Daddy started a new tradition of movie night on Fridays. It is the only weeknight that Dad is home for bedtime so it is a special treat. It is cute, the kids look at the calendar and realize now when it is Friday. The deal is they get to sleep in the office and watch a movie. To avoid fights - Dad picks the movie. About an hour after the movie they normally get moved back to their own beds because they can't stop giggling... I secretly love that sound.
I am already trying to game plan how I am going to handle our new tradition because in 62 days and 20 hours it will be FRIDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL. I have my countdown running and I am anxious to be back out at the stadium.

June 29, 2012
Future Pilot
It seems Caden caught the flying bug. After checking out Uncle Jon's plane he has been very interested in planes. Marine World was the perfect place to help satisfy his new interest in a safe way. He was so excited that he was big enough to fly the plane on his own. Emmeline made a great copilot. Today's ride choices all seemed revolve around things that fly; plane, helicopter, hot air balloon, flying swings. It was a fun, little trip to Marine World. I can't wait to go back next week.
June 27, 2012
Houston We Have A Walker
So Jackson has been on the verge of walking for what seems like FOREVER. He has been holding on to walls, couches, tables, pant legs, and whatever else he could cling to for some time. He would tend to plop down and crawl in an effort to keep up with his brother and sister. Today he took off and just decided he would let go and walk. It is ADORABLE to watch him to the Frankenstein walk. Emmeline and Caden are his biggest cheerleaders and love to see him walk across the room.
June 26, 2012
The Beach
For as long as I can remember Emmeline has looked at our Aruba vacation pictures and begged for us to take her to the beach. Well this summer we couldn't take her to Aruba, but we planned a quick trip to Monterey to visit the aquarium and the beach. She was beyond excited and kept asking the famous " Are we there yet?" question.
After the aquarium we skipped naps to head to the beach. Probably a big mistake since they were up at 5:45 and did not fall back to sleep.
Unfortunately I think we picked high tide. It was a short lived trip.
Day 2: we were determined to make today a better trip. We let Caden wear socks - problem one solved. We brought snacks, but Jackson continued to enjoy sand. And we picked low tide and Emmeline loved it. She was sad it was cold, but had fun digging and building in the sand.
Day 2 pics
After the aquarium we skipped naps to head to the beach. Probably a big mistake since they were up at 5:45 and did not fall back to sleep.
We loaded up our gear walked down the steps of our hotel to the beach. The second Caden's feet hit the sand we knew this was a BAD idea. Caden has huge texture issues and the feeling of sand on his feet did him in. He jumped up on Daddy and wouldn't leave. We managed to plop him down on a blanket with Jackson. Jackson then discovered sand and thought it would be a yummy new treat to eat and throw-Ughhh...
And then there was Emmeline. She was in awe. She couldn't wait to get to the water.
We managed to talk Caden into going down.
There was a sweet moment with Dad
and then....
Unfortunately I think we picked high tide. It was a short lived trip.
Day 2: we were determined to make today a better trip. We let Caden wear socks - problem one solved. We brought snacks, but Jackson continued to enjoy sand. And we picked low tide and Emmeline loved it. She was sad it was cold, but had fun digging and building in the sand.
Day 2 pics
Day 2 a Success!
June 25, 2012
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Well we made it home from our very quick trip to Monterey. It was a whirlwind trip that started with us leaving the house at 5:45 in the morning. The kids did really great. My master plan of them getting in the van and falling back to sleep didn't work so well. After a quick potty break we were back on the road making excellent time to then only be pulled over by the CHP. My husband was really good about it. I was more annoyed with the speed trap coming right off a hill that caught 3 other people while we were pulled over....URGHHH. It was comical trying to explain it to the kids. Emmeline will probably forever be our backstreet driver. The rest of the way she reminded us that the police officer was not happy with us and we were going too fast. YIKES!
We managed to get in a few minutes early to the aquarium before the public thanks to Uncle Steve. He gave us a quick tour and then it was off to meet up with the DeTars and some other friends.
Just when they were getting a little restless we found a great exploring area for the little ones. It was just what Jackson needed.
While the boys were splashing around Emmeline had some fun with Uncle Gabe. He helped her overcome her fear of the wave wall. At first we couldn't get her to go near it and by the end she was laughing and we had to drag her out.
We had a blast and the kids were troopers for being up so early. Next, on our list was the beach. This event deserves its own blog post.
June 21, 2012
Hobby Lobby
Today I went to a crafter's heaven. I was so excited to get in and get shopping that i realize now i forgot to take a photo. Tiffani, Erin, and I tackled a lot of ground and found some great stuff for the summer birthdays that are approaching. But if you are looking to get a jump start on your Christmas crafts, have no fear they were filling the aisles today with green, red, and ornaments galore.
I literally walked up and down every aisle. I could have filled 10 carts. I was on a budget and contained myself. It is probably a good thing there is not a Hobby Lobby near by. I am eagerly awaiting our next trip.
I literally walked up and down every aisle. I could have filled 10 carts. I was on a budget and contained myself. It is probably a good thing there is not a Hobby Lobby near by. I am eagerly awaiting our next trip.
June 20, 2012
Can you tell me how to get...
How to get to Sesame Street Live? This was our third year going to the show and Jackson's first. It gets better every year. Now that we are veterans we have learned a few things.
This year the DeTars came along with us. Wesley and Jackson had a blast at their first show
1. If you are going to go, go big and get front row or aisle seats. We have had front row all three years and it is the BEST. You get to get into the show early for a preshow meet and greet with the charachters and photo op. I also, love that the kids can stand up when they are antsy and they can still see the show. The characters are interactive in the show and run up and down and give high 5's it is pretty cute!
2. Bring in Sneak in snacks and drinks. They sure know how to get you. They have the cotton candy and snow cones guys walking around preshow and during intermission. Luckily, we have managed to curb those splurges with a few lollipops from home and a tub of popcorn.
3. Be prepared with your camera. It is bright and colorful and there are lots of quick shots when the characters decide to run up to your child during the show.
4. Be prepared for few meltdowns when it is over and when you are walking out. They strategically place vendors by the doors. Your child will spot and want every souvenir and $10 balloon on the way out.
This year the DeTars came along with us. Wesley and Jackson had a blast at their first show
We can not wait for next year.
June 19, 2012
I thought I would post a few updates and follow ups to past posts.
1. The stripping worked great. (this cracks me up every time) Who would have known a little bit of blue Dawn, A TON of rinsing, and some sun that they would be good as new?
2. I think we found some food that Caden enjoys. We found he loves sausage, hot dogs, salami, watermelon, strawberries, French fries, chips, and his favorite - OREOS. Doesn't his menu sound delightful...YUCK!
I have even gotten a little creative. The doctor wants him eating high fat ice cream daily. Sounds horrible, right??? Caden is not a huge fan of this so I have started melting ice cream and mixing it into his milk. Pretty Sneaky I thought.
3. Dinner time rules out the window. Now that he have found food he will eat the trick is to keep him at the table. I have abandoned the no television during dinner to letting him watch t.v. and play on the IPad.
It is going to be a painful experience when the boy goes back to a normal diet and rules. I will save that to post football season.
1. The stripping worked great. (this cracks me up every time) Who would have known a little bit of blue Dawn, A TON of rinsing, and some sun that they would be good as new?
2. I think we found some food that Caden enjoys. We found he loves sausage, hot dogs, salami, watermelon, strawberries, French fries, chips, and his favorite - OREOS. Doesn't his menu sound delightful...YUCK!
I have even gotten a little creative. The doctor wants him eating high fat ice cream daily. Sounds horrible, right??? Caden is not a huge fan of this so I have started melting ice cream and mixing it into his milk. Pretty Sneaky I thought.
3. Dinner time rules out the window. Now that he have found food he will eat the trick is to keep him at the table. I have abandoned the no television during dinner to letting him watch t.v. and play on the IPad.
It is going to be a painful experience when the boy goes back to a normal diet and rules. I will save that to post football season.
June 17, 2012
Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day to the BEST
He is one amazing Dad. He does so much for them and sacrifices a lot so I can stay home part time with them. (It is not easy being a football coach and not having ESPN, but he deals with the sacrifice.)
I feel very blessed that I was able to grow up with such a wonderful Dad that encouraged and supported me the way that he did. He taught me the important lessons in life about hard work. He was there to hold my hand when I needed it, but most importantly he taught me to be a strong and independent young lady.
I love that Chris and I were surrounded by such wonderful Dads growing up and now our kids get to spend a ton of time with their Papa's.
Happy Father's Day to my wonderful husband, to our Dads, and Great Pop.
Passengers, Prepare For Take Off
Today the kids had an extra special treat. We were able to meet up with my brother at the Nut Tree Airport to see his airplane. The kids and adults thought it was very cool.
Caden was in LOVE with all the gadgets, dials, knobs, and especially the steering controls. It was pretty fun watching him try to analyze and figure out how if he moved something it made the wings move. I am sure there are much more technical terms and words that my brother could better explain. I will just say it was PRECIOUS.
Emmeline enjoyed the headset and talking it and she was the first brave one to go for a lap around the Tarmac. Of course Caden couldn't have his sister do something and he not, so Uncle Jon took him for a spin. I have to say on his lap I got a tad nervous as they kind of looked like they were really approaching to take off.
It was an extra special treat and next time he flies up I am hoping to go up with him.
June 15, 2012
Today Caden and I went for some pretty big doctors appointments. After meeting with my doctor she kept me on my horrible - I mean keeping me healthy diet. YUCK, but she did say if my labs come back good I can try going off my meds. That is a big positive.
Caden met with his new doctor. The doc put him back on the eat whatever, whenever, ice cream every night diet. Sounds great right?!?! Now if we could just get him to sit long enough to eat. So to wrap up, here is what we have -3 of the 5 family members are on a diet. And of course it is 3 different diets. We have a low protein, a low carb, and a eat junk diet. This should make meal planning fun!
Caden met with his new doctor. The doc put him back on the eat whatever, whenever, ice cream every night diet. Sounds great right?!?! Now if we could just get him to sit long enough to eat. So to wrap up, here is what we have -3 of the 5 family members are on a diet. And of course it is 3 different diets. We have a low protein, a low carb, and a eat junk diet. This should make meal planning fun!
June 13, 2012
Cross one of the list
Tonight we tackled one of our bucket list items and headed to Davis. We met up with our little buddies Noah and Wesley at the Davis Farmers Market. The kids and I LOVED IT. It was so much fun to see all the interesting fruits and veggies. The kids were in love with the kettle corn, lemonade, and the balloon lady who seemed to be everywhere. I was in awe of the wine, flowers, and food. We indulged ourselves with corn dogs for dinner. I know I think we are on day 5 of processed meats for dinner - GROSS, but it was so GOOD. Next week I am back to being a football widow. Looks like I will have to find some other poor soul to help me drag my kids thru the market.
Here is a picture of our cuties. We are minus our buddy Noah, who was with his Mom and Dad.
Here is a picture of our cuties. We are minus our buddy Noah, who was with his Mom and Dad.
June 12, 2012
Today I spent most of the day stripping ( I am sure this post is catching my husband's attention). I should clarify I was stripping cloth diapers. Cloth has been going great, but I started to get that awful knock your socks off ammonia smell in the diapers. After A LOT of washing and rinsing I think they are good as new.
We wrapped up our day with a fun swim and dinner date with the DeTars. The kids had so much fun! Caden was in LOVE with Aunt Tiffi's dessert. How can you go wrong with brownie, chocolate ice cream, and A LOT OF SPRINKLES. After dessert we threw all four kids in the bathtub for a quick bath. It was pretty hysterical watching all four kids in one tub. Thanks DeTars for a great evening!
We wrapped up our day with a fun swim and dinner date with the DeTars. The kids had so much fun! Caden was in LOVE with Aunt Tiffi's dessert. How can you go wrong with brownie, chocolate ice cream, and A LOT OF SPRINKLES. After dessert we threw all four kids in the bathtub for a quick bath. It was pretty hysterical watching all four kids in one tub. Thanks DeTars for a great evening!
There's No Crying Over Spilled Milk
So Little Man continues to cruise everywhere holding on to things. His newest thing is to do laps around the dining room table. He has now reached the height where nothing is safe. It used to be we told the twins to play their games on the "big table" because he can't reach it - not any more. It seems like daily he swiping something, today it happened to be Emmeline's cereal.
June 10, 2012
Mirror, Mirror
Where did my little girl go? It blows my mind how quickly kids really do grow up. It seems like daily a very beautiful and independent little girl is now taking on the tasks I once had to for her. I loved our after bath routine of me brushing her hair. Her new favorite thing is brushing her hair all by herself. She loves to look in the mirror and brush and comb her hair. She now picks out her owns clothes, gets dressed on her own, puts on her shoes, and now her hair. This is going way too fast.
June 9, 2012
Hot Dog
I survived the last week of school. It is always such a busy and emotional week. Even just teaching half the week the week is OVERWHELMING. my poor kids suffered this week. I am pretty sure I will not win any mother of the year awards with how much processed meat they ate in one week. The poor kids had hot dogs to eat at our house. It is rare, but I was craving one. Thursday my parents had the kids stay for dinner so I could finish stuff up at school. My parents didn't know what we had the night before and made them hot dogs. And then tonight we went to a Going Away party for my cousin and wouldn't you know it they were serving burgers and dogs. Yep, pretty sure no awards for me.
Awww... Now that school is done I can relax and get back to cooking dinner.
Oh and here is a comical picture of my troops with my cousin. So proud of him. Last year he got married and this year he is off to Homeland Security Training in Georgia. I am gonna miss him, but I am so proud of him.
Awww... Now that school is done I can relax and get back to cooking dinner.
Oh and here is a comical picture of my troops with my cousin. So proud of him. Last year he got married and this year he is off to Homeland Security Training in Georgia. I am gonna miss him, but I am so proud of him.
June 6, 2012
Hide and Seek
It is hard for me to wrap my mind around how quickly the kids are growing up. Today we ventured down to the park. The Twins think they are big stuff going on the big playground and Jackson is all about exploring. Today he loved crawling in and out of the tunnel and peeking through. Caden was telling me that Jackson was playing hide and seek in the tunnel. To wrap up our fun day we went and visited Daddy and Papa for lunch.
On the countdown front, we are down to 2 days left of work. Summer can not come soon enough.
On the countdown front, we are down to 2 days left of work. Summer can not come soon enough.
June 5, 2012
Diamond Jubilee
I LOVE anything that has to do with the Royals. My fascination started a long time ago when my Mom video taped the Royal Wedding of Diana which I watched over and over. Then I did a grade school report on Princess Diana. I stayed up all night to watch her funeral. Thank to my little man Jackson and his middle of the night feedings I stayed up and watched the Royal Wedding last year of Princess William and Kate. And yes, I still have it on the DVR. And today it was so exciting to get to see all the pomp and ceremony of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. I was thinking today how cool it will be that sometime in my life I will get to see a royal coronation and that my kids will probably be old enough to watch it also.
June 3, 2012
Sleeping In
Today was the first time in 15 months that my hubby and myself managed to sleep in until 8 a.m. Grandma and Grandpa kept all 3 kids over night for the first time. WOW! We forgot what it was like to sleep in. Funny how we now think 8 o'clock is sleeping in.
June 2, 2012
Big Steps
Today we witnessed some big steps. Jackson took 5 steps. I wish I had some video or pictures, but he was too fast for us. He is taking more and more steps, but I think he still prefers to be carried around by his mama ( which I don't mind at all). I am betting my next week he is going to be cruising all over.
To wrap up our exciting day we witnessed a good family friend's son get married. It was wonderful that we were able to witness them taking this very big step. It seems like it was yesterday they were in high school. It was a beautiful ceremony and a stunning reception.
To wrap up our exciting day we witnessed a good family friend's son get married. It was wonderful that we were able to witness them taking this very big step. It seems like it was yesterday they were in high school. It was a beautiful ceremony and a stunning reception.
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