovery. Life will be very different for him come January 3rd. Prayers to fill him with peace and comfort.
December 14, 2012
My heart aches
Monday thru Friday I leave my house to go teach 30 kindergartners. It is chaotic in my house EVERY morning, but I never leave without giving them a hug, kiss, and an I love you. Well if it is Caden it is a hug, kiss, go dogs, high 5, punch knucks, and go dogs. Yes, really that is his good-bye routine and there is no going around it.
Go to work sad to not be with my kids all day, but honored that 30 parents trust me and respect me enough to nurture, mold, and encourage their child. As hard as it is to leave my own kids I have believe they are learning some good lessons in my working.
Today too many moms and dads dropped their kids off at school thinking they would see them in just a few hours. There are no words for what happened today or the pain the parents and first responders are experiencing. My heart just aches. I think of my class of sweet 5 and 6 year olds and still can't wrap my mind around the evil that took place today. I pray for the families, the responders, and for all the innocent children who also survived. Kids are taught that school is a safe place to be. How do those kids handle walking in those doors again?
Tonight I gave my kids an extra hug, snuggle, and kiss tonight. May they always feel my love and feel God's protection and love on them.
Go to work sad to not be with my kids all day, but honored that 30 parents trust me and respect me enough to nurture, mold, and encourage their child. As hard as it is to leave my own kids I have believe they are learning some good lessons in my working.
Today too many moms and dads dropped their kids off at school thinking they would see them in just a few hours. There are no words for what happened today or the pain the parents and first responders are experiencing. My heart just aches. I think of my class of sweet 5 and 6 year olds and still can't wrap my mind around the evil that took place today. I pray for the families, the responders, and for all the innocent children who also survived. Kids are taught that school is a safe place to be. How do those kids handle walking in those doors again?
Tonight I gave my kids an extra hug, snuggle, and kiss tonight. May they always feel my love and feel God's protection and love on them.
December 10, 2012
The Mommies Go Out At Night
When it comes to groceries I have to say I love Winco. I have a thing for the bulk bins - it is so exciting and such a good bargain. I know a lot of you are gasping. There just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to get everything done and it appears that I am not the only mommy who has that issue. Winco at 10 o'clock at night is a hopping place. I saw several other moms who looked like they were worn out from the holiday season that is approaching and several other interesting characters. Winco does not lack in the people watching area. I have learned a couple tips with Winco. First, steer clear on the first and fifteenth and to avoid the lines it is safe to go before 9 in the morning and at 9 at night. There is no line and pretty fabulous. One of these nights I imagine I am due for a fun mommy night out instead of trip to Winco or Target - I do have to say a trip to Target without the kids is a big treat. And eventually things will get easier I will manage to get to bed at a decent hour. Until then I am going to enjoy my late night mommy shopping trips.
December 9, 2012
The cutest little angels
"today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11
Today two of the cutesy little angels helped deliver that message at church. Emmeline has been so cute talking and learning about the Christmas story. When she found out she could help with it at church she was soooo excited. Her brother in the other hand was not bitten by the performing bug. It ended up working out because Emmeline was paired up with her favorite boy, Zeke. I secretly wish I could arrange to marry them off in let's say 30 years.
Today two of the cutesy little angels helped deliver that message at church. Emmeline has been so cute talking and learning about the Christmas story. When she found out she could help with it at church she was soooo excited. Her brother in the other hand was not bitten by the performing bug. It ended up working out because Emmeline was paired up with her favorite boy, Zeke. I secretly wish I could arrange to marry them off in let's say 30 years.
December 8, 2012
A Big Pizza Pie
My little love Caden is rarely interested in food unless it could be found somewhere in Italy. My little Italian would eat pepperoni, salami, pastrami, meatballs, and pizza 7 days a week if i let him. He took his pizza making very seriously tonight. We normally make small individual pizzas, but tonight we opted for a big, thick crust pizza. Despite the odd shape, it was pretty delicious.
December 7, 2012
Party Animals
What a bunch of party animals we are! We had a Christmas party yesterday and two birthday parties today. The twins and I headed to Kids Gone Wild for a super hero party. I feel like I should sent Mathias's mom a thank you note for tiring out my kids. While we were going WILD Daddy and Jackson headed over for Uncle J's birthday. The enjoyed a delicious dinner and Aunt Cory's famous cake pops. It was a fun, but exhausting end of the week.
Happy Birthday Uncle J ~ we hope you have a great birthday!
Happy Birthday Uncle J ~ we hope you have a great birthday!
December 6, 2012
All Aboard
We are huge fans of the book Polar Express and for years we have tried to get tickets to ride the "Polar Express" in Sacramento. We found out that a former student has 4 tickets they are looking to sell. So... It looks like we are all aboard for the Polar Express. I am super excited to dress in our jammies and sip on hot coco. December 16th can not get here soon enough.
December 5, 2012
Prayer time
I need to secretly record the kid's prayers one night. They always put a smile on my face. Tonight Emmeline thanked God for every person in our family not once but twice. She then said thank you for Jesus and Mose and for Grandpa to get better (so proud) and then she followed that up with Santa and Unicorns. Again I was trying not to giggle. Luckily she was getting hungry and ended her prayer. She cracks us up.
December 4, 2012
Where does she get this?
Tonight Chris and I did not have our finest parenting moment. After hearing a loud crash in Emmeline's room we went in to investigate. She came up with an interesting story. We were trying so hard not to laugh and and talk to her about telling the truth and we couldn't contain it any longer. Her new favorite comments are "ackward" and "that's just perfect". She cracks us up.
December 1, 2012
Different Ends of the Spectrum
After a loooong day at the craft fair I was ready to come home and curl up on the couch. That plan doesn't work so well when you have 3 adorable kiddos running up to greet you at the door. After a yummy dinner of sauce and meatballs Dad headed off to football and the kids and I enjoyed Rudolph. After the kids went down I was so excited to get caught up on one of my favorite shows Downton Abbey. The husband thinks it is hysterical that my two favorite shows right now are Sons of Anarchy and a PBS Masterpiece - you really can't get any farther on the spectrum.
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