November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving Recap

I know that I already wrote about Thanksgiving, but this one is one that I don't want to forget for years to come. I think we have all gotten to the point where we have to laugh about things or we are going to lose it.
For Thanksgiving my cousin JD who just graduated was flying in surprise EVERYONE. I was so excited that I was in on it. However things didn't really go according to plan. Dad ended up in the hospital and Grandma wasn't feeling well. The surprise was starting to sizzle, but JD made his entrance at my house and there was not a dry eye in the house. My mom said it is just what she needed and she was right. Later that day we all made our way over to the hospital to visit with Dad and again there was not a dry eye around. JD went in not fully gowned or gloved up so my Dad could somewhat tell who it was. It took him a minute and then the tears were all flowing. It was so nice that my Dad got to see both of his kids and his nephew on the same day.

We were hoping to have Dad home on Saturday to do a Thanksgiving dinner. So Friday night my Mom stayed up late prepping EVERYTHING only to wake up Saturday morning to a broken refrigerator.All of her hard work and prep ended up in the trash. At this point you really have to just laugh. We happened to have a second turkey and we pieced together a dinner. Unfortunately Dad had to stay in the hospital and we soon realized that none of us knew how to carve a turkey. We had probably the saddest looking carved up turkey, but it was delicious. We all said next year we are going to take lessons from Dad.

This Thanksgiving was definitely one for the books. I know that next year will be better. By next year Dad will hopefully have kicked cancer and I will have an almost one year old niece or nephew. We can't wait to meet Baby Crawford.  So exciting!

Dad looking at us still trying to figure out how JD got there. Not a dry eye!

November 27, 2012

The boy and his Buzz

If you have been around Jackson you know he his a boy of few words. He however loves Buzz and it is one of his few words. Tonight he decided to give Buzz a bath. That didn't turn out so well. Poor Buzz has gotten dragged around so much that he know had only one arm and wet insides. Jackson kept yelling for Buzz and I didn't have the heart to throw him away. As I lay in bed I am hearing Buzz Lightyear go off all by himself and in a muffled tone. It looks like Buzz's day has come. Rest in peace Buzz - you were well loved.

November 26, 2012

He's going home!!!

After 6 days of torturing the nurses he gets to go home!!! The miracle drug is working. After just two doses went up and by the second day of shots his number is up enough to go home. I haven't heard if they figured a solution to his pain or not sleeping. He is scheduled for round 2 of chemo to start on Wednesday. We will pray that we get to stay on schedule.
When I have more updates I will keep you all posted. Thanks for the continued prayers.

Bath time

Apparently Jackson was ready for his bath before I was ready. This boy is going to give me gray hair. Tonight I found him playing in the bathtub. It seems like no big thing to climb in a bathtub except for the fact that we have a very deep tub. I couldn't not believe my eyes when I saw him in there playing. We took him out and not 5 minutes later we spotted him doing it again. YIKES!

November 24, 2012

Catch up

Wow, this week has flown by. I has doing so well keeping up with my posts until my week of no work. Our schedule around herevwascall turned upside down. We were busy all week. The week included lots of projects, trips to the hospital, and my first ever Black Friday shopping experience. We enjoyed a fabulous thanksgiving dinner at Nonie and Papa's. Tonight we had Thanksgiving dinner number 2  at GG's house. We were all hoping that Dad would be released from the hospital for dinner. Unfortunately he is going to be in the hospital for awhile.
Now for the Dad update:
Today the doctor came up with a good plan to try and stimulate his white blood cell count. She is trying to get him a shot of medicine they give leukemia patients. Mom surprised him with a laptop to help cheer him up. His counts are continue to be so low that it is going to push back his next round of chemo. Dad is pretty worried he is going to be stuck in isolation for a few more weeks. Asking for prayers for him for comfort and peace. He is struggling to sleep due to pain and some anxiety. Prayers that the doctors can find the right medicine to help build his numbers up so he can come home.
Now that he has a lap top, I am sure he would love to read emails of what you are up to. A quick hello would mean a ton.

November 18, 2012

Thankful day 18

I am probably the worst coaches wife to say this but I am thankful for no coaches meeting tonight. It was nice to enjoy dinner as a family and have dad at home to help with bathes  and bedtime. Yay for having the week off.
I am also thankful for a new store that opened in the outlets. Hartstrings just opened up in between two of my favorite stores. It is a good thing I didn't have Em with me- she would have been in heaven. It was full of all things twirly and girly. I just about died walking around seeing all the cute dresses. I am betting the husband is thankful that I don't have a credit card.

November 17, 2012

Craft Faire and a confession

Today Tiffani and I had a table at a holiday faire. We weren't really sure what to expect, but it was a huge success. We sold out of several items and even have a few orders to fill.

Tonight the Dogs played Folsom. Unfortunately we came up short. I have to confess that two nights ago when I was doing laundry late at night I grabbed the coaching shirt and washed it. I know the coaching shirt that had not been washed in months. I feel AWFUL. It was a good season, but today I am thankful to have my husband back.

November 16, 2012

Thankful day 16

Today I am thankful for a nice glass of red wine. It was LONG week of Kindergarten. We had all together days with 60 kids in the room, parent conferences, and the rain. It was so nice to come home and enjoy a glass of vino.

November 15, 2012

Thankful day 15

Today I had a special treat - I met up with my amazing friend Heather for dinner. It is so hard with our full time jobs and kiddos for us to find time to get together. I am thankful for my good friend that I met in college. I owe a lot to her. She introduced me to the love of my life. If it wasn't for Heather and Mike  I might not be married to Chris.
On a side note I have to share a sweet story:
When I was in high school my dad came home and told me all about this high school boy that he met downtown. He thought he was the GREATEST. He couldn't get over how polite, hardworking, and caring he was. At the time I was dating someone, but my Dad kept dropping hints that he just really liked this kid and wants me to just go down and say hi. Well it turns out that polite and hardworking kid was Chris. How funny that before I even met Chris my dad had me all set up with him. I think that is just so sweet. I love that my dad knew me so well to know that I would fall in love with Chris. It took me a while to find him, but I am glad I was patient and waited for just the right one.

November 14, 2012

Thankful day 14

Today I am thankful for a great housecleaner. What a treat to come home to a clean house. I love walking in the door and smelling the freshly mopped floors. I stand there for a moment take it all in because I know it will probably only last for half a day.

Thankful Day 13

Today I am thankful for our fantastic doctor. The kids LOVE Dr. Walker. We have been really blessed with two great doctors for our kiddos.  We thought it was going to impossible to fill the shoes of Dr. Thomas when we switched to Kaiser, but it was one of those God moments. We meet Dr. Walker and the kids instantly felt comfortable with him. It turns out he is a believer, a good friend of our old doctor, and he has kids that are very similar to ours. Pretty cool. Today Caden got to see Dr. Walker for a quick weight check and he hit the big 3-0.  Yay!!!

November 12, 2012

Thankful Day 12

Today we took the kids to visit one of our favorite veterans Great Pop. With our crazy work schedule and football we have not been able to go visit for a while. The kids had so much fun running around. I think they scared some of the old folks and were medicine for a few others. It was a beautiful day to go visit Pop.
Today I am thankful for all the men and women past and present who have scarified so much for our country. When I first started teaching I remember teaching on the air force base and seeing so many parents have to deploy. It was heart wrenching. Grateful for the men and women who wear the uniform, but also for the families that they leave behind. I have a student this year who's dad is deployed for 6 months.  I can't even imagine.

November 11, 2012

Thankful day 11

Today I am thankful for my bestie Tiffani and her amazing family.
The DeTars came over for some sauce and meatballs tonight. It was perfect fall weather to have sauce simmering on the stove all day. The kids had so much fun chasing, building forts, and learning some fun new tricks like opening the front windows - thanks Uncle Gabe.  I remember all the fun that we had pre kids with just our husbands, but I love our time together now with our families. We don't get together as much as I would like, but when we do we have fun. It is so much fun to see the kids all together. My kiddos love their Aunt Tiffi, Uncle Gabe, and baby Wesley or as Caden says Baby Wes-e-ley ( I need to record it - it's cute).
Thankful for a great friend who will deal with my crazy schedule and will do crafting late at night after I get my kids down and will chat on the phone while I am driving home. I am even more thankful to have such a great friend with an enormous and giving heart. She loves my kids and my family so much.

We love the DeTar family and are so thankful for them.

November 10, 2012

Dad update

Today Dad had to spend the morning and afternoon in the emergency room. It appears his body  was having a hard time dealing with all the steroids. He puffed up and was retaining way too much water. On Friday he had a 14 pound weight gain and it was making it very difficult for him to breath. After a long day in the emergency room, I spoke with him and he sounded much better.
Let's pray for a few easy days so he can build his strength for his next chemo session on Wednesday.

Thankful day 10

Today I am thankful that I get to hang up my husband's coaching shirt and that we will be playing again next week. It was a close one, but the Dogs got it done. Next Saturday we will be facing Folsom. It is going to be awful and crazy around our house this week. I am already projecting very little sleep happening and lots horrible low budget movies being watched in the wee hours. Lets hope that I can write next Saturday that I am thankful for a win against Folsom.

November 9, 2012

Thankful Day 9

Today I am thankful for one of my oldest, dearest friends, Amy. Today is her birthday and I won't even mention how old we are, but it is crazy to think we have been friends for more than 20 years. She still makes me laugh out loud. She is beautiful inside and out and an amazing woman of God. She has such great patience and faith. I look to her for advice on all my twin issues as she is a proud mommy of 4 with boy, girl twins as well.
I am thankful for all of the fun and crazy memories from junior high, high school, college, and now as a grown up. There are too many to write about and too many that can get me in trouble. I will always think of Amy when I drink my favorite 7-eleven slurpee. Oh what trouble we use to get into.
I look forward to many more memories and laughs with my dear friend.

November 8, 2012

Thankful Day 8

Today I am thankful that I get to raise my kids near a lot of family members.  I love that I was able to grow up near so much family. I am so thankful that Chris and I are able to raise our kids near our families. It is a real blessing to have so much family in town. I love that the kids have aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, great grandmas, and even a great grandpa just minutes away. All of them are such an important part of my life and the kids. I am pretty lucky that for my kids to see their Grandma and Grandpa  or Nonie and Papa  we just have to hop in the car and drive down the road instead of hop on an airplane. Feeling very blessed that we have all been able to stay so close together. JD and Rachele will be moving soon to Arizona - I am heartbroken, but I am excited for vacations to Arizona and for Skype dates.

November 7, 2012

Chemo update

A quick update for the Crawford clan.
Dad had his first day of chemo. He spent most of the day there. They loaded him up early with medicine to try avoid the nausea and so far it gas worked. He was pretty miserable after surgery so they are loading him up to avoid a repeat.
The doctor ended up only being able to give him half the dose of the chemo due to his kidney function. He will go back in 8 days for his next "cocktail".
Prayers for an easy and calm next couple days. According to the doctor day 3 is normally the worst. I will post some more updates in a few days.

Thankful day 7

Today I am so thankful for the AMAZING support system that I am surrounded by. I can not imagine raising kids without each and every special person that is in my life. My kids are blessed to have wonderful people watching them, teaching them, and loving them every day. I am a pretty lucky person to be surrounded by such wonderful friends and family.

November 6, 2012

Thankful Day 6

Today I am thankful for the right to vote. It is hard to believe that there was a time when not everyone had that right. On my way to work I heard someone reflect on the fact that many years ago people traveled for days to be able to go vote. It really made me think that it is such an important right that so many people take for granted or ignore. How sad that people feel inconvenienced to drive down the road to go vote. Today I took my two older kids with me to vote. I hope to instill in them early the importance of election day. Happy Election Day!

November 5, 2012

Thankful Day 5

Today I am thankful for a beautiful home that I get to raise my kids in. I am thankful every day for the love, laughter, tears, and chaos that takes place under our roof.
I still remember the craziness that took place when we bought the house. The twins made their very early arrival in the midst of a major house remodel which was half done. Blessed to have such amazing friends and family who helped paint, put in flooring, move furniture, and unpack our stuff while we tended to our babies.

Better Late Than Never

The disappearance of the office has put a tamper on my blogging with pictures. I normally do my blogging late in the evening after the kids are asleep and now my computer is in the room with one of my sweet sleeping Caden. So for now my blogging will have to take place on my phone and randomly when I can sneak in the office to post a picture, I will. 

A few weeks ago we did our annual trip to beautiful Wheatland, to visit Bishop's Pumpkin Farm. I have to admit that a few years ago when the husband suggested we drive an hour and half to go to a pumpkin farm I was skeptical.  Between the zip line, hay rides to the pumpkin field, corn dogs, pig races, petting farm, barn slide, mountain slide, pig races (which are so corny, but the kids get a kick out of), the delish apple pie, and pony rides I was hooked.
Uncle Gabe treated the kids to pony rides. 

Emmeline was in love with her pony

We now go every year with the Great Nana from Yuba City. She loves watching the kids have so much fun on the farm. This year we talked the DeTar's into making the long trek to Wheatland with us. Despite the HUGE crowd the kids had a blast and we lucked out with perfect fall weather. I am looking forward to our trip next year and if I forget hopefully someone will remind me that taking a day off during the week is a must for the visit.

November 4, 2012

Thankful day 4

Today is kind of a funny post, but today I am thankful for caffein and Gram's shortbread cookies. Both were extremely important in helping me power through my report cards today. I am thankful that they are finished and that a 1/3 of the school year is in the books.

Thankful day 3

I am thankful every day for my beautiful kids. I am still in awe that God picked me to be their Mommy. I love them more than they could ever imagine. They challenge me and bring so much joy to my life. Everyday they amaze me with something new. I never knew I could love something as much as I love them. I am thankful for everyday that I get to be their Mommy.

Thankful day 2

Today I am thankful for my AMAZING husband. I love how he provides for his family and loves us. I am thankful that in the same day he can run around coaching a bunch of tough football players and then come home and have a tea party with his little girl. He gives his all to his kids and the sense of love and security he creates is immeasurable.

November 2, 2012

Thankful day 1

I have so much to be thankful for that I thought I would blog about it. I have seen thankful journals on a few other blogs so I thought I would jump on it too.
Day 1
Today I am thankful for my Mom and Dad. I wouldn't be here without them and I certainly wouldn't be the person I am without them. They taught me so many lessons in life especially the value and importance of hard work. I am thankful that they picked up on my brother and I's differnt and unique personalities and helped us develop them and flourish them. They were always and still are always there for us. They knew when we were growing up when they need to be there to hold our hand and when to step back and watch us try from a distance. And what I love is we didn't always make it and it was okay and we learned from it.
Today I am thankful for my Mom and Dad.